Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Legal Complaint Against APUS Intelligence Officer In Training: US Military Professor Holds Strong Bias Against American Republicans


Legal Complaint Against APUS Intl 500

Low Grades Not Reflective of Homework Submitted or Effort Required

A Political Objection To My Republican American Perspective

Student 2nd Master’s Degree

American Public University System

Intelligence and Global Security Studies

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

To Whom It May Concern:

        In regards, to my complaints, about my homework receiving low grades, which do not reflect, the high quality, of the work I have been submitting-my professor, is trying to flunk me. The other students, in the class, exert, absolutely no effort at all. I have read their posted assignments. The other students, do not even format, the forum, or paper submissions. I have a 28 % average, in the class-when, I am the only one-that I can see, who is following the directions, submitting original work, and on a timely manner schedule.

         I am not comfortable, with the low grades, that I continue to receive, and, for the superior work-as compared, to the other students in the class-that, I continue to submit. If the other students in the class, were in anyway, submitting academic work-that was in any way, better, than mine-then, perhaps, I could understand, a justification, for the low over-all evaluation, of every: forum, and every assignment, that I submitted. I am extremely dissatisfied, with my professor, and how he continues to de-value, the high quality, of academic assignments, that, I continue to submit on time.

           It is not fair, that the other students-with less work, and not answering the entire assignment, and then-not even bothering to format what they submit-that, they should be receiving higher grades in the class than me. This is not an issue, that can easily resolved, with-just a supervisor's, input. I am a high-quality student. It is apparent that the professor, has some sort of strong personal bias against me. Mr. Curtis Brandt, should not be grading my assignments-he dislikes me too much, without knowing me at all.

            The grades I am receiving, are coming across, as a person vendetta against me, and, not a fair evaluation, of my academic work, as compared, to the other students, who are enrolled along with me-in the class. I need this issue, to be taken up, to the next higher level. I am not at all satisfied, with any of the judgements that I am receiving, for the academic works, that I am submitting.

          I am a Republican, and, if that is the issue-that I support Trump, then, if intelligence training, is that political-I will then need a professor, who is, also, both: White and Republican, to receive a fair review, of my homework submitted. Thank you. I need a prompt reply. The class is almost over. My professor hates my guts, and for no reasons, that I could possibly be aware of. Thank you for your continued attention, regarding the complaint, and matter briefly mentioned above.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Email: mumbaibayo.cary@yandex.com

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