Sunday, February 5, 2017

Intelligence Officer In Training: My Response To: "Wow a Case Study-That Could Be Interesting."


Intl 500 Week 5 Forum Response To: Eliizabeth Buck

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

RE: “Case-studies, are more than just interesting this week, assignment, for week 5, is case study based, and the data, that is applied-must be qualitative. Some help hints, on how to prepare, in a meaningful way, to accomplish, a long list, of homework assignments, that, are all based, on previous studies-some, as far back, as your undergraduate career.”

"events of which a single case or group of cases to be studied are instances. Thus, the cases in a given study must all be     instances, for example, of only one phenomenon: either deterrence, coercive diplomacy, crisis management, alliance formation, war termination, the (sic.) impact of domestic politics, etc. " (George 2005). –Eliizabeth Buck

           This weeks assignment, was the application, of method, to: case study. The method of choice, for week 5, was a Qualitative method. Although, the other methods, which are mentioned, in this week’s research readings, do provide a minimal amount, of information, on various analysis styles, I think, that it is not soo helpful, to weigh down, with readings, about subject matter-that will not support, the weekly assignment.

         As a graduate student, you should have taken research methods, and intro to statistics, and an undergraduate. Therefore, although, most students, require a refresher, the information in this course, should not be new to you. You need to prepare, for the assignments, in a research class-and you should remember that, from undergraduate studies-and weeks ahead of time:

Intl 500 Week 5 Qualitative Research

Instructions Methods Section of Final Paper Due:

Assignment Instructions

For this assignment you need to submit your research methods section of your paper. You will need to explain how your study was carried out. What research design and methodology did you use?  Your explanation needs to be clear enough that it would allow someone to replicate your study. 

For this research paper you will be carrying out case study research.  You will need to explain the methods used to complete your case study, the sources of your data, and its completeness.  You need to explain how your observations were translated into variables and those variables into concepts.  How did you measure your variables?  You need to explain the case study methods in use and the steps that were taken to complete your study.  Finally discuss any limitations for the study and your effort to correct these. (Brandt 2017, APUS)

The fact, that there are a number of ways, to evaluate, qualitative data, is not relevant, because, the only qualitative data, that you need to consider, for week 5, is what you can most effectively utilize, in the application-to: case studies (Berg et al. 2012, 350-352). You have to narrow your work load down, to something that is manageable, so that, your assignments, can be completed on time-by only you.

          Case studies, can be complicated, and take more than just one week, to pull together. The assignment due for this week, was the entire methodology section, of your final research paper, for this 8week class. It takes-at least 3 or 4 weeks, to collect enough data-and barley enough, to write a reasonable research paper-even as a rough draft, that contains, some significant data and facts. Although, qualitative data, can be more helpful, than quantitative data, because, it can be easier to collect, it still takes some time.

        Part of time management, is figuring out what you need to know ahead of time. When you have a better of idea, of what your final research paper needs to look like, then, you can better prepare, to complete all your homework, on time, and, in the correct ways, as instructed to do so, for class. I think that what you wrote, is regurgitative, and, you presented almost none of your own opinion, and, you made virtually no critical, or thinking statements, regarding what you read.

          If I did not know better, I would say, that you just repeated what you read, and, you did not really process information, about: qualitative stats data, evaluation methods and analysis, or, the ways in which-it can be actively applied, by an intelligence officer, in the field. Your writing, did not demonstrate, an understanding of what you read. Your writing, demonstrates, that you can read-and that is it. At a graduate studies level, you are required to actively experiment, to demonstrate, that you can apply to practice, what you study, in the classroom.


Berg, Bruce L, and Lune, Lune. 2012. Qualitative Research Methods                          

Brandt, Curtis. 2017. “Intl 500: Assignment Week 5: Methods Qualitative

Data Analysis.” APUS Online Website. Accessed February 5, 2017.

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