Sunday, February 12, 2017

Intelligence Officer: Response To Student In Class: "How Can Quantitative Methods and Research Be Applied In Helpful Way, To THe Intl Terror Situation?"


Intl 500 Week 6 Quote Response To: Steven Todrzak

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

“The aim of quantitative research was to provide an objective method for studying phenomena of scientific interest (Benoit & Holbert 2008) (Lock et al. 2015, S26).”

Re: “Where should America start to deal with International terrorism-while, at the same time, fully benefit, from the application, of quantitative statistics, in an experimental research design, to study the issue further, prior to increasing funding?”


Using the Secondary Data Analysis allows for tapping into large statical (sic.) banks that already has plenty of empirical data to pull from. Taking the context of the PSC theory in combination with the research question, examining criminology data within the United States is not the target but using the Global Terrorism Database to examine trends in violent extremism within the host countries (Morris and Slocum 2012). –Steven Todrzak

         America, has soo many problems at home-that, pulling data, to bother people overseas-is ill advised. Quantitative data, can be interesting, how, it is applied-that, is what makes it useful. Throwing numbers around-with no overall goal, is not helpful. Money is wasted every day, because, someone has an idea, and then-they are funded to quickly, and without enough testing, and evaluation, and then-another 50 million dollars, flies out an American window.

Quantitative research on the other hand is characterized by bigger sample sizes, where the relationships of different variables are measured and tested statistically. This research stream is attributed more toward the positivist notion. (Lock et al. 2015, S26)

       If you chose, to investigate America, and Americans, for domestic terrorism-there would be soo many numbers, from soo many places-that, you would run out of computer, to run all the information:

The demanded resources are almost an exponential function of the bit-width. Therefore, for the multipliers with wider bits, an ordinary computer cannot compete for the simulations. (Chen 2014, 2)

Terrorists control some money in the US, and, they circulate counterfeit bills:

·         If someone, were to follow the actual-“money trail,” where would it lead? and;

·         Would the money trail lead you to the Warren rescue pet: Bank America? and;

·         Would the money trail, lead you to, the coast, and the: “life style of the rich and famous?” and;

·         Would the money trail, lead you to the collection offering bowl, in: the Catholic Church, and the Church of the Illuminauti? Etc.

My best guest, is that a domestic terror cell, that is active, and blowing steam, is spending money, and closer to you-than you are willing to admit.


Chen Guican, Jiantao, XU and Xiaolong, Ma. 2015.

“Research Article Improved Quantization Error Compensation Method for Fixed-Width Booth Multipliers.” Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Accessed February 12, 2017.

Lock, Irina, and Steele, Peter. 2015. “Quantitative content

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