Thursday, February 16, 2017

Intelligence Officer Self-Training Pertinent: As Per APUS: "The Fort Hood Incidents-Texas, Etc. Jihadist?"

April 3, 2014

To Whom It Is Concerned:

        My name is Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS. I am self-training myself as an Intelligence Officer. I have several applications pending with US Intelligence agencies. I am writing to your attention today, in regards to the shootings, which recently occurred, where you are located at Fort Hood. At present, I am located in Boulder, CO.

       I have just submitted my application, to attend a joint: JD/MD program, through Wolf School of Law, it is the University of Colorado, located in Boulder, CO. I was also, just recently accepted to a second MA program, an online program, through APUS, and the US Marines, in: Government and Military Intelligence, however, I do not at this time, have money to pay the tuition, to join the classrooms online yet.

      I saw at the beginning of this week, that the FBI were investigating Jihadist, on military bases again, and more specifically, at Fort Hood again.  The discussion was on a Military Group discussion page, through Google plus, online-the social networking site.  I briefly looked over the article that aol news, has posted online regarding the second Fort Hood shooting incident.

        I tried to contribute commentary, online, after have looked over the aol news article posted online, and I was unable to do so. My comments, are not soo controversial, and regardless, there are a number of online news sites, and social networking sites, that have blocked me from posting my commentary, and who will not allow me to social network on their sites at all anymore: aol news, disqus, Twitter (I was Tweeting to my cousins: Prince William, and Prince Harry, to various branches of the US Military, major news groups: LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post, etc., to Nobel Peace Prize Winners: His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and Thich Nat Hanh, and to His Holiness Pope Francis of Vatican City, Italy.), Tumblr, etc.-this is of great concern to me.

       I regards to the most recent shooting at Fort Hood: I have in the recent past, come upon a man, a VA, who told me, what I believed to be, a highly unusual story, about his participation in the Iraq war, however, his story, may be more common, than many people realize:

     I met a man who identified himself as VA. He was retarded. The VA, was also physically handicapped, and mentally ill. The man told me, that he was serving in the Iraq war, when, he was captured by the enemy, then transported to a remote location-to a hospital. At the hospital, which he believed was located somewhere else in the Middle East, a doctor, performed some kind of botched lobotomy on the MIA US soldier. The VA, the former US soldier, referred to the results of the botched lobotomy, that he received as an MIA soldier in some part of the Middle East, as a brain injury.

       After the soldier, was almost dead, and too dysfunctional to d much of anything, and completely mentally ill, he was returned to the US, to a mental hospital in Florida. At the particular mental hospital in Florida-Shands a t Vista, in Gainesville, FL, where the brain damaged VA, was returned to, the staff and psychiatrists at the mental hospital, continue to abuse, and to mistreat the VA, who barely survived a botched lobotomy, in the Middle East. I do not know, where that particular man-the VA, is now. Too often, mental patients, who generally start off as abuse patients, do not live very long, when the are too abused, and too tortured. That particular VA, may have already passed on.

     I am not a mental patient, however, I have been held over and over again, in mental hospitals, at the insistence of my Mother, because of my socio-political views. I have had 2 court rulings in my favor, along with testimony from a psychiatrist, and from a psyche nurse, stating that I do not have a mental illness. I have never had a mental illness, and yet and still, terrorists, have continued to hold me hostage, to treat me with psychotropic medications, that, I do not require now, and, that I have never required-the most recent episode of which, was close to here in Denver, CO, and that was after I had been cleared, even here in Denver, CO, by a psychiatrist here.

      Referring back to the situation, where I met the VA, with a "brain injury": The last time, that my mother, forced me into Shands at Vista Mental Hospital, when, I was not a danger to myself, or other, when I was not suicidal, and when I was not delusional or hallucinating, the psychiatrist insisted that I have an MRI, because I was naturally producing a small amount of breast milk, and, at the same time, not expecting. I went for the MRI, as directed to do so, then, the psychiatrist, who was mistreating me, and giving me risperidone, that I do not require at all, stated that there was an abnormality, with my MRI, right around my pituitary gland, that may require attention.

     I spoke with the general medical doctor, there on the psyche unit, at Shands at Vista, in regards to the recent MRI scans, and he stated, that there were no abnormalities on my digital images at all. Then, the psychiatrist spoke to me, and insisted again, that she believed, there was something, a cyst, right at my pituitary, that may require another MRI scan, and this time with a chemical tracer, so that more attention, can be drawn, to what ever abnormality, may exist.

      The psychiatrist, and the general medical doctor, went back and forth for a while, then, a second MRI, and without my approval was scheduled-which I skipped, then finally, the general medical doctor won out, and I was transferred from Shands at Vista, a mental hospital there, to McClenny State Mental Hospital, where after further evaluation, I was relocated, to a different county, within the State of Florida, far away from my Mother, and discharged from the mental hospital, with no diagnosis, and no recommendation for follow-up care, or, for psychotropic medications-that was almost 3 years ago now.

     Based on my last, and most unfortunate experience at Shands at Vista, mental hospital, in Gainesville, FL, it is of my strictest opinion, that, Americans, are being tortured in mental hospitals, quite possibly, all across the country, and maybe, in various remote locations, all over the world, for being: VA, for having conservative Christian values, for being affiliated with the Republican party, etc., for having pro-American, and anti-terrorist sociopolitical views, and for publically expressing our views freely, and for living our lives, by American, ethical, moral, and more, modes of conduct. When my Mother, used to force me into the mental hospital, all of the time, when I had no mental issues whatsoever, she used to come in and complain to the mental health staff for hours, about the commentary that I was posting on Facebook, and Twitter.

       In conclusion, it is my belief, that the torture, that is occurring, in mental hospitals, in the US, goes beyond what anyone anywhere could argue for, as humane treatment. Not only are anti-Americans, giving our US soldiers, forced lobotomies, in the Middle East, terrorists have also accessed the American medical system, and, I was almost forced to have a lobotomy, at Shands at Vista, in Gainesville, FL, in the Shands Hospital system, by my Mother, and a Crazy person, who was acting as a fraudulent psychiatrist, when in fact, the was no cyst, according to the general medical doctor-there was no cyst at all, on my pituitary gland, and therefore, no reason for me to be considered for neuro surgery.

     Thank you for your time, and for your attention. Individuals who are tortured, and programmed, as you may well know, do not behave appropriately, because of fear from the torture, because of a programming, that they are not intelligent enough to resist. Many of our US soldiers, who are sent over seas, are not reported as MIA, however, they are captured, without Americans having been notified at all, then, they are sent back to the US, abused, and tortured, as a Trojan Horse, to hurt us-We Americans.

Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS


Bayo Cary

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