Sunday, February 5, 2017

Rough Draft: Intl 500 Week 5 Intelligence Officer Training: Miss. Bayo E. Cary: Qualitative Research Methods and Analysis: "Twitter as Intelligence Sharing Online 'Live Time' Sharing-Not Possible!"


Intl 500 Week 5 Assignment: Qualitative Methods Section Final Research Paper

Intelligence and Global Security Studies

American Public University System

2nd Master’s Degree Intelligence Officer In Training

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS


Assignment Instructions:

For this assignment (sic.) you need to submit your research methods section of your paper. You will need to explain how your study was carried out. What research design and methodology did you use?  Your explanation needs to be clear enough that it would allow someone to replicate your study. 

For this research paper (sic.) you will be carrying out case study research.  You will need to explain the methods used to complete your case study, the sources of your data, and its completeness.  You need to explain how your observations were translated into variables and those variables into concepts.  How did you measure your variables?  You need to explain the case study methods in use and the steps that were taken to complete your study.  Finally discuss any limitations for the study and your effort to correct these.


Week 5 Assignment: Preparing The Final Research Paper-Qualitative Methods:

“Twitter Supports Domestic and International Terrorism and Is, Therefore, Not A Useful Convey, of Intelligence Information, or, For Information-In General-Including and Not Limited To: Associated Press and Any Other Major Domestic, or International Media Outlets.” –Miss. Bayo E. Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

In his seminal piece entitled, “The Wiki and a Blog: Towards a Complex Adaptive Intelligence Community” (2005), Calvin Andrus identified using wikis and blogs in the United States Intelligence Community (USIC) as a possible solution to their information sharing challenges in a world after the September 11, 2001 (9/11) terrorist attacks. Andrus asserted that intelligence based decision making was moving towards real-time, live environments, and that the “intelligence-decision-implementation cycle”, such as when new security issues emerge in Baghdad and are vetted through decision-makers in Washington, can now be as short as 15 minutes. (Chomik 2011, 95)

I chose to study, an area, within the practice of intelligence-which, is relatively new to the field, and, for a-number-of reasons:

·         new technology;

·         new acceptance and focus of use, of the Internet-as a valid information provider;

·         new training and education, that are required-to take advantage, of the information, that is posted online, etc.

I engaged in, a longitudinal, case study, of: Twitter.

Hypothesis Statement: 

         I hypothesized, that, it would helpful, to the US intelligence community, to utilize an online, social networking website, to quickly relay-valuable intelligence information, from remote difficult to access areas-back to, the intelligence community-both: in the US, and abroad.

Quantitative Statistics Methods and Analysis:


My observations, are based on a longitudinal case stud, and, on my personal experiences, with the online services, that are, and, are many times-not provided, by, the online social networking NASDAQ company: Twitter.


         The large number of times, that Twitter, decides to kick me out, of my own online social networking accounts, and, denies me access, to Twitter online services, for no legal reasons-by, US: laws, rules, and regulations. For an overall all number-I decided to use an average, and generalized number, which is based, on how often, I am forced, to create, a new Twitter account, every day. On average, Twitter kicks me out, of my online Twitter account 4 times, per day, and, the actions, that Twitter is taking against me, are both-political, anti-American, and-illegal.


        I discussed different topics, and, broached various topics, from different angles. I kept my conversations legal, and my tone of voice friendly-enough. I used derogatory language, like the words: Nig**r, and Bit*h. I was not kicked out, for my foul language. I kept track, of the various reasons why, Twitter believed, that my online conversations, should not be permitted. I was kicked out of Twitter, for talking about “highly politicized public issues.” Twitter, literally, acts as an extension, of the: “political de macheniuxea” and illegally edits, and corrects, and severely limits, the American right-to free speech.

Translations of Qualitative Analysis:

       My translations, of qualitative data collected, are, in a narrative format. I include information, about the current state, of US politics, as well, as my reflections, on the new Donald Trump presidency. I discuss some of the ramification, that presently exist, in the US, because too many of our American, business, and government agencies, are still under the rule of the Mr. Obama Administration, and, still-consequently, support: “International Terrorism.” Lastly, I include, pertinent information, from my own experiences, related to my self-training, in the field of international intelligence-activities.

Body of Research Paper:

LIVE is to change the role of the traditional live TV Director to become a future Video Conductor communicating in real-time with his audience. The concept of “video conducting” can be understood in synergy to a modern day operatic performances on screen. To deliver live staging performances, the Conductor must in real-time direct the actors on stage, the orchestra in the pit, and respond to the audience’s mood to ensure a highest possible quality of entertainment. (Gunter 2011, 646)

Initially, I considered utilizing a: “live feed,” to get the information, faster, and more accurately, back to my intelligence contacts, both: in the US, and abroad. However, I ran into a few issues, with considerations, for a “live feed,” that I was not able, to quickly-and-easily overcome. For instance-I had no hands-free camera. I looked online at, and, I was only able-to locate, a hands free listening device. The cameras, came in a few different forms:

·         Traditional digital camera,

·         Camera hidden in a pen,

·         Camera attached to a cell phone,

·         Camera that is tiny-and you can hold in your hands, etc.

I am limited financially, and therefore, I chose to utilize, the camera, that I already have-my cell phone camera. Twitter, offers a: “live feed” option-and, I chose not to try it. I began-several years ago, posting intelligence information online, from: Seattle, WA (2013), to Twitter. When I first began self-training myself, as an International intelligence officer, Twitter seemed useful. In 2013, I began Tweeting, to a-number-of different International intelligence agencies-to establish contacts, and relationships, of mutual trust and interests. I also-at that time, chose to reach out, to several specific individuals, in the International intelligence community, i.e.: Captain Prince Harry (UK Military Intelligence), etc.

        When you apply, for a position, with International intelligence-whether it be in the US, or abroad-you are expected to have a pre-established network, of your own intelligence contacts. When you are hired, as an intelligence agent, you are hired:

·         Because you are qualified for the position;

·         Because you can do the work;

·         Because of how you work, and;

·         Because of who you work with, etc.

I am applying for Intelligence that works Internationally, and therefore, my contacts-cannot be limited to the United States.

US Intelligence “Theory of Deception” Continued:

       The Clinton Presidency, for the US, officially, switched American intelligence theory, to a: “theory of deception.” Clinton, decided to silence the US CIA (Johnson 2003, 20). After 1995, US CIA, were no longer allowed, to honesty discuss, what was occurring, in the US, or abroad (Johnson 2003, 20). Since the Clinton Administration, the US has taken a dangerous downward spiral, and, has never recovered. Our current US Congress, under the direction, of President Trump, is publicly arguing on camera-at: “The Hill,” in favor of a continuance of a: theory of US intelligence-based on “deception,” still.

Failed Rand Theory In Reality:

        To make the designation, more palatable, the US government-officially, calls: “theory of deception,” US theory of intelligence, the: “exceptional people” theory of intelligence-as if being “special” and retarded, has ever been a benefit to any country (Boraz et al. 2006, 11). “American exceptionalism,” was discussed at length, RAND Conferences, held, in: Arlington, VA.

                       Arlington, VA USA-there is a large community, of: “exceptional people,” who specialize in “theory of deception,” and who train others, in the US intelligence community, to act, in the same unconscionable ways (Boraz et al. 2006, 11). News, on Twitter this morning, called President Donald Trump: “mentally ill,” again-just like the: Washington Post. Obama terrorists, call everyone Republican, or White: “mentally ill.” I objected online, and, I do not know how far, my objection will go, with Twitter-also supporting terrorism, and kicking me out, all-of-the-time.

Obama, Africa, and US FBI:

          I called, US FBI, to complain, about African: terrorists, prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, and slave traders-who are threatening me, and trying to kill me, and not just in the US-all over the US and the world. The FBI agent-to whom I spoke, said to me: “I am African, and I am not taking any complaints, from any White women.” Mr. Obama, is black and African, and he hates everyone White, and, that will never be good for America, we are a country, of more than just Africans. The black FBI agents, response to me, also explains, why, I have never been able, to apply for work-although I qualify, with US FBI, or, any other, US Intelligence agency.

                If Democrats, in Washington, DC, force President Donald Trump, into a mental hospital near by-which are staffed by, Mr. Obama’s family, and his homeland tribe from Kenya-America, will never know, and, he has no one to call. Obama hired Africa-everywhere. Trump is President, and cannot call US FBI for help, or to complain-because he is White. In my sincerest opinion, Mr. Trump, is stressed-his job is difficult, and, he is not severely mentally ill. Mental hospitals, are strictly intended, for people, who are too ill to function-so that, they are a danger to self, and or, to other.

               US police, and government, do nothing at all-most of the time, to the mentally ill. No one has ever knocked, on my next-door neighbor’s door, to take hum to a mental hospital, and, he threatens to kill me, several times a day-and, that is when he is being friendly. Mr. Obama, and his terrorist supporters-almost always Democrats, utilize mental hospitals in the US, as torture, and “rape therapy centers,” for the opposition-for: “White Republicans.” Mental hospitals in the US, support a terrorist, political regime, and are established and controlled, by Mr. Obama-AFRICA! New mental hospitals, are popping up, all over America-everyday.

Twitter: Longitudinal Case Study: 


           My research methods section, case study, was implemented as a: “Longitudinal Case Study.” I conducted my longitudinal case study- a study conducted over a-number-of-years, about, only one specific area of research: the sharing of intelligence information, through online social networking websites. In 2013, when I first began, I started with Tweeting military intelligence, to: Captain Prince Harry-where ever he was. It was, soon thereafter, that, I began Tweeting, to other International Intelligence agencies, such as: Interpol, Europol, FBI, and various international governments.

            In 2013, Twitter, had absolutely no reaction, to my Tweets. I sent Tweets, and there were no issues, about what I said in them, or, about who I sent the Tweets to. As the Obama Administration wore on (2014-2016), Twitter became, more-and-more judgmental-as an online, social networking website-regarding, both: the content, of my Tweets, and, who I decided to Tweet to. It is now, 2017, and the new President of America, is Donald Trump, and, I am illegally kicked out of Twitter, a total, of 4 times, per day.

American Online Social Networks Support Terrorism:

         Other, social networking websites: Facebook, Fling, Instagram, Tumblr, WordPress, YouTube, etc., began to kick me out, of my own social networking website pages-on a regular basis-in: 2013-2014. I was online, social networking, and, I was having normal conversations, online-that, pertained to anything political, etc. I informed, all the afore-mentioned, listed above, social networking websites, that their treatment-regarding my public, online posts, was illegal. The reaction, of the above mentioned social networking website, was: distain, and disregard-“So what, you will take us to court-who cares!” Twitter, however, seemed different.

Current Function of Twitter Under Trump Administration:

       I continued, to utilize the services of Twitter. I was under the impression, that-although some US social networking websites-do, obviously support, International terrorism, that-Twitter had made a better choice. YouTube, allows people, to post disgusting and illegal videos: pedophiles, raping babies and teens. However, YouTube, kicked me out, because they did not like my online posts, to various music artists-that, I listen to on a regular basis.

          I honestly love music, and, as a freelance reporter-I am always looking for a story. Therefore, when I was complimenting some of the artists-I also asked a few questions. The questions-were not as offensive, as infants being sexually raped on video-and, they were always political. I stopped posting videos to YouTube, and, continued posting intelligence information, to Twitter. From the year 2013-2017, Twitter has come from: “Mr. Reliable,” to “Not Helpful”-on most occasions.

                   However, two years ago, my situation in the US, became unbearable. I began flying over seas-as an applicant, for political asylum. I have been: unemployed and homeless, for the entire Obama Administration. When the Obama Administration, began, to cut off my food stamps, and my access to: medical care, and all social services-as well, I started begging other countries to accept me-as a new citizen. Twitter, became offended, by my intelligence training, and my need to be safer, in another country, and started kicking me out, for Tweets, which allowed me, to keep in touch-with Intelligence contacts abroad.

             For the past 5 weeks, I have relied, only on Twitter, to share, and communicate intelligence information-from a dangerous, remote area in America-where, my life is in constant danger: Gainesville, FL USA. These are some members, of my International intelligence network, that I have been Tweeting to, on-a-daily-basis:

1.      BBC News;

2.      CNN;

3.      ABS;

4.      The Guardian;

5.      Washington Post;

6.      New York Times;

7.      France 24/7;

8.      CNN;

9.      NBC;

10.  Norway;

11.  UK;

12.  Germany;

13.  Russia;

14.  FBI;

15.  CIA;

16.  India;

17.  China;

18.  Australia;

19.  New Zealand;

20.  Melania Trump;

21.  Obama;

22.  Cory Brooks;

23.  Oprah;

24.  Gwyneth Paltrow;

25.  Paris Hilton;

26.  William Smith;

27.  Beyonce;

28.  Rhianna

29.  Prince Harry, etc.

The men, in the hotel rooms around me, are almost all exclusively: African prostitutes-they checked into the hotel after me, and, are constantly threatening, and harassing me. When I leave the room, to wait for the pizza man-the African men, come out of their hotel rooms, and, threaten to kill me. This, is not funny to me-I was just shot, at: point-blank range, and directly to my heart, in: New Orleans, LA by an African. After Mr. Obama, and 7 years, of: unemployment, and homelessness-I hate everyone African.

           I can barely walk around Gainesville, FL. There are hordes of immigrants in this town. Mr. Obama, invited immigrants, into the US, from: Africa, Israel, Canada, etc. The cars, try to run me over, at every intersection, and, at every drive-way. I had a house here. The, house, and everything in it, were stolen. There is no one to complain to, and, with the new Twitter “Snappy Attitude”-there is nowhere to complain online!

                I am a normal healthy adult, and my children, are less than 10 blocks away-their adults, and I am never allowed to see them. I call the police to complain, and they refuse to respond. I call the FBI, with valid complaints about terrorists, in the US, and the agent tells me, “I refuse to take complaints, from White women.” The Africans harass me, and threaten me, and try to rape and kill me-everywhere I go. Even the grocery store-is not safe.

            The Africans are gay men. The gay men-rape each other, and smoke crack, and bang on my hotel: wall, ceiling, and my AC unit. The men smoke crack that is soo nasty and noxious, that I am: throwing up, spitting cups of mucus, diarrhea, etc.-from the second-hand fumes. I cannot stand the Obama Africans, and they refuse to leave me alone, they should go back to Africa-I sick of them telling me to move. I am American. I have a right to be here. I am not a Mr. Obama goon! Then, the Africans pretend to like me. I keep telling them, to jump into the trash can, and to save me all the extra effort, and work, of having to throw them in there myself. I am not now, nor have I ever been: a prostitute, or a rape victim.

                The gay Africans, in the adjoining room next to me-are always too loud. They get on their America cell phones, and call Twitter employees, and, say something, to have me kicked out of Twitter-for complaining about them. It is not legal, for Twitter, to kick me out of my accounts, because African terrorists, are not comfortable, with my honest Tweets, to my International Intelligence contacts-about their inappropriate, and illegal activities, at US hotels. Twitter, supports terrorism-every time, like all the other online social networking websites-from the US, with their headquarters located, on the West Coast of America-they kick me out, for no legal reasons.

          Online, social networking, websites, like Facebook, argue-that, they are above US law, like the court in Seattle, Washington-that is arguing against Trump’s Immigration reform. The West Coast, is full of terrorists-and they pretend, that they are a separate country. My visit to the West Coast, of the US-in 2013, was on a horrific experience, for me-nothing American applies there-not even: “Miranda Rights.”

                The gay men, who live in the next room over-here at the: Knights Inn Hotel, on 13th Street, in Gainesville, FL 32609, are soo loud-that, I can hear their conversations, through the adjoining door, between our rooms (locked and barricaded). I can hear the men attacking each other at their anal rape drug parties. It is illegal, to rape, in the US-even if the couple is gay. Both men, in a gay relationship, in the US, have the legal right, to say, “I have a head ache tonight.” I found Twitter to be unusually insensitive, to civil and human rights violations, in the US, and particularly, to human rights violations, against gay men, and, that makes me uncomfortable.

Evaluation Qualitative Methods In Action:

           To test, and to evaluate, why Twitter, was kicking me out-every time, I logged back into a new Twitter account, and, I tried to talk about an issue-in a different way, or, to talk about a different issue. I broached a variety of topics. Any time, the gay men-the African terrorists, in the next room over at the hotel, were offended by my Tweets-they called Twitter, and I was kicked out. Twitter, was offended, by anything I posted, that expressed negative thoughts or feelings towards:

·         Gay rape;

·         Anal rape;

·         Forced sex;

·         Forced gay marriage;

·         planned killings;

·         drug abuse;

·         drug production;

·         drug usage;

·         Crack;

·         Crack smoke;

·         Crack abuse;

·         Prostitutes/prostitution, etc.

Twitter, also opposed, my tweets, to: FBI, CIA, and other intelligence networks-which are international, and, that I have been: calling, faxing, emailing, visiting, submitting information forms-online, to-for years now. Twitter kicks me out, whenever the gay men, want to try to kill me, as well. “Kick her out now, so we can break into her hotel room, through the adjoining door, and then, she will have no way to tell any of her family or friends!” US online social networking, websites-support terrorism, and, are therefore, a liability-I am going to sue.


           I do not think, that it is possible, to utilize, a: pre-established, social networking websites, to communicate intelligence information-from remote and difficult to reach places, by “live feed,” or even in photos, in “montage.” I have to, re-log into Twitter, four, and five times a day now. The gay African terrorists-the next-door neighbors, that I never wanted, are trying to kill me-everywhere I go in the US, and, they have followed me overseas-as well: “there goes the neighborhood.”

            A man who tried to rape and kill me, in Martinique, France, told me-that, he was an assassin sent, from America, by the Mr. Obama Administration. I think Mr. Obama, stepped down from the US presidency, and, that he controls the African diaspora, like a puppet master-now. I hate everything African. I am applying for immigration, to New Zealand, and for an international legal studies program there. There are almost no Africans, in New Zealand-soo, it should be fine and fun, unless, Africans, are trying to fly and arrive there, to the immigration office-before me.


Boraz, Steven, Jones, Seth G., Phillip Lipscy, Treverton, Gregory F. 2006. “Toward a Theory of Intelligence: Workshop Report.” RAND Corporation. Accessed February 5, 2017.

Chomik, Andrew. 2011. “Making Friends in Dark Shadows: An Examination of the Use of Social Computing Strategy Within the United States Intelligence Community Since 9/1.” Global Media Journal -- Canadian Edition, vol. 4. 2.: 95-113. Accessed February 5, 2017.

Güntner, Georg, Horstmann, Heike, Jiang, Jianmin, Köhler, Joachim, Löffler, Jobst, Ren, Jinchang, Weng, Ying, Williams, Carmen Mac, and Zaletelj, Janez. 2011. “LIVE: An Integrated Production and Feedback System for Intelligent and Interactive TV Broadcasting.” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BROADCASTING, vol. 57. 3.: 646-661. Accessed February 5, 2017.

Johnson, Loch. 2003. “Bricks and Mortar for a Theory of Intelligence.” Comparative Strategy, vol. 22. 1.: 1-28. Accessed February 5, 2017.

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