Thursday, November 10, 2016

Congratulations Donald Trump on Winning US Presidential Election-Please Make The Country Safer-Before You Travel Around The US Too Much


 Re: Republicans Recently Won The US Presidential Elections, Is It Safe For Mr. Donald Trump, And His Friends And Family, To Visit Trump Towers, In West Palm Beach, FL-Right Now?
Answer: Not Really!

To Whom It May Concern:

           Thank you for your reply. I am at the public library, in West Palm Beach, FL, setting up my Bank Mobile Vibe account, for my student financial aid. Donald Trump towers, are just up the road from me-literally, 5 blocks away, towards the water way-prior to the bridge, to the beach.  Too many people in this immediate community, are really not excited, about Donald Trump becoming President. The City, is cleaning up suddenly, and beginning to bleach the White sidewalks clean.

         I am concerned, because of how: hostile/aggressive people have been towards me-when all I do is sit at the library and work all day, and, I campaigned for Mr. Trump-immediately prior to the election. Some strange immigrants have shown up, in this community, from overseas, to work with Americans-who are pro-Obama, only. One man-he comes to the library every day, and he's from Chicago, Mr. Obama pre-presidential territory.  The very first day, that the man showed up her, at the public library-he was outside talking about: plastique, bombs, pro-terrorism for Mr. Obama, and about explosives in general.

            I report to the NY FBI, on a regular basis-however, they never respond directly back to me-unless, we are talking on the telephone. Today-early this morning, police, who are military trained showed up in West Palm Beach, FL, in a military tanker. They late, ran-for general fitness, and I noticed, that they were much larger, and more muscular, than the average US police officer, and, friendlier-as well, however, there were only about a dozen of them.

             I am not US State Department/or US Homeland Security. I am enrolling in the Masters, for: Intelligence Officer Training, with the US Marines-as a civilian. I really do not know, if West Palm Beach, FL, is safe enough, for Mr. Trump to visit-with his friends and family. The community, is hearing rumors, that the clean-up, is because of the Trump win, and that, he really-may be coming home, for a visit. The people who are visiting West Palm Beach, FL right now, are still mostly pro-Obama-even after the election, and really not nice at all. 

                I am an applicant for political asylum, in Norway, because I have had nothing, for almost the entire Obama Administration. I have had not access to: employment, or housing, and my adopted mom stole everything I owned-with no recourse, and, I have no access to any social services in the US, no access to any medications-even with full insurance coverage, I am in soo much pain, from assaults/and attempts against my life, that I take a bottle of extra strength Tylenol-every 4 days, and I take Aleve, and use a topical pain killer-as well, all at the same time-and no one in this community cares at all-I just have access to the library here. 

            The air outside, is soo nasty. I am asthmatic, and in West Palm Beach, FL right now, I need: 2 inhalers, nasal spray, Claritin, and a face mask all the time, while I am outside, or, I throw-up, and dry heave/gag, and have diarrhea-all of the time.  From what I can tell, there are mostly: pro-Obama crack cigarette smoking prostitutes in town, in West Palm Beach, FL, and their other terrorist friends. The Dunkin Donuts, at the library, will not even sell me donuts-which is really bizarre.

           Mr. Obama-has on a number of occasions-sent assassins after me-even to other countries-because we get to talking, my would be Mr. Obama assassin, and myself. I think, because of who is here right now, that even with the increased police presence-it is not safe, for Mr. Trump, and his family to visit: West Palm Beach, FL.  Thank you, for accepting my humble initial opinion, and evaluation, of this particular community: West Palm Beach, FL-at this time. Please keep in mind, that I am just now-in December, 2016-beginning my: Intelligence Officer Training program, through: APUS. Thank you again. 


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 352-219-1872

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