Sunday, February 12, 2017

APUS US MIlitary University Is Supporting an International Terrorists Ideology-"Mis-Education of the Niggers," and "I am not a black!"


Legal Complaint: Against APUS US Military University
University Trying To Flunk Me For Refusing To Support A "Terrorists Ideology"

             I have submitted, all my assignments-and on time-and completed to the best of my ability, and far superior, to the other students in the class. Mr. Brandt, of Intl 500, has only written me one message, and about a Citi training module. However, Mr. Curtis Brandt, is requesting, that I re-submit, all my assignments-accept two, he continues to grade me unfairly. Instead of agreeing, that my work-is in fact superior, to what the other students are turning in, he is saying: "I don't like what you write about, submit something else, that falls more in line-with MY personal-anti-American beliefs, as a US military intelligence officer."

         I do not want Mr. Curtis Brandt as a professor. Mr. Brandt, continues to give me the lowest marks, for the greatest degree of effort exerted. I do not agree, with his political ideology, and, in saying, that Ms. Nicole Drumhill, is now taking over the class-has not, in any way, improved my grades in the course, or, the position of my homework. I want a separate classroom, that, Mr. Curtis, and his closest allies, do not have any access to. I know I have stated this before, however, it seems-it really must be said again: "I am a Republican, and I support White politics-this is America, I am not turning in homework assignments, that talk about nothing at all."

         "I do not support: 'an intelligence policy of deception.'" I am on my way, to apply to law school, in another country. I sue. No kidding. It is illegal for America and for Americans, to support an intelligence policy of: "deception." I need a White professor. I need a Republican. I am an American, and I am completing my homework correctly. You, at APUS-have, apparently hired terrorists, who snuck into the US military-even into our US intelligence. I refuse to allow you, to flunk me out of my courses, because APUS, as an American institution, does not want to play, by American rules. Please find me another instructor, and someone White.

         I can complete my final, in a classroom by myself. The other students in the class, refuse to even read what I post. The other students, in the Intl 500 class, are adding absolutely nothing, to my learning experience-they are just names, on a screen-they refuse to interact online. Thank you. You really must talk this week. I am taking me screen shots. The matter, briefly discussed above, has not been solved. This issue, has not been resolved, and, continues to require, your immediate attention. Please, be appropriate when you call-I am training for International law, and Human Rights Court-I have all voice mail messages transcribed. Thank you again.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-792-4586

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