Tuesday, November 1, 2016

New Statement of Law School Interest: International Law: Defense-Civil and Human Rights-Use Them Or Lose Them-Freedoms!


New Statement of Interest: Law School: Europe: International Civil and Human Rights Defense

To Whom It May Concern:

         I am interested in obtaining information, regarding applying to study, as an International student, from the US, in the UCD, law and politics, undergraduate programme-leading to full bar membership, to practice.  I am writing to your offices, from the United States, and specifically from: West Palm Beach, FL-where, I am homeless.

         I have had no: employment or housing, for almost the entire Obama Administration, however, I am a gifted student. I have been accepted full scholarship to law school, here in the US, in Boston, and could not attend, because I could not afford housing. Additionally, in 2012, I was accepted to 3 law schools in the UK, however, I could not-at that time attend, because there were no scholarships available to me.

            I am seeking a law school in Europe, that would be willing to fairly consider my application to study law, and, I would also require consideration, for: on campus housing, work study, and scholarship. I have no friends, or family, to assist me in the US. I am an applicant for political asylum in Europe, because my life is in constant danger in the US. I have no way, in the US, to support myself, because, the actions taken against me by the US government-are soo extreme, and drastic, that, I cannot even have an active bank account, or, access to any social services.

            I have been emailing overseas, and begging for assistance with my situation, for almost 7 years now-with no response. I have no real hopes, that Norway, will accept my application for political asylum. US government and police are blocking me at various airports, from flying to countries that are closer to me, like: Mexico, for help-I do speak some Spanish, and could get by. I have been posting my legal complaints online, at various Blogger websites, and social networking websites, as a freelance news reporter, for over 7 years now, with no employment opportunities offered.

            The Obama Administration-like Zimbabwe, or any other African dictatorship, utilizes the US police, to establish a police state, in an attempt-to control everything-including US news, and world reports.  Please take the time, to Google, my name, to see what I have been posting online: “Mumbai  Bai Bayo Eliza Elizabeth Cary”-almost any combination, of the aforementioned. I am eager to defend, my: civil and human rights, which are being abused-while I am quite literally tortured, in the US.

           I have attempted, through contacting many lawyers-both: within in the US, and abroad, to gain legal counsel, for appropriate representation, in a US court of law, or, in a European Court of Human Rights, and, I have been denied the fundamental right, to both: legal representation, and the court system, to resolve any of my: valid legal complaints. I am, therefore, applying to law schools-in Europe, in-order-to, represent myself-in my own defense of, my: civil and human rights, which-are supposed to be protected and defended-according to US Supreme Court Law, by: The US Constitution, and Bill of Rights.

           Thank you for your time, and for your consideration. I can be contacted my easily by email, at either, of the following two email addresses: baieliza@yandex.com  or BaiEliza1Cary@yahoo.com  If you would like to interview, then, we could talk by Skype-I am not a beauty queen-after 7 years of homelessness, with no help, for anyone, anywhere-most of the time-however, my personal computer, does have a web camera. Thank you again. 


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Email: baieliza@yandex.com or

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