Sunday, November 6, 2016

Revised/Updated: Original Statement of Interest For Interest To Law School-Circa: 2013 In the process of applying to law schools in Australia.


Application-Law School: International Law and Politics: International Defense of:

Civil and Human Rights

Original Personal Statement: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

           I was in high school, at P.K. Yonge, the University of Florida Research and Developmental High School, for The University of Florida, in the 1990's (1990-June of 1994).  At that time, I was: senior class president, a member of the national honor's society, a: straight “A” honor roll student-- frequently, and: “gifted” independent studies, gifted, Advanced Placement, and honor's student (with numerous honor’s and academic awards), and, I was also voted: "Most Likely to Succeed."

          I knew at that time-as a high school student, that I wanted to attend law school. It, however, has taken me years of: undergraduate, and graduate study, an LSAT preparatory program, and two sittings for the LSAT exam, before I was able, to begin the application process, to any law school-anywhere.  It has taken me, over three decades-almost, to get to a point, where, I might really, finally get to attend, a law school program-anywhere in the world.  Right now, I am submitting law school applications, to both: the UK, and to Australia.  I prefer the weather, and the political climate of Australia-however, the UK, is centrally located, for the: International Human Rights Courts System.

         I graduated from high school in 1994 (June).  I was enrolled as an undergraduate for 13 years, before I finally received my Bachelor's Degree from: The University of Florida.  And that was after having completed an Associate’s Degree in both: Honor's and English studies at: Santa Fe Community College (C.G.P.A.: 3.6).  I thought I would never finish with my undergraduate degree-because it was taking me soo very long. I ended up studying in almost every subject area, that was offered on campus, as undergraduate studies, and, a graduate studies class-in the psychology department: anorexia and bulimia nervosa. I have always love academics. I earned 301 undergrad academic, semester term credits, before: University of Florida-forced me to graduate. Although, I had taken too many classes, I had not concentrated, in any one area enough, and therefore-did not earn a minor, for my: English major Bachelor Degree.

             I was a single parent with three children, and living completely alone, for the first four years of my undergraduate degree.  At that time, I was enrolled at Florida State University, in Tallahassee, FL—the capital city of Florida.  I worked very hard, and I was, therefore, able to cover, almost all of my expenses myself.  I: attended classes, volunteered, and worked--sometimes two jobs, in order to pay most of my bills on time.  Sometimes, I did have to ask my mother for her assistance though. I remember the times-many years ago, when I had some minimal support and help, from friends and family, here in the US.

          For the past-almost 7 years, I have been living as completely homeless, in the US. My adopted mom, Susan Elizabeth Cary, Esq. (1215 NW 4th Street, Gainesville, FL 32601 USA-My permanent address, where I am not allowed into the house, and I receive-none, of my post mail, that is sent there.)-owns three homes in Florida, and, completely ignores me, and has disowned me. I have nowhere to live at all. My adopted mom, stole all my belongings, and, took both of my homes-I had no one to complain to, because the US court system, is not responsive to any complaints, regarding: civil and human rights-violations.

        As a severely physically disabled America, who receives US government welfare benefits, because of the severity of my injuries-I thought I would be able to locate some lawyer, somewhere in the US, who would be concerned about me, and my situation, and-that simply, was not the case.  On many days, I am in soo much pain, that, I can: barely-walk, sit, or stand, or walk a very long distance-I always need to sit down frequently. I take too many over-the-counter pain killers, for the permanent injuries, that I have sustained. I used a wheelchair and walker for a number of years, however, I was beaten soo badly, sitting in the wheelchair-immediately outside, of the jail entrance, in: Seattle, WA-I almost lose my left eye, and had to re-set my broken nose myself, that, I refuse to sit in a wheelchair now-even when I really need one.

        I am persecuted, in the US, by the: US government-who are supported, by: US Police. I have been attacked, and beaten by US police-on numerous occasions-even, almost to death, and false arrested, and thrown into solitary confinement with internal bleeding-as well, as being accused of being: “mentally ill,” for continuing to actively complain, about how I am being: tortured, abused, and mis-treated-when, I have no serious mental illnesses, at all.  The US government, utilizes: mental hospitals, jails, ad prisons, to illegally detain: “political dissidents.” The fact, that I am not a Christian, is also a huge problem for me, in the US, although, the US Constitution, states, in the attendant Bill of Rights, that I have a freedom of religion. I am Asian, and a Buddhist.

           At present-I am located: West Palm Beach, FL, at the public library, and on the 4th floor. I invite people who care-from all over the world, to please come and see me, and speak to me, in person-in West Palm Beach, FL. Americans almost never help me with anything, whereas, people from other countries, value: civil and human rights, and really fly to America, from anywhere in the world, to help me-sometimes. I still have almost nothing I need, however-it is the only place in the entire country, that I, as a librarian by training, am allowed access to the public library.  I have been trying to leave the US-since: 1999. Right now, I am having problems with US police and US and International airlines, blocking me at major US International airports, from boarding International flights-even after I have made my arrangements, for housing, and, I have already purchased my non-refundable plane ticket. I have been begging other countries, to assist me with an application for political asylum, for over 7 years now.

        I am half-way through, processing an application, of political asylum, through the country of: Norway-however, I do not-at this point know, if Norway, will allow me to complete the appeals process, with UDI and UNE. Although, I began the political asylum application process, in Norway, I was never permitted to meet with an attorney, about my appeal-no one ever saw the documented evidence, that I brought from the US with me, to fully support my application, for political asylum. I have a huge stack of legal documents, in only Norwegian-that I cannot read. I was deported from Norway, on the very day, that I was to see my lawyer in his office, and, I was deported by a: Kurd, and an African-who were working for: Norwegian Immigration Police, and my impression was: extremely political.

        I began a Master's Degree program, at Florida State University, in the fall of 2008, immediately after I graduated from the University of Florida, in the summer of 2008.  I did not have time to prepare for the LSAT, while I was: working, completing my English degree, and riding both: to and from campus-on my bike.  I also had to take the bus, both: to and from campus, because it rains almost every afternoon in Florida, during the summer months.  I waited until I was almost done with my Master's Degree-in 2010, before I paid full-tuition, for a Kaplan LSAT Preparation class.  I then I took the LSAT--twice, to get a high enough score, to qualify for admission, to a U.S. law school.  The LSAT was such a long and intense exam.  I read and completed, every question, on the entire test, both times I took it.  I still cannot believe that I willingly sat for the LSAT twice-and, it was almost two times in a direct row, based on when the test is offered.

         I have lofty ideals and high aspirations. I would love to make the world a better place for everyone-not just for myself.  I have been a member of a number of nonprofit and nongovernmental outreach social services agencies: Amnesty International, the A.C.L.U., W.W.F., E.D.F., N.A.A.C.P., the Sierra Club, Green Peace, and numerous other multinational/International organizations, including: Doctor's Without Borders-who are working hard to make the world a better place, as well. Your financial assistance is absolutely required, and it will be more than appreciated. I cannot attend law school, without your generous assistance.  I am doing what I can to earn money in the US-however, it is really too difficult, for me to live here.

           The Obama Administration, “Blacklisted” me, in: 2008. Although I am qualified to work, and plenty of immigrants-who are not qualified at all-who do not even speak fluent English, are being hired in the US everyday-I have not even been offered a job interview. I, therefore, created, my own nonprofit organization-it was an assignment, in my: Business Administration, Advanced Accounting-doctoral studies, post-master certificate towards PhD, Northcentral University, online educational program (2015-2016).  I initially incorporated, my nonprofit organization, for tax exemption, through the State of Florida-US. However, after an entire year, and not a single donation, I chose to work for my nonprofit, without worrying about official paperwork, and tax exemption status.  I post information online, as a freelance reporter, for my nonprofit organization-major International news stories, which are being neglected by US media, due to the controversial nature, of the subject matter.

           I was recently admitted to Intelligence Officer Training, with the US Marines-as a civilian. I was admitted to the program, with American Public University System (APUS), in 2013-however, I had no money to study for my second Masters, at that time, so, I began training myself, as an International Intelligence Officer, and building my own required network, of qualified contacts/informers. I am actively seeking employment overseas, in my field of choice: media and news reporting, investigative reporting, investigative research, criminal research and background profile checks, intelligence information collection and analysis, etc. I just recently, submitted two applications, for employment with: Interpol, in Lyon, France. My situation in the US, is soo bad, that, I must make my arrangements, to permanently relocate abroad, and to bring my 3 children with me-regardless, of whether or not, Norway is willing to complete processing, my stalled application, for political asylum.


        I am qualified, to attend law school. I was accepted to several law schools in the US, and to several law schools in the UK. I have even been accepted to law school in the US-Boston, on full scholarship, however, because housing is soo expensive, and, I have no: friends or family for support, and no employment opportunities in the US-attending law school here, would be an expensive waste.

          I sincerely pray, that I receive some positive news shortly, regarding placement available to me, at a law school abroad, and with full scholarship, or, at an International employment position, that will pay me enough, to allow me to pay for the online legal studies program-from abroad-myself. I am happy. I am tired. I am working hard every single day. Please respond to my inquiry, and to my request for assistance, if you are both: willing and able to help me. Nothing is available to me-here in the US, and right now-with no employment, and bizarre travel restrictions being enforced against me, by the US government, at various US International airports-I am having some difficulty, in helping myself-all on my own, enough. Thank you again, for receiving, my application for legal studies, Spring Term matriculation: 2017.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Email:  or

My cell phone was stolen again. I can easily be reached, by direct Tweet, on: Twitter: @LittleBitCary If it is pre-arranged, I can talk on web camera, by phone, on: Skype: Bayo Cary  Thank you again. I look forward to hearing from your: undergraduate legal studies offices-shortly.


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