Sunday, February 5, 2017

Rough Draft: Intelligence Officer In Training: "What is Qualitative Data, and How Is It Applied, To Experimental Research, In The Field of Intelliegence Studies?"


Intl 500 Week 5 Forum Response to Amanda Mack

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Re: “What is qualitative research, and, why and how do you write a methods section, for a final research paper-that, has to be based on, real experiments, that, I as a student conduct.”

“Something I am trying to keep in mind is with the unstructured nature of qualitative research; I as the researcher must organize my data as much as possible, keep a narrow focus, and document my arguments and supporting evidence clearly.  Furthermore, I must be willing to accept the outcome of my research and analysis, even if it is different than my theory or preconceived opinion.” –Amanda Mack

Qualitative research, is structured. All research is structured. You have, to have an hypothesis, and you have, to collect evidence-and, in line, with your theory of collection, and, with your method of collection, and evaluation. The first several weeks of class, we learned about: hypothesis, and theory, and then, about: qualitative methods evaluation. This week, you were supposed to demonstrate, that you understood, the class room learning materials, by applying what you have learned, with qualitative methods and analysis.

          The assignment, for class this week 5, Intl 500, is: a completed rough draft, of your final “methods section,” of your final research paper, to be submitted for this class, on week 8. “The Method chapter of a dissertation, article, or proposal describes the exact steps that will be undertaken to address your hypotheses or research questions (Methods Section 2017, 87).” The methods section, of your final research paper, is the most important part, of your research paper-proof, that your research paper, is based on an experiment, and, on real data-that you, actively collected-in practice, and, then, which you were able, to apply to work due, in the graduate studies-classroom.

So when should you use a case study approach? According to Yin (2003) a case study design should be considered when: (a) the focus of the study is to answer “how” and “why” questions; (b) you cannot manipulate the behaviour of those involved in the study; (c) you want to cover contextual conditions because you believe they are relevant to the phenomenon under study; or (d) the boundaries are not clear between the phenomenon and context. (Baxter et al. 2008, 545)

         The reading assignments this week, to support your understanding, of qualitative research, told you how to apply qualitative methods-to your final research paper. Qualitative studies, utilizes, a narrative analysis technique-as opposed, to demonstrating, your evidence collected, with numbers. Qualitative research, is easier, and in some ways-because, you can skip complicated “coding,” and other “double blind”-techniques. Qualitative data evaluation, tends to be-faster, than quantitative experimental “true” research studies, and analysis.

        Qualitative studies-when utilized as a case study, requires a great deal of time-in collecting of, pertinent data, and, in data evaluation and analysis. The experimenter, makes, a number of qualified judgements-which, are logically based, on the evidence, that has been collected. Qualitative data, requires evidence, just like quantitative data, however, the evidence, is not in numbers-the data, is instead: photos, letters, text messages, voice mails, personal interviews. The theory of intelligence, that you selected last week, is supposed to support, your case study, and your application, of qualitative methods analysis, to the intelligence information/evidence, that you collected-to support the case, for your hypothesis, being true.


Baxter, Pamela and Jack, Susan. 2008. “Qualitative Case Study

Methodology: Study Design and Implementation for Novice Researchers.” The Qualitative Report, vol. 13. 4.: 544-569. Accessed February 5, 2017.

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