Wednesday, February 15, 2017

International Embassies, and Useless Intelligence Officers, Disposible-Like Useless CIA


To Whom It May Concern:

      In short: I am going to sue your country, for ignoring my complaints, and my requests for assistance. What I am talking about, is not an isolated situation-only to America. By pretending, there are no issues, that interrelate, that make my complaints valid to your country, as well-is more, than just callouse.

           I am collecting the: "I do not care about White people complaints," in writing. I will see you in court. My situation, is soo tragic and frightening, that refusing to even speak to me-in person, can never be defended. You are pretending, like the political problems in America, are not real, while, I collect evidence, and I post complaints online, to prepare for International Human Rights Court-like many other, international litigants.

        This is not a bury your head in the sand, situation-although, you mistakenly thought, you could argue, that your response was valid. No. I object. I will see you in court. I am already the winner. You should read the case precedents, from International court, which are most narrowly construed, to the Human Rights, both: civil and human-that I will be arguing about-as they relate to America, and-internationally-to the West.


Miss. B. E. Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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