Monday, November 14, 2016

West Palm Beach, FL Public Library: Prostitute Central-All Day, All NIght-No Sleep Required, Just A Roll of Toilet Paper!


Intelligence Officer In Training-As Civilan, With US Marines: APUS 2nd Masters Degree
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

RE: Evaluation of West Palm Beach, FL Public Library-Prostitute Center-Post Donald Trump US Presidency Election Win-Backlash, Increased Terrorist Activities

           As the days following the US Presidential election draw on, there still have been no improvements in the US, from which I am benefiting. I am attracting a long list of Stalkers, who are following me, in several different formats, and areas. I am doing my best, to document circumstances, for evidence in court, and to defend my application, to Norway, for political asylum. I have not taken enough photos, therefore, today, I am charging my ipad, and only camera.  I was forced to switch sleeping areas last night. 

            I was sleeping, under the cameras and flood lights, by the: West Palm Beach, FL USA, downtown public library. However, the prostitutes who were staying there before me, did not appreciate my company-they told me, that I am scaring away all their business.  The sleeping area, at the public library, is right next to a parking garage, and I need to sleep all night-whereas the prostitutes, wanted to sell ass all night.  Cars pull up into the garage, pay a little: .25 cents-2.00 dollars USD, for anal/and oral sex, then they can easily return to their vehicles.

            However, I will never support prostitution, and the stink-not just sound, wakes me up at night. Additionally, there are no smoking in this area sign, all around the library, so-being an asthmatic, I complain all the time, about prostitutes smoking crack, in front of the no smoking signs. The prostitutes, are soo retard, that they do not follow any US rules-even if they grew up in America.  The prostitutes like to smoke crack, because it gives them diarrhea-then they empty their anus out, for anal sex.  Prostitution is illegal in the US, and unhealthy.

            I moved, to somewhere-not as comfortable or safe-even though, I am the only librarian in the crowd of homeless, by the library, because the prostitutes were beginning to threaten my life, for complaining to them, about their illegal behaviors.  I can subpoena the video camera tapes from both: City Hall West Palm Beach, FL, and from inside and outside the Public Library, for court. The prostitutes, who are active around the downtown public library, think that it is absolutely fine to engage in those illegal activities-even right under the camera lens, of the City of West Palm Beach, FL.

             Positive news-that still has not improved my life any-many people in West Palm Beach, FL, do not want to prostitute, now that Obama is on his way, out of office. Mr. Obama, used the US Christian State sponsored churches, to force people to prostitute. People who do not want to prostitutes, are, therefore skipping church services on Sundays. As a result, of people skipping church services on Sunday, African and Black, mental health workers, are walking around trying to track Christians down-who are refusing to prostitute.

                 Mental health workers, and angry Christian church workers, are showing up places, like the downtown public library, in West Palm Beach, FL, to haul people-even children, into the mental hospitals, for: "Rape Therapy." When you refuse to prostitute in the US, the American government, pretends like you have serious and uncontrollable mental health issues-even when you really do not, and they haul you into: prisons, jails, and the mental health center-for, illegal abusive treatment, beatings, rape, and torture, at: "Rape Therapy" centers.

            In my opinion, there is no reason, why an African, or a Black person-even needs to learn medicine-they never practice correctly, they pretend health problems exist-when there are none, and, they intentionally, mis-diagnose, and mis-prescribe medications, as well as, refusing individual access, to medications, that are vital to health and well-being. Additionally, African countries, like: Rwanda, have a long history, of being aggressive towards people, in ways that are soo inhumane, that the US media, is still forbidden by Mr. Obama, to talk about.

               If the government, of Rwanda, wants local Africans, to participate, in something unhealthy, and illegal, as: "African soldiers," and they refuse-if they refuse, to say, snort a mixture of cocaine and heroin and gun powder-while it is on fire, then, people lose body parts-or worse. My concern, for America right now, with all these retarded immigrants here-terrorists, that Obama invited into the US, is that some are from parts of Africa, where they were raise as: "African soldiers."

                 I recently contacted the FBI, from here in West Palm, and requested consideration, for carrying a weapon, because, the terrorist population here is too big, and too aggressive towards both: me, and others in the community. When people-of any race or culture, are soo brain washed, that they think that they can do anything, and they believe that they can cut off hands and feet, etc.-with no repercussions-and this, is what I am really dealing with here, then, I need more than unreliable local law enforcement, or the FBI-to keep myself safe.

          Lastly, I have a stalker online, he, is threatening me, for calling complaints into the FBI. As an intelligence officer in training-as a civilian, with the US Marines, I would be calling reports into the FBI-anyway. It is too unsafe for me, that I have no gun, to blow someone away, or, to blow an entire crowd of people away, if the situation escalates to that level.  Terrorists in the US, they: "Group Stalk," and they: "Flash Mod Violence," and they: "Gang Rape," like crazy Africans, in Soweto, South Africa.

              If I encounter, a dangerous situation, with a huge crowd of terrorists, in the middle of the night, cameras, and flood lights, do not do very much, to keep me safe.  I could dial 911, and chances are-if my life were in immediate danger, if the local police chose to respond-they really may not, arrive in enough time, to save my life. Thank you or continuing to receive my communications, and additional support, for my application, for political asylum, in Norway. I required permission, from both: UDI, and from Norwegian Immigration police, to return to Oslo, Norway, to meet with my lawyer, to complete my application, for appeal, through: UNE. Thank you again, for your time, and for your continued attention, and support.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-219-1872

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