Friday, November 4, 2016

No Communications Received From Northcentral University Re: Academic Matters, Fall Term 2016


Complaint: NCU Online Educational Programs: Doctoral Studies

To Whom It May Concern:

      I never received any communications from Northcentral University, about my: Post Masters Certificate Towards a PhD program, in Business Administration, with a specialization in-Advanced Accounting. I changed the email attached to my student account, and online website portal, so, the university could reach me, then, someone changed the address back, to an old email, that I cannot access. I left many messages, and only received one call back, although, some people did tell me, that they were leaving messages for me-I never got them.

       It is not my fault-not to any extend, that my Federal financial aid, was not made available to me. I am still arguing with HigherOne Bank-now: Bank Mobile Vibe, about accessing my student loan monies.  I still, do not have enough money, to repair the laptop, that broke-when last I was enrolled, at: NCU. It is unfair to me, that NCU, has made no real efforts to communicate with me, in regards to my complaints, about: the two John professors, who would not grade me fairly, the financial aid, which-still is not available to me, or, the over-charge, by the NCU financial aid office. The NCU financial aid office, made me pay, for the class I was taking-2x-I never agreed, and, in doing soo, the NCU financial aid office, somehow-illegally over charged my student Federal financial aid account-screwing me over-completely: “No!”

         I tried to request email addresses, from your NCU offices: Financial Aid, Ombusdman, Dean, etc.-online, however, your new gay hires in California, refused to help me. I am not interested in re-enrolling at NCU. I think it would only be downhill from here. Moving the headquarters of the university, to California, was a huge mistake. People on the West coast, are: rude, self-absorbed, impossible to deal with, and they never really-ever help anyone.

          I think the two: "John" professors, that replaced Dr. Wendy Achilles, are new hires, from the state of California. There is no way, I could ever pass a class taught, by a professor from California-the entire state, has an extreme prejudice, against all Asians. California, tries to block Asians, from entering US universities, in that state, they say that we: do too much work, study to long, and are perfectionist-and they do not want to complete with us, because people in California, like to attend class only sometimes, then, go home, to: drink beer, smoke marijuana, and watch the: Kardashians and Mr. Kate Genner. Please respond to my email, as soon as possible. Thanks.

           Please find the time, to respond to me by email. When I leave messages for your offices at NCU, I am told that you called me back, and so what, if I did not receive any voicemail.  I should not be penalized, because my laptop broke, and I have no financial aid, to pay to have it fixed, to continue with my classes, and, I communicated that information, to your offices, in a timely manner. I should not be penalized, because I did not know, that Dr. Wendy Achilles, would never be available, as an instructor again. The two John professors-that I was assigned, in the absence, of: Dr. W. Achilles-never graded me fairly, and, did not respond to my complaints fairly either. 

            Lastly, I never gave the NCU financial aid office permission, to charge me double for a class, that I had already almost completed, under to direction of my previous instructor: Dr. Wendy Achilles. The financial aid office at NCU, needs to return all the money that they can-other than what was sent to my student bank account, to the Federal government, for the last class at NCU, that I was enrolled in-I never had a chance to take that course, or to complete the work, and therefore, I am refusing to pay for it-I do not authorize the charge.

        I will look for your prompt reply, by email, to this email account. This is my active email:  I need you to re-send to me, any communications, that you may have forwarded on-already, to the incorrect email account, I will never receive those communications, including, any documents/decisions, issued by the NCU: Dean, Ombudsman, Financial Aid Office, Re-Entry, etc. Thank you. I will appreciate your sincerest efforts, to resolve the above-mentioned issues, in a timely manner, and in an effectual way. Thank you.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS


No cell phone, stolen again. Please reply by email-there are no other options for communicating with me, right now.

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