Sunday, February 12, 2017

Intl 500 Quote Response To Megan Smith From Miss. Bayo E. Cary-"Applications of Quantitative Statistics, To My Real Life Scenario."


Intl 500 Quote Response To: Megan Smith

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Re: “Why would Russia consider applying quantitative statistics, to a dynamic hybrid theory-it still falls, within the boundaries, of utilizing a variety of intelligence resources, while, at the same time, providing more meaning, and a clearer explanation-in regards to any military response. How much did it cost you? How many soldiers were killed? How many buildings had to be replaced? How much: time, effort, travel, and suffering in negotiations?”

In the case of the subject of Russian Hybrid Warfare, my study would be descriptive – meaning that only the associations between variables are established. –Megan Smith

“All is fair in love and war!” “Can you put A Number On THAT?

The purpose of numbers, is too keep track, of all the results, from your hard work. I am a strong believer, in ethics, and business. American business, is always supposed to be ethical. Holland, Germany, and Canada think, that-prostitution, is an ethical business-I am American, and I disagree. Quantitative methods, is a way of applying ethics, to numbers. Can you apply ethics, to prostitution-it is a business, in some countries? “. . .discuss quantitative content analysis as established in communication sciences as a method for research in business ethics (Lock et al.  2015, S24).”

        Does that sound ethical to you-starting a prostitution business, when you get married, instead of raising children, in a safe family? For instance, if you were a legal prostitute in Canada, you might want to:

1.      Keep track, of all of your “Johns,” and their names, and numbers and home addresses, and;

2.      How many times a week, you provided each “John,” with a service, and;

3.      How many services you provided, every time you had an encounter, and;

4.      How much you were able to earn, per encounter: .25, .50, .75, 1.00, etc.

Numbers, are something to brag about, in many situations-or, so I have been told:

           In the field, of research, and of numbers, numbers are often used-to apply for US government grants. The more impressive your numbers, when you apply for a government grant-then, it should follow, that with better numbers-the requirements-you, should have better results. Some people understand the importance of numbers, and over-value counting, because of their comprehension-like: Mr. Donald Trump-for instance, he has money. How did Donald Trump make his money? I do not know. Will Donald Trump, hold on to his money-we have to wait, and see. Donald Trump understands-that he needs some money, soo, we elected him President.

“Benefits of Quantitative Statistics and Practical Applications-‘Every day use!’”

            Quantitative statistics-the basis of quantitative methods, allows a researcher, to investigate probability, through extrapolation. Numbers are entered, into a computer program, and then, a probability, can be conjectured, based on the numbers, that are input. If you are making 20.00 dollars per week, and then, the next week you make 30.00, and then for the next 2 years, you make 50.00 dollars, and then, the next check, is only: 16.00-the money, is useless again-you are on Florida food stamp university student program-like me. This is my reality, and my stats, that I can associate, with the uncaring, and unreliable, FL Department, of Children and Families.

           The type of computer stats software, that you use, can improve, the results, from your collective quantitative data. “A novel quantization error (QE) compensation method (Chen 2014, 1):”

. . .proposed in design of high accuracy fixed-width radix-4 Booth multipliers, which will effectively reduce the QE and save the area of multipliers when they are employed in cognitive radio(CR) detector and digital signal processor (DSP). The truncated partial-products of the proposed multipliers are finely divided into three sections: reserved section, adaptive compensation section, and constant compensation section. The QE compensation carries of the multipliers are generated by applying probability estimation based on a shrunken minor truncated section which is a combination of the constant compensation and adaptive compensation. (Chen 2014, 1)

However, the point is, the fancy stats you learned-even if: “Dr. “N.” Drumstick,” gave you-not even a passing failing grade, of: 27%-like me, you, will be able to find the average, of your free food stamp monopoly money-your food stamp card. Because, yesterday, I spoke to woman, with less money than me, and she has 4 little kids, and only works at The Dollar Tree, and she said: “Lucky you, I have 4 kids, no money, and not even 16.00 dollars a month, in food stamps-you must be someone important?” We both-did not laugh.

Numbers Do Not Help Everyone:

         It is difficult, when you work too hard, and people who hate Americans, immigrate to your country, to join the US military, and to flunk you-when they are the one’s, who came to the US, and with no “intelligence”- I never want to fix that problem. I would be dead already, if immigrants could count to two, or, US police, could spell their own name-without the presence, of a constant easy to see name badge, and business cards, as reminders. How many terrorists, did you arrest this week Mr. Officer MP? “Hello, you must be officer: Not-Ever-An American-Or-Friendly.” Thank you, for wearing you heart on your sleeve, US police-at least I know it is not me, you do not care, about anyone.


Chen Guican, Jiantao, XU and Xiaolong, Ma. 2015.

“Research Article Improved Quantization Error Compensation Method for Fixed-Width Booth Multipliers.” Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Accessed February 12, 2017.

Lock, Irina, and Steele, Peter. 2015. “Quantitative content

analysis as a method for business ethics research.” Business Ethics: A European Review, vol. 21. S4: S24-S40. Accessed February 12, 2017.

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