Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Denied Entry To New Zealand-For Illegal Reasons-Applications To Law School In New Zealand Blocked By: New Zealand Immigration!


To: Fat Cat Hostel New Zealand

            Thank you for your concerned email. I did book for 7 nights. I flew almost 20 hours, to reach New Zealand. After numerous communications, with New Zealand immigration, and several law schools-who were inviting me to complete my LLB applications, for legal studies, I was under the impression, that my time in New Zealand-would be productive. American Airlines, held me over night, in the US LA, CA International airport, where I sat with a broken left leg, and I was attacked there-by other travelers, and the very same injured left leg.

          When I arrived-at long last in New Zealand-the immigration officer, that I met-was not the one, I had been emailing. There was a prolonged search of all of my belongings. After I thoroughly, explained my intentions, and my previous communications to New Zealand, regarding my law school application-I was denied entry to New Zealand. I did bring enough money to cover my immediate expenses, for the full 7 days-that I would have been a visitor.

         The immigration officer hated me-for unknown reasons, and ran my broken ankle, on my broken leg left leg-directly into a wall, while I sat helpless in a wheelchair, and then laughed, and bragged in front of me-to the entire immigration office, at the airport-about how she had soo severely mis-treated me. The very same immigration officer, incorrectly explained to me-that, in order to apply for attendance, at law school-for a 2018 matriculation, that I should have arrived with: 50,000.00 USD, in my back pocket. She explained to me, that she thought my intention to apply for LLB programmes in New Zealand was too dishonest, because, I did not bring enough money with me-to cover next years tuition expenses-were I accepted to study law in New Zealand-next year.

       New Zealand, was an awful experience. I then explained to the immigration officer, that I had been run over by a car-an attempt on my life on the way to the bus-to the airport, in the US, and that I do not have access to healthcare here. The immigration officer became flustered, and called for EMT's, instead of sending me to a hospital for x-rays. Additionally, the immigration officer, said that what I had explained to her, was soo unusual-that, she thought that I required a mental health check from a police officer as well.

         There were no indications to the immigration officer, and nothing to share-in regards to poor mental health. The immigration officer, simply hated me, and was not willing to listen to how bad, my situation in the US is. I tried to give the immigration officer, a flash-drive, with a copy of some evidence, to support my arguments, and complaints-for International Human Rights Court. I also gave a flash-drive, to the kind EMT's who briefly spoke to me. The immigration, officer returned the digital information, and said that she was not at all interested, in what my circumstances in the US-are.

           However, and thankfully, the EMT, to whom I did briefly speak, agreed, that they should view some of the files, on the flash-drive-International court evidence. I am back in the US-in one day. I am in too much pain. I have no access to medical care in the US, and therefore, I am making arrangements, to fly off to yet another country-where, I do sincerely hope, that there will be, some kind people, who will be willing to help me? Thank you for continuing to receive my email communications.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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