Tuesday, November 8, 2016

International Law Suit: Application For Political Asylum: France, United Kingdom, and Norway-My life is in immediate danger in the US, and I still have no political asylum!


Law Suit: Application For Political Asylum: France, United Kingdom, and Norway:

     Although, French is not such a difficult language, to speak or read. I tried to apply for political asylum in the UK-as opposed to, flying all the way to mainland France, to attempt there instead. International news, were actively discussing, how awful the refugee situation was in France. And, there had been a recent terrorist attack, in France-as well.  The photos of the refugee camps, coming out of France, were atrocious-I was afraid, that if I were to apply to France, that I would end up in one.

       My application, for: political asylum in the UK, was quickly rejected. I was told, by: UK Border Patrol and Immigration, and by: Tascor-security, for the UK deportation prisons, that, my application for political asylum, in the UK, would never be considered.  Border Patrol and Immigration UK, told me, that if I were to apply for political asylum in the UK, then, my application, to law school in the UK, would not be considered. Additionally, I was told, that UK Parliament considers the US, a healthy country, and therefore, no matter extremely distressing my personal situation was in the US-it would not be considered, as a political asylum case, because I am from the US.

        I returned to the US, from the UK, and my situation in the US, began to deteriorate-once again. The situation, in the US-after I returned from the UK, was even more uncomfortable, than the situation, had been, prior to my flight, to the UK, to apply for political asylum. My life is in immediate danger in the US. I cannot go on living here-I have almost nothing I need to survive-most of the time. I then flew to Norway, to submit an application, for political asylum, in Oslo.


Asylum Request, From: Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S, for myself, and, for my 3 children: Hadiya Elizabeth, Omari Jonathan, and Nadira Helena.  A response is requested from your office, in regards to this email communication.  Thank you.

To Whom It May Concern:

     My name is: Miss Byao Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.  I can be reached by gmail email at: belizabethcary@gmail.com  .Your assistance is requested with my application to the UK, for asylum, for myself, and for my 3 children: Hadiya Elizabeth, Omari Jonathan, and, Nadira Helena.

Request for Asylum in the UK: Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S. for myself, and for my 3 children: Hadiya Elizabeth, Omari Jonathan, and Nadira Helena.

Previous Correspondence with The British Embassy in Washington, DC, is cut and pasted below, as follows:

Original Asylum Request, by: Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S. for myself, and my 3 children, an edited version: 08-29-2013: Hadiya Elizabeth, Omari Jonathan, and, Nadira Helena:


Original UK Asylum Request:

UK Asylum Request From: Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S. for myself and for my 3 children: Hadiya Elizabeth, Omari Jonathan, and Nadira Helena.

Edited Version: 08-29-2013

 To Whom It May Concern:

        It is my intention to seek asylum in the UK.  I have been tortured here in the USA, with medication that I did not require, to the point of complete retardation of dysfunction, for the past 14 years, and, I have been forced to be homeless for the past, almost 4 years.  My children were removed from my care, because of the torture which ensued, and, because I lacked the financial resources to support my family.  I have not had a job interview, since 2008, although, I am capable of working, and, I have a Master's Degree.

         I have had little to no time at all, with any of my 3 children, who are all now in high school, over the past 14 years.  I am tired of being homeless, although the  medical abuse, within the healthcare system here in the USA, has abated, I am still being refused gainful employment, and safe housing, and access to my 3 children, to whom, I am the sole custodial parent--the sole decision maker according to the court system in Florida--USA.  I would like to apply for asylum in the UK, for both myself, and my 3 children: Hadiya Elizabeth (17 years), Omari Jonathan (16 years), and Nadira Helena (14 years). 

         I am having considerable difficulty surviving here in the USA with no money, and not much family, and no housing, and no job interviews since 2008, although I am well qualified to work.  I have no mental problems, although I was persecuted here in the USA, for the past 14 years, as though I were a dysfunctional mental patient.  I just passed another psychological examination, at another hospital here in Phoenix, AZ.

         How do I apply for asylum online?  Is it possible to apply for asylum in the UK online?  I am not able to relocate to the UK at this time, in order to apply in an asylum application office in person, at your London asylum granting and application office, however, I could very easily relocate from Phoenix, AZ, closer to the British Embassy and Consulate location in Texas, USA, and, apply from there, or to one of the other British Embassy locations, here in the USA?  I could apply in person at the British Embassy location here in Texas, USA.

          I would not feel comfortable, after what I have suffered, in flying to the Washington, DC area, not at this time, to apply to The British Embassy in Washington, DC, for UK asylum, I would prefer to leave the USA, and to apply in Canada instead, if, that is at all possible—in British Columbia, or, anywhere else in Canada?   My full legal name is: Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S. .  I will have a phone number again shortly, until that time, I can only be reached by email, at: belizabethcary@gmail.com , at this time.  I am completely homeless, and really struggling, without enough financial resources, after years of medical mis-treatment, abuse, torture, and ostrification, to continue to survive, here in the USA.

        Thank you for your time, and for your immediate attention.  I will look for your prompt reply by email.  My situation is pressing, and requires an immediate resolve.  Thank you again. 


Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.


Initial Response Communication with the British Embassy in Washington, DC

To Whom It May Concern:

     Thank you for your prompt reply.  When I initially began to inquire in to the asylum process, I did contact the American Embassy in London, from a Mental Hospital in Florida, where, although I have no mental disorder, I was being unlawfully detained.  The American Embassy in London, did refer me to your office in Washington, DC initially.  I attempted to contact your Embassy via phone, however, unfortunately, the phone did ring, and ring, and no one did answer.  When I called the American Embassy back in London, I inquired as to whether the British Embassy in Washington, DC, was fully staffed at all times, or, if the Embassy staff, might only be on site and available for special occasions, such as when Royalty like Prince Harry, come to visit the USA?

     Is there another British Embassy, here in the USA, that may be able to assist me, with my application for asylum, for myself, and for my 3 children.  I have honestly been tortured, and held against my will in a number of mental hospitals, in Florida and Georgia--USA, that I did not belong in, long after medical professionals--psychiatrists, did attest to my mental and physical fitness.  I just left, Ormond Beach, Daytona Beach, and Hollyhill Florida, where there were threats against my life--a billboard in front of a gun shop, that used my actual name to advertise a gun to kill me with, and on sale, and then, a woman, named Sara Amanda Cole, attempted to kill me with her vehicle, by running me over, that is why I flew here, to Phoenix Arizona.  I did take a picture, of the bizarre advertisement, in front of the gun shop, that actually stated my name: "Bayo," and "to kill," and the even stranger on sale price tag, of whatever weapon, that particular gun shop, was trying to sell.

     I will contact the UKBA, as you have suggested, to request further information, about the asylum seeking process, however, I am not prepared at this time, to leave my children, in this country--the USA without me, in order to file the asylum application, from another country.  I began the immigration process to the UK, several years ago, when I knew that I was seriously interested in studying medicine at Oxford University.  I have had my university diplomas evaluated and compared, so that I may apply to and attend university in the UK. 

          I am interested in studying and practicing both: International Law, and International Medicine.  I have already been accepted to the L.L.B. Programmes at: The University of Buckingham, Northumbria, and my application is almost done processing, for the L.L.B. Programme, at Cardiff in Wales--they did state that they would accept me, but, I still have not completed the application process, due to the fact, that I wanted to apply for the Vice Chancellors full-tuition scholarship, but, when I began to submit my application to study, I did, unfortunately, just miss the deadline.  I do intend to apply to Cardiff in Wales, to their L.L.B. Programme, but, in enough advance, that, I will not again miss, the Vice Chancellors full tuition scholarship, again.

      Thank you again, for your time, and for your continued attention.  If there is another British Embassy, here in the USA, which may be able to assist me, if you would notify me of such, by email, to this address: belizabethcary@gmail.com, then, I would once again, greatly appreciate you assistance.  Thank you so much.


Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary AA BA MLIS

Social Security:

State Department USA Passport #:

Expiration: November 2018

Florida, USA Drivers License (Stolen Last Year)

You are welcome to run a criminal background check on me, if that has any bearing at all, with you assisting me, and my request for asylum in the UK.  I have no criminal record.  I do engage in any criminal behaviors.  I do not: date, drink, party, smoke, or prostitute, beg, or destroy the property of others.  I am a responsible adult, however destitute and homeless at this point, and well educated, by USA standards.  I am also the sole custodial parent, of three children: Hadiya Elizabeth, Omar Jonathan, and Nadira Helena, who, I hardly been allowed to see at all, over the past 14 years, although, I have no history of child abuse what-so-ever.  I was trained, when my children were very, young, and certified, to work, and I did do so, in a Florida pre-school, as, assist teacher, a lead teacher, or a day care owner.  Thank you again.


Second Email Communication, with, the British Embassy in Washington, DC:

Inquiry: Regarding Asylum Granting and Application Processing Through a Canadian Office Location:

Inquiry:  Is there a Canadian Asylum Granting and Application Office for the UK located in British Columbia, or, anywhere else in Canada?  I do not have to financial resources, at this time, to travel, all the way, to the UK, to apply for asylum in the UK, in the UK London asylum granting and application office.  Thank you.  I will look for your reply by email, to, this gmail email address: belizabethcary@gmail.com  

Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.

Asylum Request in the UK, for herself, and her 3 children: Hadiya Elizabeth, Omari Jonathan, and Nadira Helena

To Whom It May Concern:

      Thank you so much, for your prompt reply.  I am not requesting information in regards to a Passport for travel, or in regards to a Visa for visit, although, I imagine a vacation in the UK, would be pleasant.  My inquiry is specifically for assistance, in so far as an application for asylum is concerned. 

       I did read more about how to file for asylum to the UK, through the website, that your office, the British Embassy in Washington, DC, did send to me, in your previous email.  There seems to be a requirement, that the individual who is applying for asylum, should be applying from a country, other than, the country where they are requesting asylum from.  I hesitate, to leave America, without my 3 children: hadiya Elizabeth, Omari Jonathan, and Nadira Helena.  They are my only family--really.

    However, I have been to the USA state of Michigan many times, to ski, and to vacation at Machinaw Island with my family.  I am not objectionable to relocating to the USA state of Michigan, in order to apply for asylum in the UK, immediately across the border, in Canada.  I recall, from the last time that I visited Detroit, that there is a tunnel there, which leads directly across, to Canada. 

       I wonder, can I apply for asylum immediately across the border from Detroit, or, from any other area in Michigan, that provides a direct and easy route, from the USA in to Canada?  Would I need to travel to somewhere specific, which is located in British Columbia?  I travel very easily, but, due to the cooling clime, I will need to make some plans in advance about housing, and transportation.

        I am not adverse to camping in the cold, but, I do not know what the rules and laws are in Canada, and, because I have no job, here in the USA, and, because I have not been interviewed for employment here since 2008, I have very few financial resources, therefore, I will not, at this time, be able to book a hotel in Canada, while I await a meeting with a British asylum granting specialist.  I will need to know before I leave here, Phoenix, AZ, that I will be able to meet with an asylum granting specialist, as soon as I reach an office in British Columbia, and preferably with a set appointment date and time.  Time is of the essence, when it is so very cold out, and resources are limited. 

       Is there an asylum granting office in Canada, in British Columbia, or anywhere else in Canada, that you could refer me to?  I do not, at this time, have the resources, to fly all the way to the UK, in order to apply for asylum there, at your London asylum granting and application office.  Thank you so much, for your continued assistance, and correspondence.  I appreciate your prompt email responses.

       Once again, I can be reached through my gmail email, at: belizabethcary@gmail.com  .  Thank you again.  My email inquiry about a Canadian asylum granting, and application office, does require a response.  I also have cell phone, which will be accepting calls again, perhaps some time tomorrow afternoon, the number is as follows: T-Mobile Cell #: 602-332-2149.  I will confirm with your office, at some point tomorrow, via email, when my T-Mobile Cell number, is in service again. 

      At this time, I only have texting, and online services available to me.  You may send me a text message if you would like.  Next month, beginning tomorrow, I will be paying for unlimited T-Mobile cell phone call service, in addition to the text, and online services, for the entire month. Thank you.  I will again look for your offices reply, via email, to my gmail email account: belizabethcary@gmail.com .


Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.

Attached should be: My Final Transcript for my Master's Degree, and several pictures of me, from a young child, to 2008.  I have already taken the time to have my USA university diplomas compared with UK university degrees, and, my degrees have been verified as comparable.

1 comment:

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