Friday, November 4, 2016

American Airlines:I Receive Almost None Of My Post Mail In The US-Even With: A Home Address/Post Box/USPS Post Box

02.11.2016, 20:47, "" <>:
An Image

November 2, 2016

Dear Miss Cary:

Please respond with a valid address in order for a check to be reissued to you.


Austin Mosby
Customer Relations
American Airlines

AA Ref#1-23267932004                                                      

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           American Airlines, has had since July 2016-to respond to my request for a refund. Africans, at MIA-Miami International Airport, worked with local police there, to cancel my ticket to Cozumel, MX. American Airlines, is responsible, for the cancelled airline ticket, because, AA, hired the Africans, who cancelled my plane ticket, and who, left me homeless in South Florida-with almost no money, when, I had housing arrangements in place, for the entire month-in Mexico.

           Spending months, pretending, like A, is going to respond to my request, and then, send a check to whatever address-when I have already explained too many times, that I do not receive post mail, in the US, is an insult to an injury. I nee the money, that is owed to me, and I am tired of writing back and forth to American Airlines. American Airlines, responds to the email-while at the same time, they do not assist you at all. I am-today, submitting applications to over seas law schools again. This situation, between myself, and American Airlines, is now: a litigious matter.

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If your comments are related to American Airlines service to, from, or in the United Kingdom and we have reached an impasse in terms of resolving your complaint, please know that we are obligated by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to inform you that the NetNeutrals EU Ltd. (, located at 3 Armley Court, Armley Road, Leeds, LS12 2LB, is a CAA-approved Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) provider competent to deal with airline service complaints. American Airlines, however, does not participate with NetNeutrals EU Ltd. in resolving disputes.


To Whom It May Concern:

         No, I am not sending you a valid address. You can return the payment you owe me, to my Visa debit card, or, you can give me a free plane ticket: domestic/international. I am an applicant for political asylum in: Norway-for many good reasons. I do not receive any post mail in the US. It does not matter is I provide you with a valid address.

             I never get almost all of my post mail. It would not matter, if I sat all day watching the post box. My post mail, is not delivered to me-in almost every instance. The problem of me not receiving my post mail in the US, is far worse than someone coming to  my mail box, and stealing the mail, out of the box. I called the US Postal Inspector, and she told me, that she could care less.

        The retarded woman told me, that the post office delivers your mail, to an address, and, they do not care, if it goes to the wrong address, they do not care if someone else opens your mail, and they do not care if someone steals your post mail in the US-at least it was delivered to somewhere. There is nothing that I can do, about my post mail, not being delivered to me. Certifying the mail, does not offer any guarantee, that I will receive the package-either.

         Please respond in kind, and in a prompt manner. American Airlines, can return the money owed to me-from the illegally cancelled plane ticket to Cozumel, MX-by Africans at MIA working for AA-to my Visa debit card, or, AA can offer me a free plane ticket: domestic/international.

        There are no other ways to return the money you owe to me, other than, telling a representative, at one of your airports, to go into the cash draw, and to simply pay what you offer me, in cash. Thank you for your recent communications. I will look for your near future reply.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

My cell phone, was stolen again, and, I have no money to replace it-again.

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