Tuesday, November 15, 2016

An Online Stalker On Twitter, And Continuing Death Threats, For Filing Complaints With US FBI


Complaint To US FBI:

Online Stalker-Twitter, And Death Threats, For Reporting Complaints To FBI

By: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 352-219-1872

From: America: West Palm Beach, FL, Downtown Public Library

            I am at the public library downtown. It is the only public library in the US, that allows me to have access-even though I am trained as an accredited librarian. Local police are beginning to follow my every step. It's making me uncomfortable, because US police, have a history, of assaulting me, and trying to beat me to death, as well as arresting and illegally detaining me, for problems that do not exist. There is someone following me on Twitter, who is harassing me, because of who I Tweet to-including to the FBI.

             Men in this community, are having too many mental health issues, to be in the streets, a number of whom, are constantly trying to rape me, like they are trying to rape: Melania Trump. The men follow me into the public library, as well. Yesterday evening, a man pulled down his pants, and illegally exposed himself to me-here at the public library, and, there was very little, that the librarians here could do-this makes me unhappy.

             I think the US is too unsafe to live in right now. I have had no: employment or housing, for almost the entire Obama Administration. There is soo much backlash, in this community, against the Republican GOP-Donald Trump win, because of terrorists in the US, both: Africans and Israeli-who hate Whites, that, my situation has actually become more uncomfortable, since the Donald Trump win, of the US Presidency-although, I am Republican, and do support Mr. Trump, and his wife. A nasty dirty woman at the library, told me I have problems today, for washing the acne on my face with soap, in the library bathroom.

              I need to have paperwork notarized, to release my US Federal Financial Aid Award funds, from my Northcentral University doctoral studies, and the downtown notary office-locked their door, in the middle of the day, to refuse me assistance. I am being illegally detained in the US, as a political prisoner and hostage. the local police, harass airport staff, at several of the International airports, that I have flown out of, making it-now, impossible for me to fly Internationally, out of some US International airports-this is illegal too: MIA-Miami International, Orlando International, and Reagan Washington, DC National airport. 

             It is scaring me too much, that the local police are following me soo closely now, they bring in new officers-who refuse to follow US law-they arrest you for nothing, and try to kill you-when you refuse to prostitute. I hate America. I am never going to be a prostitute, and neither are my 3 children. We just want out of this country. I have nothing here. I have no opportunities. People are soo dishonest towards me in the US-I cannot even have a simple bank account here. I have been requesting the assistance of the: FBI/CIA, since-2007.

            Please help me escape the US. You cannot keep me safe, and the crazy immigrants-they keep flying in-they keep refusing to ever leave here.  Thank you for receiving my communications, and continuing complaint-again. For more information, in support of my application, for political asylum, to Norway, please visit, the following web address: 

Thank you again, for your continued support, frequent visits, to my Google Bloggers, and Wordpress, and for any comments, that you may see fit to leave. NAMASTE.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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