Friday, February 24, 2017

Stolen Educational Documents Not Replaceable For Law School Application Process


To Whom It May Concern:

             I was only able to obtain 1 transcript, and no diplomas-although I waited for responses in Gainesville, FL for a full two months. I was threatened, and attacked, over and over again. Then, no one would help me get to the plane-so I had to take a bus. A car tried to kill me again-while I was walking to the bus stop. My left leg is broken. Then, an African construction worker-threaten to shot me-again, while I was transferring to a second bus. My left leg hurts soo badly-I can hardly walk, and, I have no access to any medical care in the US. No one cares about me here, there is no one for me to call. I have no one in the US-except for my own 3 children. I may have to apply to another law school.

            I am online, and at the airport, and pre-paring to fly to new Zealand. I will have to go straight to a hospital. I cant get any medical care in the US. My leg is soo broken-that it is not funny. Only the bus company helped me get to the airport. Every one else, at the bus stop-ignored me, or tried to steal my legal files. The people who stole my legal documents, from my university and high school studies-knew that they would be next to impossible to replace as originals. I have some scanned copies, and I have one original copy-from my undergraduate studies. I cant even walk around the airport tonight, my left leg-is that severely injured.

         I have examples, from my previous studies-work that I have completed, and turned in. Other students, who apply to a law school programme, they might have, a collection of older homework assignments. Then, I though-well, at least I have more than most. I have the proof, that I do my own homework, and, that I complete my entire homework assignment-which is far more, than many students, in the US, can say.

         Some of my old homework assignments, are posted online: I will do my best, to check into your offices, after my arrival on the 27th of February, 2017. America is soo dangerous-that, I was almost killed again, and-no one in America, cared about me again. My cell phone broke for no reason today-I could not even call anyone, had I even known anyone in my hometown-today. I almost died again. And, who cares again. I hate America.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Thursday, February 23, 2017

America As The Only Western Country With A Completely Failed Demcracy, No: Civil or Human Rights: "You Will Have No Shelter Here!"


Intl 500 Week 8 Experimental Research Final Forum Contribution: Directions:

          As you may have noticed during the course of your research one key component of a research paper is the abstract.  Often the abstract is something that scholars put together before they start work on their research to help them focus their ideas.  Then as the paper develops they come to refine the abstract to ensure that it reflects what was actually done within the paper.

             A good abstract sets the stage for the research topic, explains the method in use, notes the findings, and mentions important implications of the study.  They are typically 150-200 words in length and allow researchers to quickly see what a paper is about prior to reading the work in its entirety. 

Note: Please post an abstract that accurately reflects your study up to this point.  If you need some examples of abstracts to help you get started take a look at some of the abstracts found within the peer-reviewed journals you referenced within your paper.

             Also, what has been the hardest section to write for this project?  What section was the easiest for you to write?  Considering the lessons you learned-across the course, how might you work to apply them moving forward across your program of study?

Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 300 words. Please respond to at least 2 other students. Responses should be a minimum of 250 words and include direct questions.

Initial Post Due: Thursday, by 11:55pm ET
Responses Due: Sunday, by 11:55pm ET


My Query:

 “Longitudinal Study: Twitter-The Unconstitutional and Complete Failure!”

Re: “Can an online Social Networking website be utilized, for a fast relay, of intelligence information, from live source, immediately, to respondent-who requires instantaneous information, to finalize the decision-making process, for complicated negotiations, during times of unrest, and duress-i.e. war?” –Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Abstract Research Paper:


             When I understood, that the topic-was a case study, and that the case study-could be over a prolonged period of time-I chose: Twitter. I have been trying to communicate, internationally, to intelligence contacts all over the world-pressing information, and since: 2013, with absolutely no successes, through Twitter. Initially, the biggest problems, were on the receiving end. In the end-Twitter, became my biggest problem-they kicked me out of Twitter, any time, they disagreed with my statements-without a valid justification for offense, and-when my life was in immediate danger. I will never be a Twitter fan!


         The following-stated below, is a serious problem, for America, and for Americans. I am kicked out of Twitter, over-and-over again, for a none offensive conversation-that, does not speak in a supportive way, of: Mr. Obama, homosexuals, or Africans-in general. As an American, and I am allowed, to have negative political opinions. As, a Republican, I am allowed, to have negative opinions about: Mr. Obama, and Africans, and-even about homosexuals.

           Africans, who Mr. Obama invited to America-to support his presidency, kick me out of Twitter, over-and-over-again, offensively violating my basic American: civil, and human rights-while they brain wash, and scare America-with political principles, that support: “International Terrorism:”

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) is building online libraries and launching variations of Wikipedia and MySpace on its intranet to distribute data, said Tom Fingar, deputy director of national intelligence for analysis. Sanders said the intelligence community is running a pilot program for Africa analysts, and planned to participate in a conference May 4 at the University of Maryland to recruit African-language speakers. (Losey 2017, 1)

I found that the US, is soo dishonest, that nothing on paperwork-means anything at all. The US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, eve The Geneva Conventions- to the US, are just collections, of extra toilet paper, for the Mr. Obama African prostitutes. People looking in on America, from the outside, always say: “America is such a wonderful country,” and it is because, they saw some bullshit love story-from Hollywood. Americans have no: civil or human rights. Americans are: attacked, assaulted, and raped-on every street corner, and in every day-care, high school, and grocery store.

          American police are crazy psychopaths, they show up at a crime scene, to collect scary private movies, to sell on the black market: “death-in reality.” There will never be anything: nice, clean, fun, honest, fair, or fun-about America, and, you should know that-before you choose to visit, because-if you think you can just fly right back home-if you hate it here, guess what-you are wrong about that too. Join the hostage situation-and even before we all need climbing gear, to escape into Mexico. I hate everything about America, and I am not the only person who feels that way. You can have it-and I mean that!


         The most important part, of a well-written research paper, are the questions that you ask, and, how you answer them. Never skip over, the important questions-because someone else, is too uncomfortable, with your need to know, the whole truth-prior to making an informed decision. I hate America-for very good reasons-it is not just the people here, or the retarded state of the educational system. The following, are potential questions, that-may “seal the deal,” and that give you, that last bit of intelligence-required, to support, your overall negative opinion of: “America and Americans:”

1.      What is the reason for your effort? And;

2.      Is there anything important or new that you would like to convey? And;

3.      Are you forced to write an article or deliver an oral presentation for the sake of personal promotion? And;

4.      Is the communication needed for your professional advancement? (Boranic 2016, 416)

Ask the right questions, and-do your own investigating-before you visit. People here, are soo ignorant, that they never bother to hide much: “I tore your grandma’s ass hole.” And that was hypothetically, what my next-door neighbor-really did, and, was soo proud of, he is still bragging about it-10 years later!

Questions Section Responses:

Hardest Section:

      The hardest section of the this paper, has been every section, of every paper-that I have written. The more time, and energy, and the more information-to support my arguments-the lower my grades became. None of my grades, are reflective of all of my hard work, or of my contributions, to the class. I work hard, and then, I am penalized for my honesty.

              I hated this class. It was torture to log-in every week, to watch my grades sink, from a no effort at all: 100%-to, a work for days: 27%. This has been the worst educational experience, that I have ever had, and, the university-never bothered to call me back, or, to respond, to any of my on-going complaints-which is illegal.

Easiest Section:

         I am a prolific writer, and, I am an: “academic thinker.” Nothing I wrote, for the entire 8 weeks-was ever good enough for you. I took the time, to read what other students contributed to the class. I could hardly tell, from the contributions, of the other students, if they were in fact graduate university students, or-if in fact, they were ROTC high school students, who were joining the wrong, online class room.

            After years, and years, of specialized study-as an English major, in the US university system, it is painfully obvious to me-that, I was not ever given any chance to succeed in this class. Students, who could not complete a 5paragraph basic essay-earned higher grades than me, after they neglected all of the necessary: innuendo, semantics, and most of the syntax. I am angry at the university, for pretending like this is a professional study program. I wasted my time for 8 weeks, and, now-I have to be the one, to fix the APUS academic, and US Military mess-in International Court: “I take no hostages, and I support no casualties.”

Future Applications:

        I will have to take APUS to court-due to the blatant disregard, with which I have been treated. I no longer want to work, for any intelligence or military-connected to America. It is my impression, that the US is a lawless country, run as an anarchy, where most people, are too retarded, to respond to a: logical and valid complaint-in a meaningful way. I am tired of wasting my breath. America does not need to know anything. Americans refuse to help anyone anyway.

            Giving Americans more information, only enables, the destructive behaviors, that the US has towards their own citizens, and, towards others countries Internationally. It is not helpful-not to anyone on the planet, for America to know more. Logically, the most intelligent, should have the most power, and honestly-that will never be: America, or Americans. I hate America, and APUS, has made my life-even more miserable!


Boranic, Milivoj. 2016. “How to Compose, Write and

Publish a Scientific or Professional Communication.” ACTA INFORM MED, vol. 24. 6.: 416-418. Accessed February 23, 2017.

Losey, Stephen. 2017. “U.S. Intel Agencies Modernize

Info Sharing Use Variations Of MySpace, Wikipedia.” Report Information from ProQuest, Defense News. Accessed February 23, 2017.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

American Public University System (APUS) My US Military Intelligence Officer University Professor and His Department Head Are Erasing My Submitted Homework Assignments-4 Weeks After Submitted-Are They: Mental 'Shell-Shocked?'"


To Whom It May Concern:

         My instructor is pretending like I did not turn my assignments in. I had a grade. The professor is re-grading me, every week with lower, and lower grades, on assignments-that had higher grades-4 weeks ago. The professor, for Intl 500, both: Curtis Brandt, and the head of the department: Nicole Drumhill, are deleting my assignments, all together.

          The assignment, already had a grade, and was turned in on time, with no real comments, and then 6 weeks later-it is deleted, and there, is no grade at all, as if I never turned anything in. I have been complaining to your offices, for 6 weeks, now, and you are not calling me back. This is not fair to me. The professors are mentally ill or something. Who deletes assignments and erases grades, with no explanation?

            My assignments, are high quality, and submitted completed on time, and now-they are disappearing. I need an "A," for even putting up, with such bizarre, and erratic unprofessional treatment, from adults, who are supposed to be professionals. The university, really must respond to my constant complaints, and assist me.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 352-645-6541

Intelligence Officer: "How Intelligence Collection Timing and Coding-As Well As Quality of Information Sources Relates, To The Quality of Information."


APUS American Public University System

2nd Master’s Degree Intelligence Officer In Training

Intelligence and Global Security Studies

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-642-6541

Re: “How is recording the original meaning of information and intelligence collected, and the source that supplies the information, directly related, to the quality, of the information?”

In the reading this week it said that coding in qualitative research is a constant state of revision and fluidity (Bryman, 2012). –Amy Cornell-Titcomb

The idea of constantly recoding, your collected information, is incorrect. When intelligence is collected, it is within a certain context. The meaning derived from the intelligence, at-the-moment it is collected, is the correct association, for the information. Re-writing, your interpretation, of what you collected, over and over again-weeks, even months later, takes away from the truth revealed, by the initial encounter. Re-writing history, by changing your opinion every season, with the Paris fashions, is a serious: “faux paus.” Keep your evaluations, of your intelligence/information, fresh, and honest-a first impression.

          Popular opinion states, that the record of history, is in the hands of the powerful, and the ruling classes. It is hypothesized, that various governments, and political regimes, continually re-write history, to place their: culture, race, ideology, and successes-at the very top of achievements. I would propose, that the problem, is to such an extreme, that: pictures are re-painted, statues are re-carved, and money, is re-printed-not just the reprinting of the Bible. It would be unfair to state, that, only the French, are ethnocentric-with their exclusive and “clique,” social structures.

           The social participation, in decision making, and the inclusion of disparate groups, can be gaged, with a prior evaluation. Individuals operate, within a certain: social network, and, the network, is generally a fixed, and reinforced association, of continuous, and repeat interactions: cohorts, employment environments, educational institutions, churches, etc. A sampling, such as a: “group study,” can be applied, as an initial evaluation, to begin a determination, of the functional level, of the: friends and family. People tend to aggregate, around commonalities, i.e. : “Birds of a feather flock together.” The “closest linkages,” friends/family-one should find, that they share similar: genes, IQ, preferences, behaviors, habits, morals, ethics, etc.:

Specifically, a March 2015 Army review showed that most pilots in certain Army units did not complete fundamental training tasks in fiscal year 2014—a finding that GAO corroborated through discussions with pilots in focus groups and unit responses to questionnaires. (“GAO” 2015, 1)

There are some, who would argue, that to have a society, and to have a ruling ideology-all that is required, is a majority rule. It was Socrates, who wrote, that there are some, who must necessarily be excluded, from the decisions, of a ruling class. Socrates argued, that “retarded people,” while they may be functional enough, to feed themselves, and to walk home, from a long day of work-are not of the mind-set, to be, the entrusted representatives, with the responsibilities and obligations-which fall incumbent, upon a county’s leadership. Socrates pointed to the fact, that, while money, can buy nice clothing-it cannot purchase common sense.

               Then, retarded people, over-re-produced (and had too many babies), developed a majority in Greece, and, Socrates was killed-for being brilliant. Socrates, was one of the most intelligent men, who ever lived, and, he was executed, by a huge population, of retarded prostitutes-who, could not spell their own names. Unfortunately-no birth control existed, in the time of Socrates, and today, there is birth control, and no one wants to use it. To be great, to rule successfully, to leave an unforgettable legacy-of meaning, and contributions-more than: artists, “anyone/anything ideology,” and, a-majority-of retarded people-is required.

            A theory of intelligence, based on: “deception,” is not helpful to anyone:

• What is intelligence theory? And;

• Is there a uniquely American theory of intelligence? And;

• Which assumptions about intelligence and intelligence reform are useful, and which should be overturned? And;

• Can results from intelligence be measured? (Boraz et al. 2006, 1)

Not a single question, can be considered, or asked-when all of the answers are lies!


Boraz, Steven, Jones, Seth, Treveron, Gregory F., Phillip Lipscy.

2006. “Toward a Theory of Intelligence Workshop Report.” RAND National Security Research. Accessed February 19, 2017.


to Improve DOD Pilot Training.”  United States Government Accountability Office, Report to Congressional Committees. Accessed February 19, 2017.

Intelligence Officer: Reporting: "The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing-Except, The Truth, So Help Me God."


APUS (American Public University System)

Intelligence and Global Security Studies

2nd Master’s Degree Intelligence Officer In Training

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 352-642-6541

“This week’s readings told us how to code and to consistently re-evaluate our work but the lesson told us to look at the correlation with our actually research and then ‘scrub’ or fact check that data to ensure it is solid quality information we are using to prove our theories (Week 7 2017).” –Eliizabeth Buck

There can be issues, of a grave, and of a very serious matter, that, are uncovered, in any intelligence investigation. The facts, can be soo unusual and frightening, that, one may feel, a significant amount of real fear. It is not safe for America, when online social networking websites, begin to edit the content, that is being shared online-too heavily. Below, is an example of how China, still censor’s information, that is shared online-nothing has changed, after Tiananmen. And, my most recent investigative experiences have revealed, that-not only does China heavily censor online communications, China participates, in the modern-day slave trade:

Taiwan media across the political spectrum also carried commentary supporting the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to dissident Liu Xiaobo.  A 14 December 2010 commentary in Wang Pao--a PRC-focused newspaper which carries some of Taiwan's most positive reporting on the mainland--asked "how it could be a crime" for Liu Xiaobo to support the implementation of Western constitutional democracy to enable the Chinese people to "truly be masters of their own home."2 Beijing strongly protested the award, and PRC media authorities censored positive online comment. (“Taiwan” 2011, 1)

When I was in Seattle, WA-in: 2013, I was denied food bank food, for speaking to the elderly Chinese immigrants, about how and why, they came to America. When I left the food bank, I went down stairs, and towards the water, and signed a petition, against China’s support, for International human bondage and the black-market slave trading.

             A natural reaction, to a new development-should not become a road block, to completing, an investigation. Problems arise, when superior officers, in the US military, or academia-are not prepared mentally, to handle a report. Some intelligence information, is of such a pressing importance, that, any untimely delay-could be devastating:

In his seminal piece entitled, “The Wiki and a Blog: Towards a Complex Adaptive Intelligence Community” (2005), Calvin Andrus identified using wikis and blogs in the United States Intelligence Community (USIC) as a possible solution to their information sharing challenges in a world after the September 11, 2001 (9/11) terrorist attacks. Andrus asserted that intelligence based decision making was moving towards real-time, live environments, and that the “intelligence-decision-implementation cycle”, such as when new security issues emerge in Baghdad and are vetted through decision-makers in Washington, can now be as short as 15 minutes. (Chomik 2015, 95)

It should never be my responsibility, as an intelligence officer-to “scrub,” my evidence clean. I am an intelligence investigator. When I am hired-I complete my job. I turn all evidence in, and, I file any required attendant, or subsequently related, legal documents, and/or, other necessary paperwork. When my supervisor, or superior receives the full, and unedited report-if that person, is not mentally stable enough, to look at the evidence, I have uncovered, then, that is never my problem.

              I had a job, I did it, I turned in 1 copy of the evidence. If my superior, does not follow through, with his or her legal obligations, related to what I have located-then, that will never be the end of the story. I will see you in court. Work, is for adults. People who are too fragile, to do a job honestly, should stay at home, and collect a welfare check. Get out of the game-apparently, you are: “shell-shocked!” It is not fair, for the rest of the world to suffer, because one person, has decided to take upon him, or herself, more responsibility-than, that individual, can handle. I know I can handle my load. I tote. I swag.


Chomik, Andrew. 2011. “Making Friends in Dark Shadows:

An Examination of the Use

of Social Computing Strategy Within the United States

Intelligence Community Since 9/11.” Global Media Journal -- Canadian Edition, vol. 4. 2.: 95-113. Accessed February 19, 2017.

“Tiawan”. 2011. “Taiwan -- Media Independent; Growing

Exchange May Boost PRC Influence.” Open Source Center: Analysis: Unclassified/FOUO (Online Publication). 1-8. Accessed February 19, 2017.

Intelligence Officer: "US Extremist Groups Like 'ISIS,' As The New Counter To Domestic Terrorism and the Intl Police State."


Week 7 Forum Response

APUS (American Public University System)

2nd Master’s Degree Intelligence Officer In Training

College of Intelligence and Global Securities

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-352-642-6541

Question: “How to use American, online social networking resources, to reach out for help, from International terrorist groups, that are not based in the US-when, the FBI and US police ignore your valid and legal complaints, and, you are desperate for help-and, it is a life or death situation. Will you live?”

“The thematic analysis process, too, seems to dovetail nicely with grounded theory for my particular research project on why women and Western youth join ISIS, and how social media plays a role in that recruitment process.” –Katherine Heinzen

America is a failing Democracy. It is a police state. There are no laws here. People do whatever they want. US police support terrorism and anarchy, and almost never US law. The new generation of US police, do not even study US law, or our US Constitution and Bill of Rights. No one in the US responds to emergencies. You have no one to call here, if your life is in danger, not: Police, 911, FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, or anyone else. America, is as dangerous-in my opinion, as it has ever been.

       Our situation in the US, grew exponentially worse, with Mr. Obama, as President. Mr. Obama, kept military “boots on the Ground,” all over the world, like a giant invasive octopus, harassing, threatening, and killing everywhere-to gain more Intl support, for terrorism, his dictatorship, and an International police state. What follows, is an abridged description, of the intensive military campaign, that Mr. Obama championed, for his entire 7 years, of an: “African Dictatorship,” in America:

But few would, I think, refute the notion that robust interventionism was (and largely still is) very much out of vogue (consider, for example, the clear pejorative connotations of the term ‘‘boots on the ground’’ in nearly all political debates over the last several years). (Mitton 2016, 285)

For this reason, many Americans, are reaching out, and overseas, to extremist Muslim groups, for emergency assistance. Many Americans-such as myself, are being illegally detained, as hostages, while, other Americans, have soo much invested in the country-financially and otherwise, that, they cannot afford to walk away. I am like everyone else, who grew up in the US. At first-when I had an emergency, I called 911 and the police, and when they refused to respond, I moved on to: FBI and CIA, and they refused to respond, I moved to PM’s and other intelligence and governments overseas.

         My situation in the US, has become soo difficult, and uncomfortable in the US-that, after 7 years of: unemployment and homeless, and death’s door step, I finally began to reach out to the extremist’s groups in the US: KKK, Rangers, Malcom X Muslims, etc. The US government, in no way feels compelled to help me, or millions of others-who are stuck in America. People try to attack, and to rape, and kill me-every day, and the US government, could care less.

        The local state attorney, is arrogant, and apathetic. When I tell the state attorney, US courts will not hear my cases, and US lawyers, are refusing to represent me. And, the court house security, are cutting up my brief cases, when I enter and exit the court houses. The police fill up the entire court room, in uniform, and harass and threaten the judge, and the whole court team, and not just the defendant. The police want to arrest, the Sheriff-if he services my cases, like he is legally required to do. The judge has no choice-he has to refuse, to hear me.

        The state attorney, says to me, you are talking about International law. International laws, are not reinforceable, in the US-which is not true-America refuses to reinforce law again! America has such a rotten crooked system, from the very bottom, to the very top, with a refusal to comply-with US and International laws, at every level, that, there comes a point-when some people decided, something more extreme needs to happen. The US response, to everyone in this country-even to their own parents and children, is: “We could care less, and, we will never do anything for you!” It is Americas fault, that terrorists attack, this country.

ISIS: Although Turkey denies it, its early tacit support of ISIS, which allowed jihadists from all over the world to transit its territory and cross into Syria, has been well documented.8 Turkey’s motivation was to enable the Syrian opposition to defeat Assad and the Syrian Kurds, who had declared a thinly disguised PKK protostate on the southern Turkish border. (Gunter 2015, 103)

Extremist groups, are being utilized Internationally, in place of a regular militia.  When it would normally, be a position, where a mercenary, would be hired, from a country like Germany-instead, to really get the job done, extremist groups, from the Middle East, are being hired- to counter US police.

          When you are at the very end of your rope, and you have no more money, and no more favors owed, and no more friends with an extra couch-then, you begin to feel like-if I do not do something “extreme,” then I will end up dead. Americans, are soo out-of-control, and aggressive, about: politics, money, belongings, and everything else-that, people who feel drawn to extremist Muslim groups, like: ISIS, and who send a Tweet-through Twitter, will live longer-than the next man. America, is a violent and scary misery. Everyone needs friends-who are yours?


Gunter, Michael M. 2015. “Iraq, Syria, ISIS and the Kurds: Geo

Strategic concerns for the U.S. and turkey.” Middle East Policy, vol. 22. 1.: 102-111. Accessed February 19, 2017.

Mitton, John. 2016. “The problem with everybody’s favourite

solution in Syria.” International Journal, vol. 71. 2.: 283-290. Accessed February 19, 2017.

APUS Complaints Continue: The Lowest Grades Possible and Grades Missing From Week 3 Now


To Whom It May Concern:

                     I continue to receive, the lowest grades possible, for my high quality academic work. It is now week 7, I am not receiving any emails, or any phone calls, about the situation. The professor was changed, to the department head, and she, was not an improvement. I am not dropping out of my academic program, because APUS needs to fire, some of their staff. The grades that I am receiving, and-which are missing, from the 3rd week of class, are soo low, it is as if, I did not complete any assignments at all.

           As per the classroom guidelines, I should be earning a minimum, of 85-per assignment, if I exert any effort at all, and, I do far more than that. Should I fly to West Virginia, to meet with the Dean of the University. I am not willing to accept these low grades-they are not reflective of my hard work, or my valid contributions, to the class, and to the classrooms archived information of new intelligence-that, I personally am collecting. I am a working Intelligence officer-while, at the very same time, I am one of my own intelligence sources.

           Perhaps, that is how we need to resolve this issue-a visit in person from me, to your University offices, in West Virginia. I am having too many problems, in Gainesville, FL, and I am collecting too much valid evidence against domestic terrorists here-to support my statements, for your professors, or for your administrative offices to argue, that my research papers, are reporting false, or shady information. The professor I have now: Nicole Drumhill-is dishonest, and unkind, and she is giving me below average scores, because she does not like, my intelligence reports-not because what I submit, is not written well.

            It will never be helpful to America, to hire professors, who teach US Military, in the field of intelligence-not to report the truth, to their superior officers. I strongly disagree, with: "an intelligence policy of deception," I think that what RAND is teaching, is illegal. However, there is a huge difference, from being an intelligence officer for the US military, who passes out false information-as compared to, an intelligence officer, who reports falsely, to a superior.

      Have you personally, as a university-spoken to the Pentagon, because I applied for a position with them, and I report the truth. Do you think, that the US Pentagon, would feel safer, hiring an intelligence officer, who only reports to them-the false intelligence information, that makes everyone feel soo warm and cuddly-instead of the truth? I would think not!


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Intelligence Officer Applicablity of Codes And Various Data Types: Rough Draft: Due by 11:55pm


Intl 500 Week 7 Forum Group Posting

APUS Intelligence Officer

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Re: “What type of data coding, will you apply, and then utilize, for your final research paper?”

Homework Directions:

         In thinking about your research:

1.      how are you planning to assess your data? 

2.      How might you code your data?

3.      Finally, what additional insight did this week's material help provide that we haven't covered yet?

            –Nicole Drumhill

(Your initial post should be at least 300 words. Please respond to at least 2 other students. Responses should be a minimum of 250 words and include direct questions.)

 –Curtis Brandt

Due Date:

Initial Post Due: Thursday, by, 11:55pm ET and Responses Due: Sunday, by 11:55pm ET

“Data Coding: Choice and Applications: Check: and Match?”

By: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS


Specific data, and Specific Coding Requirements:

        It is necessary, for any collection of data, for the information, to be: stored, and then organized-prior to being analyzed. For specific genres of information, that type of coding utilized, must-in many ways, reflect the type of research study, that has occurred. However, in the rare circumstance, where some sort of organization chart, is not already aggregated-then, the experimenter, is under the obligation-to design a variance and reference chart. The typical features, utilized, to organize, a collection of data:

The standardized elements contain:

1.      Name of the data element (Field code, field name and a shorter variable name); 

2.      Type and format of the data element; 

3.      Harmonized unit,

4.      If applicable; 

5.      Controlled terminology, where needed, and;

6.      Some validation rules. (ESFA 2010, 5)

When I was searching, for various coding methods, to apply to my data, several more popular, and standardized types of “coding,” appeared-from, my:  online, APUS university, library-searches:

1.      SR Code;

2.      Med. Data Collection;

3.      West Key Number Legal Coding;

4.      Library Science Meta Data Dublin Core (DC);

5.      Continuous Collection of Data;

6.      Coding Manuals;

7.      Fast Coding For Film Editing;

8.      Watermark DSA Signature Predictive Coding;

9.      (Not an exhausted list), etc.

This is a brief over-view, and, the information presented, shows, that: there are many different coding data, and organization, and charting possibilities. Although, I am planning to turn in, a final research paper-like everyone else, I, as an intelligence officer-do work, with other forms of record, and collection. Film, and photography, are two of my favorite areas of focus, for intelligence collection, and data. I am aiming for: International Human Rights Court-in Europe, with the information, that I have collected, as an intelligence officer-care to join me?

       “Fast Coding Unit Decision and Mode Selection for Intra-Frame Coding In High Efficiency Video Coding,” from Lai and Tseng, 2016-is focused on coding: photo montage correctly, and pre-coded, so that, when it is loaded into an editing machine, the pictures, are aligned, in to the correct frames (Lai et al. 2016, 215). Pre-aligning photos, in a montage, to be sorted, into the correct frames-when the frames are not a perfect picture match-prevents, a total: “melt-down (Lai et al. 2016, 215)!” I have previous experience, working with: computers, film, photos, and editing (Sony Vegas)-a photo montage. I was required, to submit my final assignment, as part of my first Master’s Degree program (MLIS): “Evolution of My Consciousness: From Slavery To Freedom”-It Is An Autobiography, and much better, than: “Miss Jane Pittman.”

          Attribution, is important to me. I work hard. I write my name on my work. I always work alone, or, I provide the legally required attributions. I have had too many negative academic experiences-with other students-people I have never even met, stealing my academic work. For this reason, when looking for, a final coding topic, to discuss-in this pithy informational research paper, I have chosen to focus, on something known as: “a watermark.”

         A “watermark,” is a seal, and, is reflective, of the original producers: name, and contact information, and other details, that are required, to identify, a; “Creator,” of a give “work-of-art” (Kim et al. 2015, 5189). “For the copyrighting of digital media, a DSA signature is appropriate as a watermarking technique (Kim et al. 2015, 5189).” In the United States, we value artists, and original designs. It is illegal, to: borrow, or to steal, someone else’s academic, or professional work-as one’s own, when, in-fact, you are not the original creator, of the: “work-of-art.”            



European Food Safety Authority. 2010. “Data Collection of

Existing Data on Protected Crop Systems in the European Member States-Coding Manual.” EFSA Journal, 8. 3. :1-81. Accessed February 16, 2017. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2010.1568. Accessed February 16, 2017.

Kim, C., & Yang, C. 2015. “Watermark with DSA signature

using predictive coding.” Multimedia Tools and Applications, 74(14), 5189-5203. doi:

Fast coding unit decision and mode selection for intra-frame coding in high-efficiency video codingLai, Tai Yen, and Tseng, Chao-Feng. 2016. “Fast coding unit

decision and mode selection for intra-frame coding in high-efficiency video coding.” The Institution of Engineering and Technology, vol.10. 3.: 215-221. doi: 10.1049/iet-ipr.2015.0154 Accessed February 16, 2017.

Intelligence Officer: UNHCR Query: "Have You Ever Helped Anyone, Anywhere-It Has Never Been Me."


Dear Anastasia,

        Are you really a Russian? Do you ever help anyone? Has anyone anywhere gained from your assistance. I have some of the most: “dire” circumstances, in the US: no friends, no family, no resources, constant torture and abuse, my children are being raped at school, people are making false police reports on me to have me killed, Africans are attacking me in the streets, at hotels, and in the grocery store.

          I am sick and cannot get any medicine, the FBI tell me they refuse to take my complaints-because I am White, the CIA-never respond, my clothing is cut to pieces when I fly and my underwear are stolen, etc. I have nowhere to reach out to, because I am: Republican, and not a Christian, and, I am Asian. Africans hate India-so, I cannot even buy salt at the grocery-it is not just: the constant: police brutality and beatings, that have left me severely disabled physically, and it is not just, the: 7 years of unemployment and homelessness, for the entire Obama Administration.

        I have no rights in the US-not: civil or other whys, I have sole custody, of my 3 children, and my youngest child-who sent me her honest complaint, and photos, is being raped at school, so: University of Florida campus police, wrote a trespass order against me-when I was nowhere near the school-it was either that, or a mental hospital, for complaining about my youngest child being raped all day, and during class time, by other students-and by teachers on campus.

                   The University of Florida police, understood, that the situation-is soo unfair, and illegal, that I wanted to come to school, to rescue her-myself, so, they trespassed me, so nasty blacks, can rape and sexually assault my daughter all day long-while they pretend with the high school-that it is legal, and I, cannot come anywhere near her. I hate everything about America. Myself, and my 3 children, need political asylum desperately, and, we are trying to apply for an immigration status, somewhere instead, because people tell me, America is soo wonderful-why would you ever leave?

Additional information, is posted online-daily, by me-regarding the true state, of the US Union: I get tired of listening to, and looking at: LIES-on TV and Radio, and in the movies, all day and night. There is nothing fun or happy, or enjoyable, about America, and, there are no people who will help you, or opportunities here. My 3 children and I, are being illegally detained, and tortured in the US, and-it has been almost 20 years now, and-it is only getting worse. I hate America.

            I have posted more court evidence, for International HUman Rights Court, to support my above statements, online, to: Flickr. Login to Flickr-then search my name: Bayo Elizabeth Cary, and Bayo Cary. One of my Flickr accounts, was deleted, because Americans are evil, and trying to steal everything from me-to erase court evidence, and, therefore, MI5 issued me, an Email account that they access, at their offices: Thank you for your concern. If you care-please help.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-792-4586

Intelligence Officer Self-Training Pertinent: As Per APUS: "The Fort Hood Incidents-Texas, Etc. Jihadist?"

April 3, 2014

To Whom It Is Concerned:

        My name is Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS. I am self-training myself as an Intelligence Officer. I have several applications pending with US Intelligence agencies. I am writing to your attention today, in regards to the shootings, which recently occurred, where you are located at Fort Hood. At present, I am located in Boulder, CO.

       I have just submitted my application, to attend a joint: JD/MD program, through Wolf School of Law, it is the University of Colorado, located in Boulder, CO. I was also, just recently accepted to a second MA program, an online program, through APUS, and the US Marines, in: Government and Military Intelligence, however, I do not at this time, have money to pay the tuition, to join the classrooms online yet.

      I saw at the beginning of this week, that the FBI were investigating Jihadist, on military bases again, and more specifically, at Fort Hood again.  The discussion was on a Military Group discussion page, through Google plus, online-the social networking site.  I briefly looked over the article that aol news, has posted online regarding the second Fort Hood shooting incident.

        I tried to contribute commentary, online, after have looked over the aol news article posted online, and I was unable to do so. My comments, are not soo controversial, and regardless, there are a number of online news sites, and social networking sites, that have blocked me from posting my commentary, and who will not allow me to social network on their sites at all anymore: aol news, disqus, Twitter (I was Tweeting to my cousins: Prince William, and Prince Harry, to various branches of the US Military, major news groups: LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post, etc., to Nobel Peace Prize Winners: His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and Thich Nat Hanh, and to His Holiness Pope Francis of Vatican City, Italy.), Tumblr, etc.-this is of great concern to me.

       I regards to the most recent shooting at Fort Hood: I have in the recent past, come upon a man, a VA, who told me, what I believed to be, a highly unusual story, about his participation in the Iraq war, however, his story, may be more common, than many people realize:

     I met a man who identified himself as VA. He was retarded. The VA, was also physically handicapped, and mentally ill. The man told me, that he was serving in the Iraq war, when, he was captured by the enemy, then transported to a remote location-to a hospital. At the hospital, which he believed was located somewhere else in the Middle East, a doctor, performed some kind of botched lobotomy on the MIA US soldier. The VA, the former US soldier, referred to the results of the botched lobotomy, that he received as an MIA soldier in some part of the Middle East, as a brain injury.

       After the soldier, was almost dead, and too dysfunctional to d much of anything, and completely mentally ill, he was returned to the US, to a mental hospital in Florida. At the particular mental hospital in Florida-Shands a t Vista, in Gainesville, FL, where the brain damaged VA, was returned to, the staff and psychiatrists at the mental hospital, continue to abuse, and to mistreat the VA, who barely survived a botched lobotomy, in the Middle East. I do not know, where that particular man-the VA, is now. Too often, mental patients, who generally start off as abuse patients, do not live very long, when the are too abused, and too tortured. That particular VA, may have already passed on.

     I am not a mental patient, however, I have been held over and over again, in mental hospitals, at the insistence of my Mother, because of my socio-political views. I have had 2 court rulings in my favor, along with testimony from a psychiatrist, and from a psyche nurse, stating that I do not have a mental illness. I have never had a mental illness, and yet and still, terrorists, have continued to hold me hostage, to treat me with psychotropic medications, that, I do not require now, and, that I have never required-the most recent episode of which, was close to here in Denver, CO, and that was after I had been cleared, even here in Denver, CO, by a psychiatrist here.

      Referring back to the situation, where I met the VA, with a "brain injury": The last time, that my mother, forced me into Shands at Vista Mental Hospital, when, I was not a danger to myself, or other, when I was not suicidal, and when I was not delusional or hallucinating, the psychiatrist insisted that I have an MRI, because I was naturally producing a small amount of breast milk, and, at the same time, not expecting. I went for the MRI, as directed to do so, then, the psychiatrist, who was mistreating me, and giving me risperidone, that I do not require at all, stated that there was an abnormality, with my MRI, right around my pituitary gland, that may require attention.

     I spoke with the general medical doctor, there on the psyche unit, at Shands at Vista, in regards to the recent MRI scans, and he stated, that there were no abnormalities on my digital images at all. Then, the psychiatrist spoke to me, and insisted again, that she believed, there was something, a cyst, right at my pituitary, that may require another MRI scan, and this time with a chemical tracer, so that more attention, can be drawn, to what ever abnormality, may exist.

      The psychiatrist, and the general medical doctor, went back and forth for a while, then, a second MRI, and without my approval was scheduled-which I skipped, then finally, the general medical doctor won out, and I was transferred from Shands at Vista, a mental hospital there, to McClenny State Mental Hospital, where after further evaluation, I was relocated, to a different county, within the State of Florida, far away from my Mother, and discharged from the mental hospital, with no diagnosis, and no recommendation for follow-up care, or, for psychotropic medications-that was almost 3 years ago now.

     Based on my last, and most unfortunate experience at Shands at Vista, mental hospital, in Gainesville, FL, it is of my strictest opinion, that, Americans, are being tortured in mental hospitals, quite possibly, all across the country, and maybe, in various remote locations, all over the world, for being: VA, for having conservative Christian values, for being affiliated with the Republican party, etc., for having pro-American, and anti-terrorist sociopolitical views, and for publically expressing our views freely, and for living our lives, by American, ethical, moral, and more, modes of conduct. When my Mother, used to force me into the mental hospital, all of the time, when I had no mental issues whatsoever, she used to come in and complain to the mental health staff for hours, about the commentary that I was posting on Facebook, and Twitter.

       In conclusion, it is my belief, that the torture, that is occurring, in mental hospitals, in the US, goes beyond what anyone anywhere could argue for, as humane treatment. Not only are anti-Americans, giving our US soldiers, forced lobotomies, in the Middle East, terrorists have also accessed the American medical system, and, I was almost forced to have a lobotomy, at Shands at Vista, in Gainesville, FL, in the Shands Hospital system, by my Mother, and a Crazy person, who was acting as a fraudulent psychiatrist, when in fact, the was no cyst, according to the general medical doctor-there was no cyst at all, on my pituitary gland, and therefore, no reason for me to be considered for neuro surgery.

     Thank you for your time, and for your attention. Individuals who are tortured, and programmed, as you may well know, do not behave appropriately, because of fear from the torture, because of a programming, that they are not intelligent enough to resist. Many of our US soldiers, who are sent over seas, are not reported as MIA, however, they are captured, without Americans having been notified at all, then, they are sent back to the US, abused, and tortured, as a Trojan Horse, to hurt us-We Americans.

Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS


Bayo Cary