Sunday, February 19, 2017

American Public University System (APUS) My US Military Intelligence Officer University Professor and His Department Head Are Erasing My Submitted Homework Assignments-4 Weeks After Submitted-Are They: Mental 'Shell-Shocked?'"


To Whom It May Concern:

         My instructor is pretending like I did not turn my assignments in. I had a grade. The professor is re-grading me, every week with lower, and lower grades, on assignments-that had higher grades-4 weeks ago. The professor, for Intl 500, both: Curtis Brandt, and the head of the department: Nicole Drumhill, are deleting my assignments, all together.

          The assignment, already had a grade, and was turned in on time, with no real comments, and then 6 weeks later-it is deleted, and there, is no grade at all, as if I never turned anything in. I have been complaining to your offices, for 6 weeks, now, and you are not calling me back. This is not fair to me. The professors are mentally ill or something. Who deletes assignments and erases grades, with no explanation?

            My assignments, are high quality, and submitted completed on time, and now-they are disappearing. I need an "A," for even putting up, with such bizarre, and erratic unprofessional treatment, from adults, who are supposed to be professionals. The university, really must respond to my constant complaints, and assist me.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 352-645-6541

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