Friday, November 25, 2016

Northcentral University-Online PhD Program-Another Dishonest Communication-A Litigious Matter At This Point!

To Whom It May Concern:
         This communication, is in regards, to the unofficial transcript, that I have finally received from NCU. I have had several conversations, with the NCU disability department, in regards to my final grades, for both of the classes that I was enrolled in. It has been communicated to me, on too many occasions-in regards to the numerous problems, that I encountered at NCU, due to the professor changes, from: Dr. Wendy Achillies, and the extensive issues, pertaining to HigherOne Bank-that, my grade for the class, would be a: NG. NCU, is being too unfair with me. I have to argue with the university too often, and then, it takes forever, for someone to send me an unofficial transcript, and then the grade-is both: unfair, and, not what has been repeatedly communicated me.
I need the response, from the: NCU Dean's Office and Ombudsman-as well.
              I have been told too many times, that this last semester, when viewed in light of the extenuating circumstances, was decided in my favor-and if not, then I need the direct contact information, for both: the Dean and academic Ombudsman, for academic appeals. I had no access, to my student financial aid-and I still have no access, to replace a broken laptop, or to fix the broken screen, in order to proceed, with my academic assignments. Again, the professors-other than: Dr. Wendy Achillies, were not grading me fairly, and, a professor-"John," who had been replaced, and who-it was agreed upon, was not suitable, to facilitate my education through NCU, or to grade my homework assignments, was returned to me, as an instructor-with no prior notification, or explanation to me. Later, when I inquired further, about the unsuitable: "John," professors, I was told, Dr. Wendy Achilles, has moved up to the: NCU Board of Directors, and therefore, no one else is available for the class-necessary for graduation.
                   It was mutually decided, that because Dr. Achilles, was no longer available, as an: NCU professor, and only: "John," professors were teaching my classes, that I should not attempt to complete any degrees, through: NCU. Please respond to my email communications, your next working day. I understand, it is the Thanksgiving Holidays. However, I was told-and very clearly, that the issues mentioned above concerning academic at NCU, had already been resolved, and now, all of the issues must immediately be re-visited. My recent communications, with: NCU, are not honestly reflected, in the unofficial transcript, that I have just received.
                Thank you for your continued communications. I need a prompt response, to this email, for another discussion, regarding the resolution, of the second class, which I was enrolled in, through NCU. I think it is unfair, that NCU, is making me work this hard, for: honest communications, and, the agreed upon results in writing, and posted in Black and White, to both: my unofficial, and official NCU transcript. I will call, your offices, this coming Monday.
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cell: 1-352-219-1872

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