Thursday, February 16, 2017

Intelligence Officer: UNHCR Query: "Have You Ever Helped Anyone, Anywhere-It Has Never Been Me."


Dear Anastasia,

        Are you really a Russian? Do you ever help anyone? Has anyone anywhere gained from your assistance. I have some of the most: “dire” circumstances, in the US: no friends, no family, no resources, constant torture and abuse, my children are being raped at school, people are making false police reports on me to have me killed, Africans are attacking me in the streets, at hotels, and in the grocery store.

          I am sick and cannot get any medicine, the FBI tell me they refuse to take my complaints-because I am White, the CIA-never respond, my clothing is cut to pieces when I fly and my underwear are stolen, etc. I have nowhere to reach out to, because I am: Republican, and not a Christian, and, I am Asian. Africans hate India-so, I cannot even buy salt at the grocery-it is not just: the constant: police brutality and beatings, that have left me severely disabled physically, and it is not just, the: 7 years of unemployment and homelessness, for the entire Obama Administration.

        I have no rights in the US-not: civil or other whys, I have sole custody, of my 3 children, and my youngest child-who sent me her honest complaint, and photos, is being raped at school, so: University of Florida campus police, wrote a trespass order against me-when I was nowhere near the school-it was either that, or a mental hospital, for complaining about my youngest child being raped all day, and during class time, by other students-and by teachers on campus.

                   The University of Florida police, understood, that the situation-is soo unfair, and illegal, that I wanted to come to school, to rescue her-myself, so, they trespassed me, so nasty blacks, can rape and sexually assault my daughter all day long-while they pretend with the high school-that it is legal, and I, cannot come anywhere near her. I hate everything about America. Myself, and my 3 children, need political asylum desperately, and, we are trying to apply for an immigration status, somewhere instead, because people tell me, America is soo wonderful-why would you ever leave?

Additional information, is posted online-daily, by me-regarding the true state, of the US Union: I get tired of listening to, and looking at: LIES-on TV and Radio, and in the movies, all day and night. There is nothing fun or happy, or enjoyable, about America, and, there are no people who will help you, or opportunities here. My 3 children and I, are being illegally detained, and tortured in the US, and-it has been almost 20 years now, and-it is only getting worse. I hate America.

            I have posted more court evidence, for International HUman Rights Court, to support my above statements, online, to: Flickr. Login to Flickr-then search my name: Bayo Elizabeth Cary, and Bayo Cary. One of my Flickr accounts, was deleted, because Americans are evil, and trying to steal everything from me-to erase court evidence, and, therefore, MI5 issued me, an Email account that they access, at their offices: Thank you for your concern. If you care-please help.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-792-4586

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