Saturday, November 12, 2016

Active Terrorism In US:Anti-Trump Rallies/Marches-Treasonous Activities-The Results West Palm Beach, FL


Complaint: Situation In US Worsens: Organized Terrorism: Treason: Anti-Trump Rally/March-Not A Peaceful Demonstration-Ever

To Whom It May Concern:

           The situation in the US, has deteriorate, since Donald Trump, was elected to be, the next US President. There have been organized: anti-Donald Trump rally/marches, all over the US. Terrorists, who have invaded the US, are sponsoring the anti-Trump activities.  The rallies and marches, are more than a little destructive-cars are being turned over, riots and fighting, property destruction-as various items are set ablaze, Americans who are participating, should at once, be charged with treasonous activities, because the protests, are never peaceful.

        In West Palm Beach, FL, last night, at the downtown public library, where I am forced to remain homeless, and unemployed-as a: political prisoner and hostage in the US, around 9pm yesterday evening, before the anti-Trump rally really got underway-men began trying to rape, all the homeless, at the library and in front of the library, at: Dunkin Donuts. I do not really know what happens all night at the public library Dunkin Donuts. The man who runs-this particular franchise, refuses to sell donuts to me, because I will not prostitute, so, I do not even sit over there. Some of the men, who usually sit at Dunkin Donuts all night told me, that they sit over there: getting drunk, smoking crack cigarettes and marijuana, prostituting, using other drugs, and raping each other-for fun.

          Last night-I was too tired, after working all day at a nearby public park-that is too dangerous, for the neighborhood children to visit. I needed sleep. Soo, when the men, came around the corner, from Dunkin Donuts-where I cannot even buy a donut, trying to rape me to-I went straight to my cell phone, where I have US FBI on speed dial, and sent text messages, about the situation here-for almost 3 hours. Then, finally, it quieted down some. The men were soo stubborn last night, and aggressive, that I pulled a razor-sharp knife like object out of my bag, to sleep with in my hands, and then, I was able to sleep-with no more problems.

            However, I was left with the strong feeling, that I need to be carrying a legally issued and approved weapon, like a: semi-automatic with a silencer.  Some of the terrorists, are soo retarded, from being soo abused-that, you cannot reason with them at all.  Some of them, are just: suicide bombers. I began telling the men, that I was going to call the police, and the FBI, and, most of them-could careless-like: "So what, call the police-they can't do anything to me," and, "I can do whatever I want-this is my country too."  My hard work paid off. The FBI got my messages, loud and clear.

          This morning, all the tables, in front of the Dunkin Donuts, had been removed-there was nowhere, for any of the terrorists, to sit and prostitute anymore.  People had filled up the patio though, around the missing tables in front of Dunkin Donuts-lots of angry pissed off faces, and mean looks, so, the local police-had to sit right there next to the huge crowd, and with their lights flashing-to hold the peace.  Terrorists, in the US-they: "group stalk", and they: "gang rape," just like gangs in: Soweto, South Africa-however, in the US, our terrorists, are every color and race sometimes, and, are almost always members of the: LBGT community, and usually, recent immigrants to the US, or, young children, who have been raised wrong, by immigrant to the US families.

           There is a great deal of hope, that a President Donald Trump, will be able to turn America around. I am hopeful, as well. However, I have benefited-absolutely: none, since the Trump win-my life is in more danger now. I still have, no: employment, housing, bank account, medical doctor or access to regular medical care, almost no clothing, not enough money or food ever, no access to my own post mail, my email accounts are still being attacked, people are still really nasty to me-even though I am a Republican and now Trump is the next US President.

       This morning, I was soo filthy again-after having to sleep all night with a razor-sharp knife object in my hands, that I had to wash some clothes, in the library sink. I had to remove my own impaction. I had to buy tons of vitamin and yogurt juice, to try and fight my worsening sinus infection and bronchitis-from all the crack cigarette smoke in the air. I had to pile on loads of Vicks vapor rub, to deal with my excruciating back pain-from being attacked/assaulted-attempts against my life, which occur soo often in the US. 

            I have a suit case full of dirty clothes. I have no money to wash any of them-people in America-help me almost no at all, I am always washing my clothes by hand here.  I need new shoes. I have no clothing. The local churches, and social services organizations, always refuse to help me, because I am not a Christian prostitute. the fact that I am a Buddhist, is a huge problem in the US-even though the US Constitution stipulates, in the Bill of Rights, that any religion, or even no religion will do. I can only afford to ride the public transportation here, until the end of December, 2016.

            I am disabled-so I have a free bus pass, however, in January, 2017, the wealthy City of West Palm Beach, FL, is raising all of their public transportation rates-even for the permanently physically disabled-I will not even be able to take the bus to the airport in January, 2017.  Additionally, there are more immigrants, who are flooding into the US everyday-they have, no: high school diploma, no college degree, they cannot add or subtract, or even speak English, or read or write English sometimes, and they are hired and into housing overnight-most of the time, while I am left homeless-even though I am still in school, and now working on my second Masters: Intelligence Officer Training, with the US Marines, as a civilian, and applying to law school, in Australia.

          Nothing about America, is fair towards me, and it is soo unfair-the way that I am treated by others, in America, that it is: torture, and illegal.  I am asking anyone, anywhere in the world for assistance, I need help that badly-however, I have already begun, my application for political asylum through Norway, I need to continue on, to the meeting with my lawyer-I have a legal right, and my appeals process-I have a legal right. I post my continuing legal complaints online:  Please assist me. Thank you for accepting, my continuing communications.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS


Cell: 352-219-1872

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