Thursday, February 23, 2017

America As The Only Western Country With A Completely Failed Demcracy, No: Civil or Human Rights: "You Will Have No Shelter Here!"


Intl 500 Week 8 Experimental Research Final Forum Contribution: Directions:

          As you may have noticed during the course of your research one key component of a research paper is the abstract.  Often the abstract is something that scholars put together before they start work on their research to help them focus their ideas.  Then as the paper develops they come to refine the abstract to ensure that it reflects what was actually done within the paper.

             A good abstract sets the stage for the research topic, explains the method in use, notes the findings, and mentions important implications of the study.  They are typically 150-200 words in length and allow researchers to quickly see what a paper is about prior to reading the work in its entirety. 

Note: Please post an abstract that accurately reflects your study up to this point.  If you need some examples of abstracts to help you get started take a look at some of the abstracts found within the peer-reviewed journals you referenced within your paper.

             Also, what has been the hardest section to write for this project?  What section was the easiest for you to write?  Considering the lessons you learned-across the course, how might you work to apply them moving forward across your program of study?

Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 300 words. Please respond to at least 2 other students. Responses should be a minimum of 250 words and include direct questions.

Initial Post Due: Thursday, by 11:55pm ET
Responses Due: Sunday, by 11:55pm ET


My Query:

 “Longitudinal Study: Twitter-The Unconstitutional and Complete Failure!”

Re: “Can an online Social Networking website be utilized, for a fast relay, of intelligence information, from live source, immediately, to respondent-who requires instantaneous information, to finalize the decision-making process, for complicated negotiations, during times of unrest, and duress-i.e. war?” –Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Abstract Research Paper:


             When I understood, that the topic-was a case study, and that the case study-could be over a prolonged period of time-I chose: Twitter. I have been trying to communicate, internationally, to intelligence contacts all over the world-pressing information, and since: 2013, with absolutely no successes, through Twitter. Initially, the biggest problems, were on the receiving end. In the end-Twitter, became my biggest problem-they kicked me out of Twitter, any time, they disagreed with my statements-without a valid justification for offense, and-when my life was in immediate danger. I will never be a Twitter fan!


         The following-stated below, is a serious problem, for America, and for Americans. I am kicked out of Twitter, over-and-over again, for a none offensive conversation-that, does not speak in a supportive way, of: Mr. Obama, homosexuals, or Africans-in general. As an American, and I am allowed, to have negative political opinions. As, a Republican, I am allowed, to have negative opinions about: Mr. Obama, and Africans, and-even about homosexuals.

           Africans, who Mr. Obama invited to America-to support his presidency, kick me out of Twitter, over-and-over-again, offensively violating my basic American: civil, and human rights-while they brain wash, and scare America-with political principles, that support: “International Terrorism:”

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) is building online libraries and launching variations of Wikipedia and MySpace on its intranet to distribute data, said Tom Fingar, deputy director of national intelligence for analysis. Sanders said the intelligence community is running a pilot program for Africa analysts, and planned to participate in a conference May 4 at the University of Maryland to recruit African-language speakers. (Losey 2017, 1)

I found that the US, is soo dishonest, that nothing on paperwork-means anything at all. The US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, eve The Geneva Conventions- to the US, are just collections, of extra toilet paper, for the Mr. Obama African prostitutes. People looking in on America, from the outside, always say: “America is such a wonderful country,” and it is because, they saw some bullshit love story-from Hollywood. Americans have no: civil or human rights. Americans are: attacked, assaulted, and raped-on every street corner, and in every day-care, high school, and grocery store.

          American police are crazy psychopaths, they show up at a crime scene, to collect scary private movies, to sell on the black market: “death-in reality.” There will never be anything: nice, clean, fun, honest, fair, or fun-about America, and, you should know that-before you choose to visit, because-if you think you can just fly right back home-if you hate it here, guess what-you are wrong about that too. Join the hostage situation-and even before we all need climbing gear, to escape into Mexico. I hate everything about America, and I am not the only person who feels that way. You can have it-and I mean that!


         The most important part, of a well-written research paper, are the questions that you ask, and, how you answer them. Never skip over, the important questions-because someone else, is too uncomfortable, with your need to know, the whole truth-prior to making an informed decision. I hate America-for very good reasons-it is not just the people here, or the retarded state of the educational system. The following, are potential questions, that-may “seal the deal,” and that give you, that last bit of intelligence-required, to support, your overall negative opinion of: “America and Americans:”

1.      What is the reason for your effort? And;

2.      Is there anything important or new that you would like to convey? And;

3.      Are you forced to write an article or deliver an oral presentation for the sake of personal promotion? And;

4.      Is the communication needed for your professional advancement? (Boranic 2016, 416)

Ask the right questions, and-do your own investigating-before you visit. People here, are soo ignorant, that they never bother to hide much: “I tore your grandma’s ass hole.” And that was hypothetically, what my next-door neighbor-really did, and, was soo proud of, he is still bragging about it-10 years later!

Questions Section Responses:

Hardest Section:

      The hardest section of the this paper, has been every section, of every paper-that I have written. The more time, and energy, and the more information-to support my arguments-the lower my grades became. None of my grades, are reflective of all of my hard work, or of my contributions, to the class. I work hard, and then, I am penalized for my honesty.

              I hated this class. It was torture to log-in every week, to watch my grades sink, from a no effort at all: 100%-to, a work for days: 27%. This has been the worst educational experience, that I have ever had, and, the university-never bothered to call me back, or, to respond, to any of my on-going complaints-which is illegal.

Easiest Section:

         I am a prolific writer, and, I am an: “academic thinker.” Nothing I wrote, for the entire 8 weeks-was ever good enough for you. I took the time, to read what other students contributed to the class. I could hardly tell, from the contributions, of the other students, if they were in fact graduate university students, or-if in fact, they were ROTC high school students, who were joining the wrong, online class room.

            After years, and years, of specialized study-as an English major, in the US university system, it is painfully obvious to me-that, I was not ever given any chance to succeed in this class. Students, who could not complete a 5paragraph basic essay-earned higher grades than me, after they neglected all of the necessary: innuendo, semantics, and most of the syntax. I am angry at the university, for pretending like this is a professional study program. I wasted my time for 8 weeks, and, now-I have to be the one, to fix the APUS academic, and US Military mess-in International Court: “I take no hostages, and I support no casualties.”

Future Applications:

        I will have to take APUS to court-due to the blatant disregard, with which I have been treated. I no longer want to work, for any intelligence or military-connected to America. It is my impression, that the US is a lawless country, run as an anarchy, where most people, are too retarded, to respond to a: logical and valid complaint-in a meaningful way. I am tired of wasting my breath. America does not need to know anything. Americans refuse to help anyone anyway.

            Giving Americans more information, only enables, the destructive behaviors, that the US has towards their own citizens, and, towards others countries Internationally. It is not helpful-not to anyone on the planet, for America to know more. Logically, the most intelligent, should have the most power, and honestly-that will never be: America, or Americans. I hate America, and APUS, has made my life-even more miserable!


Boranic, Milivoj. 2016. “How to Compose, Write and

Publish a Scientific or Professional Communication.” ACTA INFORM MED, vol. 24. 6.: 416-418. Accessed February 23, 2017.

Losey, Stephen. 2017. “U.S. Intel Agencies Modernize

Info Sharing Use Variations Of MySpace, Wikipedia.” Report Information from ProQuest, Defense News. Accessed February 23, 2017.

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