Thursday, February 16, 2017

Intelligence Officer Applicablity of Codes And Various Data Types: Rough Draft: Due by 11:55pm


Intl 500 Week 7 Forum Group Posting

APUS Intelligence Officer

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Re: “What type of data coding, will you apply, and then utilize, for your final research paper?”

Homework Directions:

         In thinking about your research:

1.      how are you planning to assess your data? 

2.      How might you code your data?

3.      Finally, what additional insight did this week's material help provide that we haven't covered yet?

            –Nicole Drumhill

(Your initial post should be at least 300 words. Please respond to at least 2 other students. Responses should be a minimum of 250 words and include direct questions.)

 –Curtis Brandt

Due Date:

Initial Post Due: Thursday, by, 11:55pm ET and Responses Due: Sunday, by 11:55pm ET

“Data Coding: Choice and Applications: Check: and Match?”

By: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS


Specific data, and Specific Coding Requirements:

        It is necessary, for any collection of data, for the information, to be: stored, and then organized-prior to being analyzed. For specific genres of information, that type of coding utilized, must-in many ways, reflect the type of research study, that has occurred. However, in the rare circumstance, where some sort of organization chart, is not already aggregated-then, the experimenter, is under the obligation-to design a variance and reference chart. The typical features, utilized, to organize, a collection of data:

The standardized elements contain:

1.      Name of the data element (Field code, field name and a shorter variable name); 

2.      Type and format of the data element; 

3.      Harmonized unit,

4.      If applicable; 

5.      Controlled terminology, where needed, and;

6.      Some validation rules. (ESFA 2010, 5)

When I was searching, for various coding methods, to apply to my data, several more popular, and standardized types of “coding,” appeared-from, my:  online, APUS university, library-searches:

1.      SR Code;

2.      Med. Data Collection;

3.      West Key Number Legal Coding;

4.      Library Science Meta Data Dublin Core (DC);

5.      Continuous Collection of Data;

6.      Coding Manuals;

7.      Fast Coding For Film Editing;

8.      Watermark DSA Signature Predictive Coding;

9.      (Not an exhausted list), etc.

This is a brief over-view, and, the information presented, shows, that: there are many different coding data, and organization, and charting possibilities. Although, I am planning to turn in, a final research paper-like everyone else, I, as an intelligence officer-do work, with other forms of record, and collection. Film, and photography, are two of my favorite areas of focus, for intelligence collection, and data. I am aiming for: International Human Rights Court-in Europe, with the information, that I have collected, as an intelligence officer-care to join me?

       “Fast Coding Unit Decision and Mode Selection for Intra-Frame Coding In High Efficiency Video Coding,” from Lai and Tseng, 2016-is focused on coding: photo montage correctly, and pre-coded, so that, when it is loaded into an editing machine, the pictures, are aligned, in to the correct frames (Lai et al. 2016, 215). Pre-aligning photos, in a montage, to be sorted, into the correct frames-when the frames are not a perfect picture match-prevents, a total: “melt-down (Lai et al. 2016, 215)!” I have previous experience, working with: computers, film, photos, and editing (Sony Vegas)-a photo montage. I was required, to submit my final assignment, as part of my first Master’s Degree program (MLIS): “Evolution of My Consciousness: From Slavery To Freedom”-It Is An Autobiography, and much better, than: “Miss Jane Pittman.”

          Attribution, is important to me. I work hard. I write my name on my work. I always work alone, or, I provide the legally required attributions. I have had too many negative academic experiences-with other students-people I have never even met, stealing my academic work. For this reason, when looking for, a final coding topic, to discuss-in this pithy informational research paper, I have chosen to focus, on something known as: “a watermark.”

         A “watermark,” is a seal, and, is reflective, of the original producers: name, and contact information, and other details, that are required, to identify, a; “Creator,” of a give “work-of-art” (Kim et al. 2015, 5189). “For the copyrighting of digital media, a DSA signature is appropriate as a watermarking technique (Kim et al. 2015, 5189).” In the United States, we value artists, and original designs. It is illegal, to: borrow, or to steal, someone else’s academic, or professional work-as one’s own, when, in-fact, you are not the original creator, of the: “work-of-art.”            



European Food Safety Authority. 2010. “Data Collection of

Existing Data on Protected Crop Systems in the European Member States-Coding Manual.” EFSA Journal, 8. 3. :1-81. Accessed February 16, 2017. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2010.1568. Accessed February 16, 2017.

Kim, C., & Yang, C. 2015. “Watermark with DSA signature

using predictive coding.” Multimedia Tools and Applications, 74(14), 5189-5203. doi:

Fast coding unit decision and mode selection for intra-frame coding in high-efficiency video codingLai, Tai Yen, and Tseng, Chao-Feng. 2016. “Fast coding unit

decision and mode selection for intra-frame coding in high-efficiency video coding.” The Institution of Engineering and Technology, vol.10. 3.: 215-221. doi: 10.1049/iet-ipr.2015.0154 Accessed February 16, 2017.

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