Sunday, February 12, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day From Africa: "Was That The Best Ass Rape, That You Have Ever Had?"

APUS Legal Complaint Continued:
            I hate my professors. I work hard. My grades are too low every week. I am failing because I do not support torture. You have hired terrorists, who do not support American values. I submit my homework and the homework button, says re-submit, the second I turn it in. That is illegal.
         I am the best student in the class. I have the lowest grades. I do not want to speak to Drumhill or Brandt, about anything-both people, are too dishonest, to work in America, or to train US soldiers-in anything. They have too much power, and no consciousness, about how they mis-treat, and abuse others. I am American.
         The university abuses me, by supporting Intl terror, that they have hired, who are refusing to issue a fair grade, or even an opportunity, to speak to a different instructor. I am too upset, that you hired those retarded people, when I have been unemployed, and homeless for the entire Obama Administration, because I refuse to prostitute.
       I hate America, for letting all those crazy Obama terrorists, in to my country. Do you feel happy and safe. I cannot even shop at CVS. African try to rape and kill me-everywhere I go, and those ass hole teachers, that you assigned to me, are trying to flunk me, for sharing intelligence, in an intelligence class.
         Raped by an Africa lately? Was that the best butt fuck you ever had? Enjoy Valentines Day. A White man, is as good, as a White man-and every African-including Brandt and Drumhill, wants to tear you a new ass hole. I hate Africans! Email:

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