Sunday, February 5, 2017

Intelligence Officer In Training: "How Does An Inteligence Officer-Actually Work, In 'The Field?'"


Intl 500 Week 5 Forum Response To: Julia Vasko

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Re: “How do you apply what is learned, in the class room, in a real “field research” and investigative, working environment?”

Singleton & Straights also go one to state that they choose the label “field research” also. They go on to explain that although field researcher’s data typical consists of written, verbal descriptions, that they may also generate data on certain behaviors and events (Singleton & Straights 2010, 354). –Julia Vasko

Working in the field of intelligence-as an intelligence officer, requires a collection of data and evidence. Field research, is required, if you want to be an intelligence officer. It is not possible, to practice, in the field of intelligence-without, collecting information-usually, labelled as: “Intelligence.” Practice, in the field, of intelligence, is arduous work, and, is not for the meek, or for the weary. “Field research contributes valuable findings to many fields; in addition, it’s fun (Wall 2004, 345).”

          A graduate studies class, is intended, for people-who, are already practicing in their field. I am, a practicing international intelligence officer-although, I have not been hired yet. I work, in the field every day. There is a war going on out here. I have to fight, just like a man-to stay safe. I am not allowed to carry, a weapon, because-I am not US military (Not funny). I am in the field, and I am collecting intelligence-anyway. I work. I get the job done. I write well. I collect the evidence myself. I am functional. My data is real. I have soo much data and evidence-that, I cannot possibly submit it all-every week.

           I have to make judgements, about other people, and about the information that I collect. I cannot spend all day: “paranoid,” about who might be offended, by my homework assignments. I have to work, regardless-or, no one will hire me, and, my work, will never be helpful to anyone. I understand, that the RAND community, in Arlington Virginia-is re-training the US intelligence community, at regular seminars-to support an: “intelligence theory of deception,” and-that is not SMART (Boraz et al. 2006, iii). It would never be suitable, for anyone, who would like to survive-in the field of intelligence, to pass on: lies and gossip.


Boraz, Steven, Jones, Seth G., Lipscy, Phillip, and Treverton,

Gregory. 2006. “Toward a Theory of Intelligence: Workshop Report.” Accessed February 5 2017.

Wall, James A. 2006. “The Joys of Field Research.”

International Negotiation, vol. 9.: 345-358. Accessed February 5 2017.

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