Wednesday, February 15, 2017

US Police Support Pedophilia, Gainesville, FL Alachua County, FL Sheriff's Department


Re: US Police Support Pedophilia, Gainesville, FL

Example-Alachua County Sheriff’s Department

To Whom It May Concerns:

          The instructor, continues to ignore, my requests for assistance, and response. I left my telephone number-earlier this week, and received 1 call back. I tried to follow up, and was unable, to do so. Then, I received the number, to the appeals department, and, no one ever returned my call. Africans, are constantly trying to attack and rape me, and when they cannot-they bring in the US police.

            Today, my youngest child, was raped by an African, at school-and, she is still a minor. She complained to me, so I called the school, after I told my mom, to pick her up early today. The high school, is nasty-it is part of the University of Florida, and they objected to my complaint, because, they thought high school students should be raped by Africans, while they are: "in loco parentis" at school. I objected, and told the high school-where I also attended, that I would be taking them to court over the issue-RAPE.

              The high school got angry, and called the local police here, who are mostly gay terrorists, and the police tried to rough me up, and threatened to send me to a mental hospital, for reporting an African, for raping my child, at a high school, situated, on a college campus. I have sole-custody, of my 3 children. I am badly abused-to the point of torture, by my adopted family. My 3 children, are with my adopted family.

                I told a friend online, that will have to go overseas, to obtain an International court order, and police-to get my 3 kids out of the US. The police asked me, if I had tried anything else yet-and I said yes, my adopted mom ignores US court orders, and scares me off.  The high school, part of University of Florida, thought that the US police, could arrest me, for going overseas, to ask for help, from an International court, and from police and secret service, from another country.

           US police persecute me. I can barely: walk, sit, or stand-many days, because of the unwarranted-attacks and beatings, that I have received from US police. US police, tried to beat me to death, in Seattle, WA, for complaining about crack smoke, at a public bus stop-where is not even legal, on their books. I had internal bleeding. My left wrist is still broken. My back is still too messed up.

            And the Sheriff at the court house, had to buy me a wheelchair and walker-after the devastating attack. After what I have been through, I hate everything about America. I refuse to lie, about how badly people treat me here. In my local town of Gainesville, FL-I cannot even buy salt-there are soo many Africans here, and none of them like India, that-the local grocery, is refusing to sell me, the Indian-SALT! I call FBI, to complain, and FBI tell me, we will not take any complaints from: "White woman."

             I am furious, about what happened to my daughter today. She complained, and then-took photos for court, like an intelligence office, who really works. I was soo proud of her. You have no idea, how scary this country is, for me and my children. The police officers asked me, if I feel angry enough to kill someone. The men thought: “Your child was raped by a Nigger at school, you are White, and have no right to angry-at all.”

                 I hate everything about America. I said No. Then I thought, I am not a retarded Christian. I will never forgive you. I am not accepting the lowest grades in the class: Intl 500, because I have anger, about being tortured-while everyone else, is soo bullshit Christian, that they are forgiving people all-of-the-time. If you are Christian, and want to be crucified like Jesus-then, that is just your problem.

                I refuse to let this, or any other offense pass. It is illegal. It is too in-American. I am not obligated to forgive anyone. I am still being tortured! I need to speak to someone. Did you get my message today? Please call me back. Email: Cell: 1-352-792-4586 Thank you, for your time, and for your attention. You forgive, and do not worry at all, about how I get better than even. I care about myself, and my 3 children.

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