Monday, November 7, 2016

Bond University Rejected My Application For Study For THe Wrong Reasons: Queensland, Australia-I plan to sue, for as much money as possible!

Dear Bayo,

Thank you for your application to pursue study at Bond University.  As part of the Immigration Department Simplified Student Visa Framework (SSVF) arrangements, Bond University is obliged to ensure that applicants are Genuine Temporary Entrants and Genuine Students (GTE/GS).  For more information regarding GTE/GS please refer to the following websites:
In accordance with Part 2 - Bond University Academic Regulations, Division 2 - Admission, 5 General,  (6) Authority to cancel offers, Bond University is not satisfied that you intend to be a Genuine Temporary Entrant and a Genuine Student and as a result your application has now been withdrawn.  In your application you have indicated that you require a full-scholarship in order to undertake study in Australia and would be seeking political asylum, Bond University is therefore unable to consider your application further. 
We wish you the very best in your future endeavours.
Joseph Theseira.
Office od Admission
Office of Student and Academic Services - Admissions
+61 7 5595 1062
Bond University | Gold Coast, Queensland, 4229, Australia
CRICOS Provider Code: 00017B

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