Thursday, February 9, 2017

APUS: Intelliegence Officer In Training: "Mr. Curtis Brandt, Intl: 500 Instructor, Not Qualified, To Work In US, He Refuses To Affirm, American Values!"


Legal Complaint Against: APUS Intl 500 Continued-Specifically Instructor: Curtis Brandt

RE: Curtis Brandt unqualified, to work at a US military university: APUS, as an instructor, of staff at all, because, he refuses to affirm, American values.

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Student: Class Intl 500: Research: Intelligence Officer In Training: APUS

2nd Master’s Degree: APUS: Intelligence and Global Security Studies Department

To Whom It May Concern:

     The grades, that I am receiving in class, are ridiculous-even compared, to what is stated, in the class rubric. The grading scale, that has been provided by the instructor, states, that students will receive, at least an 85%-if the assignments, are even completed correctly-if, there is not enough response, in the answers, or, if not at least 2 references, and outside citations, are not sited. I respond, to far more, than, just two other students a week. I utilize, at least 2 sufficient resources, to bolster the facts in my intelligence, response.

          The others students in class, oft times, do not: format, or use two reference resources, or, use a formal prose format-i.e.: paragraphs, or, respond, in a meaningful way, and, others students, even respond sometimes, with less than: 250 words, and, their grades, are still higher than mine, because, they are not writing about anything at all. The class, is a research intelligence class, and, what is learned, needs to be demonstrated, as an application-because, it is a graduate level class.

        I have found my responses, to be far superior-from the other students, who are, barely contributing, to any conversations at all-online, and in the classroom, is what I am referring to of course. I have no ideas, what the others students are talking about-in their private free time, and, in their own friend’s networks, in various social, and online line, social networking websites. My honest reaction, to: Mr. Curtis Brandt, is that, he is not an intelligence professional. The man offers nothing, of meaning to the class, in his response, to other students. Mr. Brandt, is grading me-without even reading my assignments.

            Really-you read that, Mr. Cutis Brandt, and did not even bother to respond, to what I contributed? The man, says that he is an intelligence officer, I have researched, the US APUS intelligence Officer researcher instructor, for Intl 500, and, I have found, that there is no: "intelligence," there at all. If you, as the appeals board, have come to a different conclusion-after your investigation, of: Mr. Curtis Brandt, then-you need to prove it to me, and in court.

        Mr. Curtis Brandt, complains about any information I submit-even my race, and, he gives me, a lower grade, by approximately 20%, every week, without ever reading, anything that I am submitting. Do you, think that is intelligent? It is not fair to me, or to any other US military students, at: APUS, that you have hired: Mr. Curtis Brandt, to teach anything. Mr. Brandt, does not want anyone, to share any intelligence, in the classroom, and through the class at all, he only gives you a passing grade in class-if you say, almost nothing at all. The class, is not a reflection, of America, or of American values.

           The grades that Mr. Curtis Brandt, continues to issue for me, are based on his own: prejudices, and pathologies, and, are not a reflection, of my academic performance, and, that is never fair, to any student, anywhere. I need a response, from APUS-that is honest, and meaningful. I sent emails. I left telephone messages. I have been asking for your administrative assistance, for 4 weeks, now, and, I have as of yet-to receive a fair response. I am not dropping out of my program, because APUS, wants to pretend, that Mr. Curtis Brandt, is qualified to teach-anything, that, is not fair to me, or, to the others students.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-792-4586 

Please leave me a professional message, regarding the issues stated above. I get hounded every day, by crazy terrorists-do not let that be you-APUS! Thank you, for your time, and continued attention. I will look, for your prompt reply.

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