Sunday, February 19, 2017

Intelligence Officer: "How Intelligence Collection Timing and Coding-As Well As Quality of Information Sources Relates, To The Quality of Information."


APUS American Public University System

2nd Master’s Degree Intelligence Officer In Training

Intelligence and Global Security Studies

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-642-6541

Re: “How is recording the original meaning of information and intelligence collected, and the source that supplies the information, directly related, to the quality, of the information?”

In the reading this week it said that coding in qualitative research is a constant state of revision and fluidity (Bryman, 2012). –Amy Cornell-Titcomb

The idea of constantly recoding, your collected information, is incorrect. When intelligence is collected, it is within a certain context. The meaning derived from the intelligence, at-the-moment it is collected, is the correct association, for the information. Re-writing, your interpretation, of what you collected, over and over again-weeks, even months later, takes away from the truth revealed, by the initial encounter. Re-writing history, by changing your opinion every season, with the Paris fashions, is a serious: “faux paus.” Keep your evaluations, of your intelligence/information, fresh, and honest-a first impression.

          Popular opinion states, that the record of history, is in the hands of the powerful, and the ruling classes. It is hypothesized, that various governments, and political regimes, continually re-write history, to place their: culture, race, ideology, and successes-at the very top of achievements. I would propose, that the problem, is to such an extreme, that: pictures are re-painted, statues are re-carved, and money, is re-printed-not just the reprinting of the Bible. It would be unfair to state, that, only the French, are ethnocentric-with their exclusive and “clique,” social structures.

           The social participation, in decision making, and the inclusion of disparate groups, can be gaged, with a prior evaluation. Individuals operate, within a certain: social network, and, the network, is generally a fixed, and reinforced association, of continuous, and repeat interactions: cohorts, employment environments, educational institutions, churches, etc. A sampling, such as a: “group study,” can be applied, as an initial evaluation, to begin a determination, of the functional level, of the: friends and family. People tend to aggregate, around commonalities, i.e. : “Birds of a feather flock together.” The “closest linkages,” friends/family-one should find, that they share similar: genes, IQ, preferences, behaviors, habits, morals, ethics, etc.:

Specifically, a March 2015 Army review showed that most pilots in certain Army units did not complete fundamental training tasks in fiscal year 2014—a finding that GAO corroborated through discussions with pilots in focus groups and unit responses to questionnaires. (“GAO” 2015, 1)

There are some, who would argue, that to have a society, and to have a ruling ideology-all that is required, is a majority rule. It was Socrates, who wrote, that there are some, who must necessarily be excluded, from the decisions, of a ruling class. Socrates argued, that “retarded people,” while they may be functional enough, to feed themselves, and to walk home, from a long day of work-are not of the mind-set, to be, the entrusted representatives, with the responsibilities and obligations-which fall incumbent, upon a county’s leadership. Socrates pointed to the fact, that, while money, can buy nice clothing-it cannot purchase common sense.

               Then, retarded people, over-re-produced (and had too many babies), developed a majority in Greece, and, Socrates was killed-for being brilliant. Socrates, was one of the most intelligent men, who ever lived, and, he was executed, by a huge population, of retarded prostitutes-who, could not spell their own names. Unfortunately-no birth control existed, in the time of Socrates, and today, there is birth control, and no one wants to use it. To be great, to rule successfully, to leave an unforgettable legacy-of meaning, and contributions-more than: artists, “anyone/anything ideology,” and, a-majority-of retarded people-is required.

            A theory of intelligence, based on: “deception,” is not helpful to anyone:

• What is intelligence theory? And;

• Is there a uniquely American theory of intelligence? And;

• Which assumptions about intelligence and intelligence reform are useful, and which should be overturned? And;

• Can results from intelligence be measured? (Boraz et al. 2006, 1)

Not a single question, can be considered, or asked-when all of the answers are lies!


Boraz, Steven, Jones, Seth, Treveron, Gregory F., Phillip Lipscy.

2006. “Toward a Theory of Intelligence Workshop Report.” RAND National Security Research. Accessed February 19, 2017.


to Improve DOD Pilot Training.”  United States Government Accountability Office, Report to Congressional Committees. Accessed February 19, 2017.

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