Sunday, February 19, 2017

APUS Complaints Continue: The Lowest Grades Possible and Grades Missing From Week 3 Now


To Whom It May Concern:

                     I continue to receive, the lowest grades possible, for my high quality academic work. It is now week 7, I am not receiving any emails, or any phone calls, about the situation. The professor was changed, to the department head, and she, was not an improvement. I am not dropping out of my academic program, because APUS needs to fire, some of their staff. The grades that I am receiving, and-which are missing, from the 3rd week of class, are soo low, it is as if, I did not complete any assignments at all.

           As per the classroom guidelines, I should be earning a minimum, of 85-per assignment, if I exert any effort at all, and, I do far more than that. Should I fly to West Virginia, to meet with the Dean of the University. I am not willing to accept these low grades-they are not reflective of my hard work, or my valid contributions, to the class, and to the classrooms archived information of new intelligence-that, I personally am collecting. I am a working Intelligence officer-while, at the very same time, I am one of my own intelligence sources.

           Perhaps, that is how we need to resolve this issue-a visit in person from me, to your University offices, in West Virginia. I am having too many problems, in Gainesville, FL, and I am collecting too much valid evidence against domestic terrorists here-to support my statements, for your professors, or for your administrative offices to argue, that my research papers, are reporting false, or shady information. The professor I have now: Nicole Drumhill-is dishonest, and unkind, and she is giving me below average scores, because she does not like, my intelligence reports-not because what I submit, is not written well.

            It will never be helpful to America, to hire professors, who teach US Military, in the field of intelligence-not to report the truth, to their superior officers. I strongly disagree, with: "an intelligence policy of deception," I think that what RAND is teaching, is illegal. However, there is a huge difference, from being an intelligence officer for the US military, who passes out false information-as compared to, an intelligence officer, who reports falsely, to a superior.

      Have you personally, as a university-spoken to the Pentagon, because I applied for a position with them, and I report the truth. Do you think, that the US Pentagon, would feel safer, hiring an intelligence officer, who only reports to them-the false intelligence information, that makes everyone feel soo warm and cuddly-instead of the truth? I would think not!


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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