Sunday, February 12, 2017

Intelligence Officer: "Why It Is Important To Back Your Facts Up Withe Verifiable Numbers-The Problems Could Become Worse."


Intl 500 Week 6 Quote Forum Response To: Ruth Levia

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Re: “Collecting the numbers, and not just talking about the bigger picture, increases the chances, that a new political movement, and potential International organization-will not, grow beyond the legal bounds, of the America confines, and lawful limits.”

“MS-13 Gang ?” –Ruth Levia

        I worked with a few gangs, while I was a member, of: AmeriCorps, the President Bill Clinton, domestic peace corps, initiative program. I have never heard of: MS-13 Gang? I was working in the mid-West, in a Latino community, and so, I learned about:

1.      Hell’s Angels;

2.      Bloods;

3.      Crips;

4.      Gang Banging In General;

5.      Mob;

6.      Mofia;

“In the contemporary world, many important technological, administrative and legal decisions might depend on the results of analytical determinations (Dybczynski 2002, 928).” If the: MS-13 gang is interesting, and for safety reasons, then, I think it would be best, if you continued to consider, collecting the numbers too, and not just qualitative data-for analysis. Important decisions, will be based on the information you collect-if your evidence is sufficient, and, you turn the intelligence in, to the right organizations. I work with the US FBI, and FEMA-sometimes, to raid US police and Sheriff’s Departments, and, to gain additional disaster relief.

         Whether a group of people, are dangerous, and a burden to society, is all a matter of perception. For instance: Nelson Mandela, was the head, of a group of African lawyers, fighting for more rights in South Africa. Whites, in South Africa, said that Mandela, was a terrorist, because he was violent, and blowing things, and people up. Mandela argued, that he was angry and African, and, that he could blow up cars, and water towers-because he was an African, and living in Africa-so Whites should leave, and, some, did try.

           Then Mandela, was elected president, of South Africa. So, then Mandela, made an ex-post haste legal argument, that, because he was president, that, he could have never been a terrorist in South Africa. I disagree. The Nelson Mandela argument, is flawed, and, for a number of reasons. The situation in South Africa deteriorated, after Nelson Mandela took over, as the first African President, like, America, has had a steady decline-since our first African President-Mr. Obama.

                  I am about to charge Mr. Obama, with: “International Terrorist,” and thought it was funny how he thinks-soo dumb, and so, I wanted to share the Nelson Mandela story with you. Obama, has been identified, as active, in participation, and support of: International terrorist activities-and, I am not the only person, who has been collecting evidence, for court. Mr. Obama thought-presumably, I am just like Mandela, I was a terrorist, then I was elected a president.

        Obama thought, that now-that I have been the president of America, I can never be considered a terrorist. Mandela, was president of South Africa, and no one ever charged him with terrorism. After Mandela became president, he just spent money, and then, he was allowed to die (Karmi 2013, “CNNonline”). That will not be the case, with Mr. Obama. It is easier for me to charge Mr. Obama, in International Court, now that he has stepped down, from his position-at the Light Brown “White House.” Although, my last name by family-may be Gandhi, I was not allowed to visit South Africa. I have no idea, what Mandela allowed, in South Africa-where, everyone is always African.

        I am American. I know my US Constitution, and my US Bill of Rights. President Obama, should have banished me to Europe, and any extended family I might have anywhere else in the world-even in India. I am soo angry, about how America, and Americans treat me, because of an influx, of retarded people, who moved to this country, from the Mandela South Africa-that, I will never-ever, forgive Mr. Obama. I am not Christian. I am an Asian, and a Buddhist. I have spite, and, I express myself freely. NO.

       I want to tear Mr. Obama apart, on the stand, in: International Human Rights Court. I have begun, to network, with huge International organizations-who support my legal positions: lobbyist, lawyers, psychologist, psychiatrists, Intl military, Intl Intelligence, Intl News media, and Intl film, etc. I am applying for law school, overseas-in two weeks. I have been self-training as an intelligence officer, and collecting the evidence against Obama myself, with almost no help, for almost 7 yrs. And now, I have almost made it-in to law school, and up the front steps-maybe 500 marble steps at once, and in to a European court of law. America, has never cared about me. I care about myself. I did it myself. I win. “Winner!”


Dybczynski, R. 2002. “Preparation and use of reference materials

Karmi, Faith. 2013. “Nelson Mandela, anti-apartheid icon and

father of modern South Africa, dies.” CNN online. Accessed February 12, 2017.

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