Wednesday, November 9, 2016

UDI: Online Request From US, To Norwegian Government, For Assistance With Completion: Political Asylum Application From US To Norway


To Whom It May Concern:

       I am a political asylum applicant to Norway, and I need to return to Oslo, Norway, to complete my application, for political asylum. My name is: "Mumbai," Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS. I am now beginning my 2nd Master Degree: Intelligence Officer in Training-as a civilian, with the US Marines. I am also in the process, of applying to law schools overseas, to work as an International lawyer, to defend International cases, pertaining to violations, of: civil and human rights-including my own cases, against the: Mr. Obama Administration.

           I was deported from Norway, on the very day, that I was to speak to my attorney. I have gained representation-for free, from: Free Legal Services, at Stargata 19, in Oslo, Norway-Egil.  I have never-however, met with a lawyer in Norway. UDI hired a lawyer for me& he mis-represented me& he filed paperwork that I never saw or approved of. I called the Norwegian Bar Association, on the lawyer, that UDI, hired for me.

            The lawyer UDI hired for me, spent all the UDI legal fees money, filing nonsense legal documents, stating that I was not interested in an appeal process-through: UNE. I send paperwork-to add to my appeal, and to the strength of my political asylum complaint/application, into UDI, by email-however, I have never received a personalized response, for anything that I have ever submitted.

           I have contacted a number, of the Norwegian Embassies-Washington, DC, Mexico City, MX, London, UK-requesting that they assist me, with completing my application for political asylum, in Norway. My attorney's office in Oslo, states, that I must show up in person, to file the appeals paperwork-he needs to see all my relevant legal documents and paperwork, and only some of them, are in electronic format-to appear for the UNE hearing of appeal.

           Yesterday, I spent hours, trying to upload UNE appeals court documents, directly to the UDI website-so that UDI, could begin to look through some of my appeals information, and, I was unable to do so.  I have posted additional information, about my situation online, at the following Google Blogger blogspot:

Google Blogger:

I have a huge stack, of legal paperwork, in Norwegian, that must be explained to me, by my lawyer in Norway. The various Norwegian Embassies that I have contacted, have told me, that they do not have any legal representative on staff, who can assist me, with the documents from UDI. My current contact information:


 Cell: 1-352-219-1872

            I am homeless, with almost no resources, and located in: West Palm Beach, FL. There are now several US airports, that the US government, will not allow me to fly out of, for political reasons-they block me from boarding a flight, even after the ticket is paid for, and try to: arrest, or assault me, and trespass me, from the airport, while I wait too board the flight: MIA-Miami, FL International Airport, Sanford-Orlando, FL International Airport, and Washington, DC-National Reagan Airport. 

                I need the assistance of UDI and Immigration Police Norway, to re-enter Norway, to complete my application for political asylum, because I was deported by the Immigration police, and they said, it was at the orders, of UDI. However, when I spoke to UDI-I was told, that I would be allowed to speak to my lawyer in Norway, prior to any deportation procedure being introduced, because I did have the right to appeal, the UDI decision-it was not final, and, unfortunately, that-simply was not the case.

               I am concerned, about the race of the Immigration police, who deported me, from Norway, because, I am an applicant for political asylum, from a country, that will still have an African Dictator as President, until January, 2017. My Immigration police officer, was Kurdish, and the only male officer, who flew back to the US with me, was an African.  Africans, and Kurds, are a huge problem for me, in the US, because of the political situation here.

          I think that it was no a coincidence, that the officers who completed the deportation orders, were: Kurdish and African. Lastly, it is disturbing to me, that I was deported from Norway, on the very day, that I was to meet, with my legal counsel, for the very first time-it looks shady, and dishonest, that Immigration police, kicked me out of Norway, on the very day, that I was to meet with my lawyer.

            Lastly, I had paperwork on me, stating both, who my lawyer in Oslo was, and, at what date and time, I was to meet with him. I was carrying on my person-clear and convincing evidence, that I did in fact schedule an appointment, to meet with free legal aid-in Norway. In my opinion, I was deported from Norway, when I was, and on the day of my appointment with my lawyer, so, I could not have the legal counsel, that, UDI promised me, I had the legal right to-I am upset. 

          My life is in danger in the US. I feel like Norway, is not taking my political asylum case seriously. Thank you for receiving my communications. I will look for your prompt response. Thank you for continuing to receive my email, and email online submission-communications. I do hope, that the: above-mentioned issues, can be resolved-as soon as possible. Thank you-again!


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 352-219-1872

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