Sunday, February 5, 2017

Intelligence Officer In Training: "International Human Rights Courts Support The Geneva Conventions, And Never Agree With America, And The Torture-That The US Government, Both: Supports, And Permits!"


Forum Response To: Tivol Lewis

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Re: “How is mental health, related to: domestic and International terrorism?”

Due to my interest in the deradicalization process the collaborative social approach really piqued my interest.  This approach stresses there is a "need" for change or resolve.  I was wondering change or resolve in regards to what types of situations? Would a need for mental change be applicable to this approach, why or why not?

 –Tivol Lewis

Democrats, in the United States, tend to be terrorists now, because of the Obama Administration. Mr. Obama invited immigrants, to the US, from all over the world-who, hate Americans, and people with White skin.

         The new immigrants, to America, joined the Democratic political party, because: Obama ran for US President, as a Democrat. A political ideology-is not normally, a mental illness, unless, the political beliefs, are too dangerous, to the remainder of society, and or-the world. Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights (1995-2017) International Organization, has a museum-as a protest, against mental health torture, in the US: “Psychiatry, An Industry of Death!”

      Democrats, right now, are at Capitol Hill, in Washington, DC, and they are arguing, about the mental health, of President Donald Trump. Democrats, in Washington, DC-disagree, with the Trump political policies, which are based, on Republican values. Nothing, that I am aware of, that Mr. Trump, has signed as law-indicates any mental illness. The fact that, Donald Trump-believes, as a Republican, that he can make America safer, by halting immigration, to America, is not a mental health problem.

         It is illegal in the US, to use political ideology against people, and, to pretend like a person is mentally ill, because, you disagree, with their political beliefs and values. Giving, the process, of sending people to a mental hospital, for refusing to support International terrorism-a name: “deradicalization process/mental change process,” does not make torture, at mental hospitals in America-legal. The act of torture, is illegal-internationally, through the International court systems.

      Although-radical and aggressive means, are legally utilized, in Africa, and other parts of the world, to change an individual’s political beliefs-a lobotomy, because you refuse to change over to the Democratic party-is not legal in the US, and supporting those ideals, is-prosecutable, and, to-the-fullest-extent of the law: “TERRORISM!” A lobotomy, is not a legal torture tactic, that can be utilized, in an International war situation-either.

           What are the Geneva Conventions (Beehner 2006, “Geneva”)? The Geneva Convention of 1951, drew up an international agreement, of: rules, and laws, and international regulations-which, supposed to protect victims, during a time of crisis and war. “The Geneva Conventions provide an agreed-upon framework of legal protections to safeguard soldiers, civilians, and prisoners during wartime (Beehner 2006, “Geneva”).” It is a serious problem for America, that Donald Trump wants to re-implement: torture and abuse, at: Gitmo in Cuba. Article three of the Geneva Conventions: “This article of the Geneva Conventions bars torture, cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment, as well as outrages against the human dignity of prisoners of war, or POWs (Beehner 2006, “Geneva”).”

        I support the Trump Administration-to, a limited extent. I will never support torture, or abuse, of: citizens, MIA, US Military, or anyone else. It is more than just “bad face,” to support those types, of radical responses, to an international disagreement. “Since September 11, 2001, the U.S. treatment of suspected terrorist detainees—both abroad and at Guantanamo Bay—has come under criticism from human rights groups and legal scholars (Beehner 2006, “Geneva”).” America, is not immune, from the deliberations, and penalties, of the International court system.

      Questions, about the legality, of the US, supporting torture, has been discussed at length-in the International court system (Beehner 2006, “Geneva”):

In the case of the Geneva Conventions, ‘internationally this is settled black-letter law,’ Crane says. The issue, he says, focuses on a U.S. domestic debate to prevent foreign detainees from suing CIA officers for war crimes in U.S. domestic courts. (Beehner 2006, “Geneva”)

I have been tortured in the US, and, I received no response, from the US government, or court system. I am suing in International court-where, I have already won my case!

         If we cannot discuss the problems, with respect, for each other-like to human beings, then, we need to take the concern to court. When, the American court system fails-then, the problems need to be heard in a higher court: International Human Rights Court. I, for one, am collecting evidence. I have begun my application, to law school. I am Tweeting to International Intelligence officers. I am looking for witnesses, that will not have to be subpoenaed-first.


Beehner, Lionel. 2006. “The United States and the Geneva

Conventions.” Council on Foreign Relations. Accessed February 5 2017.

Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights. 1995-2017.

“Watch Dog & Exposing Psychiatric Human Rights Abuses.” Citizens Commission on Human Rights Online Website. Accessed February 5, 2017.

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