Friday, February 24, 2017

Stolen Educational Documents Not Replaceable For Law School Application Process


To Whom It May Concern:

             I was only able to obtain 1 transcript, and no diplomas-although I waited for responses in Gainesville, FL for a full two months. I was threatened, and attacked, over and over again. Then, no one would help me get to the plane-so I had to take a bus. A car tried to kill me again-while I was walking to the bus stop. My left leg is broken. Then, an African construction worker-threaten to shot me-again, while I was transferring to a second bus. My left leg hurts soo badly-I can hardly walk, and, I have no access to any medical care in the US. No one cares about me here, there is no one for me to call. I have no one in the US-except for my own 3 children. I may have to apply to another law school.

            I am online, and at the airport, and pre-paring to fly to new Zealand. I will have to go straight to a hospital. I cant get any medical care in the US. My leg is soo broken-that it is not funny. Only the bus company helped me get to the airport. Every one else, at the bus stop-ignored me, or tried to steal my legal files. The people who stole my legal documents, from my university and high school studies-knew that they would be next to impossible to replace as originals. I have some scanned copies, and I have one original copy-from my undergraduate studies. I cant even walk around the airport tonight, my left leg-is that severely injured.

         I have examples, from my previous studies-work that I have completed, and turned in. Other students, who apply to a law school programme, they might have, a collection of older homework assignments. Then, I though-well, at least I have more than most. I have the proof, that I do my own homework, and, that I complete my entire homework assignment-which is far more, than many students, in the US, can say.

         Some of my old homework assignments, are posted online: I will do my best, to check into your offices, after my arrival on the 27th of February, 2017. America is soo dangerous-that, I was almost killed again, and-no one in America, cared about me again. My cell phone broke for no reason today-I could not even call anyone, had I even known anyone in my hometown-today. I almost died again. And, who cares again. I hate America.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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