Sunday, February 19, 2017

Intelligence Officer: "US Extremist Groups Like 'ISIS,' As The New Counter To Domestic Terrorism and the Intl Police State."


Week 7 Forum Response

APUS (American Public University System)

2nd Master’s Degree Intelligence Officer In Training

College of Intelligence and Global Securities

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-352-642-6541

Question: “How to use American, online social networking resources, to reach out for help, from International terrorist groups, that are not based in the US-when, the FBI and US police ignore your valid and legal complaints, and, you are desperate for help-and, it is a life or death situation. Will you live?”

“The thematic analysis process, too, seems to dovetail nicely with grounded theory for my particular research project on why women and Western youth join ISIS, and how social media plays a role in that recruitment process.” –Katherine Heinzen

America is a failing Democracy. It is a police state. There are no laws here. People do whatever they want. US police support terrorism and anarchy, and almost never US law. The new generation of US police, do not even study US law, or our US Constitution and Bill of Rights. No one in the US responds to emergencies. You have no one to call here, if your life is in danger, not: Police, 911, FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, or anyone else. America, is as dangerous-in my opinion, as it has ever been.

       Our situation in the US, grew exponentially worse, with Mr. Obama, as President. Mr. Obama, kept military “boots on the Ground,” all over the world, like a giant invasive octopus, harassing, threatening, and killing everywhere-to gain more Intl support, for terrorism, his dictatorship, and an International police state. What follows, is an abridged description, of the intensive military campaign, that Mr. Obama championed, for his entire 7 years, of an: “African Dictatorship,” in America:

But few would, I think, refute the notion that robust interventionism was (and largely still is) very much out of vogue (consider, for example, the clear pejorative connotations of the term ‘‘boots on the ground’’ in nearly all political debates over the last several years). (Mitton 2016, 285)

For this reason, many Americans, are reaching out, and overseas, to extremist Muslim groups, for emergency assistance. Many Americans-such as myself, are being illegally detained, as hostages, while, other Americans, have soo much invested in the country-financially and otherwise, that, they cannot afford to walk away. I am like everyone else, who grew up in the US. At first-when I had an emergency, I called 911 and the police, and when they refused to respond, I moved on to: FBI and CIA, and they refused to respond, I moved to PM’s and other intelligence and governments overseas.

         My situation in the US, has become soo difficult, and uncomfortable in the US-that, after 7 years of: unemployment and homeless, and death’s door step, I finally began to reach out to the extremist’s groups in the US: KKK, Rangers, Malcom X Muslims, etc. The US government, in no way feels compelled to help me, or millions of others-who are stuck in America. People try to attack, and to rape, and kill me-every day, and the US government, could care less.

        The local state attorney, is arrogant, and apathetic. When I tell the state attorney, US courts will not hear my cases, and US lawyers, are refusing to represent me. And, the court house security, are cutting up my brief cases, when I enter and exit the court houses. The police fill up the entire court room, in uniform, and harass and threaten the judge, and the whole court team, and not just the defendant. The police want to arrest, the Sheriff-if he services my cases, like he is legally required to do. The judge has no choice-he has to refuse, to hear me.

        The state attorney, says to me, you are talking about International law. International laws, are not reinforceable, in the US-which is not true-America refuses to reinforce law again! America has such a rotten crooked system, from the very bottom, to the very top, with a refusal to comply-with US and International laws, at every level, that, there comes a point-when some people decided, something more extreme needs to happen. The US response, to everyone in this country-even to their own parents and children, is: “We could care less, and, we will never do anything for you!” It is Americas fault, that terrorists attack, this country.

ISIS: Although Turkey denies it, its early tacit support of ISIS, which allowed jihadists from all over the world to transit its territory and cross into Syria, has been well documented.8 Turkey’s motivation was to enable the Syrian opposition to defeat Assad and the Syrian Kurds, who had declared a thinly disguised PKK protostate on the southern Turkish border. (Gunter 2015, 103)

Extremist groups, are being utilized Internationally, in place of a regular militia.  When it would normally, be a position, where a mercenary, would be hired, from a country like Germany-instead, to really get the job done, extremist groups, from the Middle East, are being hired- to counter US police.

          When you are at the very end of your rope, and you have no more money, and no more favors owed, and no more friends with an extra couch-then, you begin to feel like-if I do not do something “extreme,” then I will end up dead. Americans, are soo out-of-control, and aggressive, about: politics, money, belongings, and everything else-that, people who feel drawn to extremist Muslim groups, like: ISIS, and who send a Tweet-through Twitter, will live longer-than the next man. America, is a violent and scary misery. Everyone needs friends-who are yours?


Gunter, Michael M. 2015. “Iraq, Syria, ISIS and the Kurds: Geo

Strategic concerns for the U.S. and turkey.” Middle East Policy, vol. 22. 1.: 102-111. Accessed February 19, 2017.

Mitton, John. 2016. “The problem with everybody’s favourite

solution in Syria.” International Journal, vol. 71. 2.: 283-290. Accessed February 19, 2017.

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