Monday, November 14, 2016

Oxford PhD Application-Prior To MD Requirement-Areas of Interest, For General Research Projects-Dissertation Areas of Focus: 2010

Oxford Application and Marshall Scholarship Application:

Clinical PhD Doctoral Research Projects Proposals-2010:

Applicant 2010-Prior To MD Requirement:

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 352-219-1872

“Internet Methods for Dietary Assessment in the U.K. Biobank Study”

    It is my understanding that, Dr. Robert Clarke’s doctoral research proposal hypothesis is that: the risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD) may be mitigated/increased by the adoption by an individual of a: Mediterranean or vegetarian diet.  In addition, it is my understanding, that the numbers of individual’s included in previous studies, related to CHD and diet, have been insufficient to adequately establish/refute more than a weak correlation between “diet” and CHD.  Additionally, it is my understanding that: Dr. Clarke’s study seeks to understand how two specific diets: Mediterranean and vegetarian, and an individual’s genes, interact.


“Epidemiological Research of Vegetarians: Nutritional Status and Long-Term Health”

     It is my understanding that Professor Key’s doctoral research project is a study of various types of  diets, traditional (meat included) and non-traditional (vegetarian and vegan), and the types of nutrients that the three different diets provide.  In addition, it is my understanding from Professor Key’s explanations, that blood samples have been taken from the study’s participants.  Finally, it is my understanding that it is Professor Key’s intention to compare:

1)         the constituents of the blood samples taken from the study’s


2)         the study participant’s diets (self-reported); and

3)         the study participant’s over-all health outcomes, i.e.,

         morbidity and mortality rates.

 “Molecular Biology of Iron Metabolism”

       Professor Alain Townsend is conducting research on the element of iron and its metabolism by the human body.  It is my understanding, that previous research has focused primarily on the interaction between an individual’s genes and: either iron saturation or anemia.  In, addition, Professor Townsend’s most recent studies,  has revealed that: ferroportin, which has been randomly altered (mutated), changes the way in which iron uptake occurs on a cellular level.  Furthermore, it is my understanding that recent research conducted by Professor Townsend on mutated ferroportin  has revealed that: mutated ferroportin causes a cell to react to iron uptake in one of two negative ways:

1)         Cellular death:  Macrophages become saturated with dead cells that contain iron. The macrophages, thereby, become saturated with iron, resulting in iron saturation and misplacement of the iron element into organ tissue (Paranchymal, n. d.).

2) “Hepcidin” (Hepcidin, n. d.), is unable to prevent the iron that the cell has taken-up, from leaving the cell.  “Hepcidin directly inhibits ferroportin, a protein that transports iron out of cells that store it.  Thus, it maintains iron homeostasis” (Hepcidin, n. d.).  Therefore, due to the effects of the mutated ferroportin,hepcidin, is unable to prevent the ferroportin, from moving the iron out of the cells.

Therefore, it is my understanding, that: mutated ferroportin, has a negative impact on an individual’s “iron homeostasis.”  *Conclusion: if a mutated ferroportin is present in an individual’s system, then an individual’s body will have difficulty maintaining a salubrious iron balance (Hepcidin, n. d.). 

Works Cited: According to Purdue Owl Online (A.P.A. Format)

Hepcidin. (n. d.). The Free Dictionary By Farlex. Retrieved from

Paranchymal. (n. d.). The Free Dictionary By Farlex. Retrieved from

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