Sunday, February 12, 2017

Rough Draft: My Final Assignment, For This Week: Summarize Two Quantitative Experiment Articles, and Submit Report-In Only 4 Pages, Double-Spaced, After Answering All Questions-Not Possible. 1 Question Almost Complete!


Assignment Instructions

Select two journal articles in your field that use a quantitative research method.  For each article complete a 2 page summary. 

Each summary should include:

Complete article reference in Turabian auto-date format.

Study 1: Association Analysis as a Strategy for Improvement Quantitative Traits In Plants


       The study is about the existence of significant genetic markers, that have not been previously, identified, as: “significant.” Although, a gene exists-that, does not mean, that a specific trait, can be exclusively attributed, to just that one gene. Oft time, as in the cerebrum, genes work together-through a serious of chemical, and electrical interactions. It takes more than one area of the brain, to create any given reaction, to any stimulus, whether it be, a: CNS, or a PNS response. Sometimes, however, the response, can be located-to be due to interactions, that occur, in a general area, i.e.: hind-brain, pons-more-and-more specific, and then-on a rare occasion, that reaction can be narrowed down, to a stimulus, the size of a tiny pin prick.

       Gene mapping, for causes and reactions, are theoretically-not that difficult, it is the gene isolation, for: pre-cursor, and reactant, and the actual-reaction, that can be the most difficult. Therefore, modern science, has suggested that science, isolate genes, by formulating a “synthetic.” It is the goal, of the gene mapper-to isolate the gene, and its traits, so that, when the synthetic, is utilized, in a gene mapping experiment, the gene’s expression, will better explain, how that “particular trait,” adds, to the interaction, with other genes. Gene mapping, is a slow, and a tedious process, and takes a significant amount of money, due to the equipment and supplies-required, to carry out, a heat/cold, and petry dish/microscope-lab environment, and experiment.

Research Question:

         “Are synthetic genes the key to isolating genes, for personified expression of: trait characteristics, to determine-the overall: purpose, and usefulness, of the purpose of existence-of an individual gene. What does that ‘particular gene’ alone-determine, with no interactions, with anything else-what does it cause, are there benefits, or are there deficits, and, what are they? Should the gene be marked-as a: “high-risk gene,” for a particular disease, or for a: syndrome, or for a set of cancer receptor cells, or something just as devastating: birth defects, low IQ, sociopathic tendencies, etc.” –Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS


What were the independent and dependent variables?

Independent Variables:

       The experiment, is set up, with no isolation of synthetic genes, and no additional stimulus of any other type-this is the “a priori” group. The resolution, of interactions, between the genes, in their natural environment, and under their natural conditions-in a lab environment, are recorded. The focus of the observations, regarding gene interactions, are no the: “linkage disequilibrium.” The “linkage disequilibrium,” is labelled: “nonrandom,” because of pre-existing chemical and -genetics-when the interactions, are favorable enough to occur-they are: “pre-determined and favorable for the plant.” And when, an interaction is rejected, it is because the chemical combination, would have caused too negative a result-soo, both genes, that attempt the interaction-die off to the side, as: “Useless Gene Mutations-Mutants.”

Dependent Variables:

        The dependent variables, are also called the: “experimental,” or the: “control group.” The “control group,” requires some sort of manipulation, and then, the results, are compared to the results, from the: “a priori.” Independent group-and this is the basic format, of every “true-experiment.” This study, is designed, like the studies conducted with pea plants, Mendal-he was clergy, and the first known experiments, in plant genetics, and a move towards agriculture eugenics. When the synthetic genes, are substituted, for the natural genes, and the gene experimental studies, are re-conducted, the synthetic gene, personify the interactions, cause, by the “natural,” and not as “isolated,” genes.

What did the quantitative results reveal?

       The overall purpose of this experiment, pertains to the location, of: “polymorphic” and beneficial plant genes. The study begins, with one or two beneficial plant genes, that in some way-increase the valuable nature, of a plant. Then, by using those few genes, and knowledge about how they contribute positively, to the plant, and or growing environment, the scientist, begins to isolate, other genes, that the “beneficial gene,” interacts closely with: “tight linkage (1323).”

          The stated goal of corporations, like Monsanto, is to experiment, with plant biology, to improve overall farming outcomes. There are some natural plant chemical characteristics-which, work as herbicides, and, retain water like plastic, and, grow in soils that are too dry and sandy to farm-etc. By working, with “beneficial genes,” Monsanto, and other seed companies, hope to grow plants, that will not die-before, you are-able-to eat them. Pesticide, is a poison, and damages the environment, and not just water, and to such an extent, that-it has been hoped, that one day, the usage, will no longer be necessary.

Purpose of the Study:

Summarize the article and explain the study's objectives.

What research question are they trying to answer?


What were the independent and dependent variables? 

How were these measured in the study?

Describe the design and methods carried out (design, subjects, measurement, procedure, etc).

Discussion of the results.  What did the research reveal?

Outstanding research questions: 

What was the study unable to answer? 

What questions remain?

As you proof read your assignment I encourage you to work with Belcher, Wendy Laura. 2009. "Editing Your Sentences" In Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success. Sage. This resource has a nice step by step process for enhancing your writing.

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