Monday, November 7, 2016

"Peace Keeping Military Mission: Iraq"-Intelligence Officer Email Communications-Thank You: General Mary Legere

Dear General Mary Legere,

      Thank you, for your recent communications. I hate what happened in Iraq, and in Libya. It is therefore, a pleasure to hear from a soldier, who is on a; "Peace Keeping Mission." The death of Saddam Huassain and Muammar Gaddafi-were illegal, and were aggressive unprovocated attacks, by the US government, for their own immediate needs, and purposes-with absolutely no consideration, for what is: legal, humane, or ethical.

       If someone, engages in behaviors, that have been deemed as a detriment to society, then, that individual must be granted, a day in: International Court-particularly, when that person, is a world ruler, of an autonomous country. The United States, is not the smartest country of people, and has never been in a position-legally, to over look, the: personal civil and human rights and freedoms, of individuals, in other countries. I do not know what was happening in either Iraq, or in Libya, and neither does anyone else, because- a day in court, was summarily refused.

      The United States, in general, has serious problems, that the media is not allowed to discuss, because of the strict regulation, of the US government, regarding a strong adherence, to: civil and human rights abuses, for political means and reasons. Although, the activities, against both: civil and human rights, that the US engages in, are illegal, the US government, refuses to offer, any way to resolve those issues, both: through the US court system, and through, the: International Court System of Human Rights, and-I Strenuously Object!

       I am an applicant for political asylum in Norway, who has suffered to a great extend, from: civil and human rights abuses-including: tortures, which are fully supported by the US government. I have nowhere in the US to complain, and up until recently-I had no complaint to file overseas, in the European Courts of Human Rights-either.  I am also on a: "Peace Keeping Mission." I think many disagreements, and arguments-between both: individuals, and countries, can be much better resolved, through the court system. Do to how unreliable, and dangerous, the US is-I would prefer to rely-entirely, on the: European Court System of Human Rights.

        I am fully qualified, to attend law school abroad. I am applying, and, the closer my legal cases get to being accepted for  hearing in Europe, that harder it is becoming, for me to gain consideration, at an overseas law school. I am a much better: researcher, writer, and overall student now, and International law schools, like: Northumbria, of Newcastle, UK-that were willing to accept me, in 2012 are now turning my application down, for political reasons-in support of: Mr. Obama, and International Terrorism. I just applied to: Bond Legal Studies, at a University in Queensland, Australia, and the law school refused to review my application, because, my life is in danger, and, I had to apply for political asylum in Norway-they did not want me to graduate from law school, and then, to apply as an immigrant, to Australia-crooked, and a very illegal political response to my law school application. I plan to sue, both law schools in International Human Rights Court.

      I post my most recent legal complaints, and most important email communications, to my active Google Blogger: Application For Political Asylum Oslo, Norway, My Life Is In Danger In The US  I have other blogs, and other online posts-under my name, about the continuing dangers associated with my situation, here in the US, as well, as my need for political asylum in Europe, and, my applications, to law schools abroad, as well as, my current legal complaints, current location in the US, current educational program, and my travel plans, for the months ahead. The United States is soo dangerous for me-my life is in imminent danger-even if I am not accepted for political asylum in Norway, I still have to leave the US, or, I will surely die. Almost no one here helps me. I am always sick, from being homeless and having no money. I have no access to medication, and I have no friends, or family or help me, and that is only the beginning of my troubles, in the US.

        Thank you for your recent communications. If you assist me in anyway-then, please do so, and in exchange, I will try to help you-in almost anyway that I am able. I too, believe, that world peace is possible. I am sorry, for what happened in Iraq. I do not support the Obama Administration. I do not agree with a pre-emptive strike against Iraq, with US military. I knew, and so did most other Americans, that there were no weapons of mass destruction there, that needed to be destroyed.  I am working as hard as I can, to ensure that there some way, to remedy the wrong, however, there will never be anyway, to set back the clock, or to remove the: pain, fear, or sorrow, that the people of Iraq were exposed to-especially the children. Please accept my sincerest apologies.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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