Monday, November 7, 2016

APUS University: 2nd Masters Degree: Intelligence Officer Training-As Civilian, With US Marines-No Scholarships Available

Hello Bayo,

            Thank you for your email. At this time, we do not offer scholarships or grants to student's through our university. However, we do accept outside scholarships or grants that you are able to apply for. If you are within the school website, please search for "Private Loans and Scholarships" within the Tuition and Fees tab. This will provide information of past scholarships that we have accepted that may help you as you continue your education.

Please be sure that all non-federal financial aid funds are listed on your financial aid award. If this information is not reported correctly, it could result in a balance due.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if we can offer further assistance. We can be reached at or 855-731-9218. Our representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm ET.


Kaitlyn Kees | Financial Aid Advisor

American Public University System

American Military University  |  American Public University
111 W. Congress Street, Charles Town, WV 25414

T 855-731-9218| F 304-724-3710 | |
Please take note if you are receiving the Pell Grant funding: In addition to being need-based funding, the Pell Grant is also enrollment-based.  If you drop any class, it could result in your eligibility for the Pell Grant to be reduced to your new Enrollment Status.  This could result in a portion of your Pell Grant being returned to The Department of Education, making the difference in funding forfeit.

--Original Message--
Date: 11/5/2016 12:13:39 PM
Subject: Re: Your requested APUS Student Information

To Whom It May Concern:
          I am working through the financial aid application.  I have a mentor, who has accepted me, in my program of choice, my 2nd Masters Degree: Intelligence Officer In Training. I love my mentor-she is a Captain, in the US Military, on a Peace Keeping Mission to Libya. We-my mentor and myself, are now exchanging "war" stories, and photos, and she emails me, almost everyday thus. I can tell, the Masters through APUS, in: Intelligence Services, is going to be wonderful-however, it might take me another week, to complete my application, for financial aid, because, I was just enrolled, at a different university, and, I must settle a few financial matters, with their financial aid office first.
         Are there any scholarships available, for the program?  I know, that I will be able to work out the issues, pertaining to my financial aid, however, being that it may take some time, and, being that I have limited funds-it would be more than a little helpful, if APUS, has a scholarship available for my program of study, that I qualify for, and could apply for.  I applied to this Intelligence Officer In Training Program with APUS-originally, in: 2013. After I was accepted to APUS in 2013, because I did not have enough financial aid I began training myself, in Intelligence Officer Service-and I have gained a great deal, in both: experience points, and raw information.
        I need to complete the processing, of my application to APUS, for full admission to: APUS. If, there are once again, no scholarships available, to cover the financial aid, then, is there a way, to complete my admissions process, before my financial aid paperwork, has been completed. I need a statement, of acceptance, to the: Intelligence Officer Training program, to complete an application to law school-in another country-for next year: 2017. I am having too many problems, due to the Obama administration, to remain in the US. I do an incredible job, collecting important information, to assist military, and other International government, for the purposes of establishing peace-in war zones, therefore, I intend to participate, in both, the legal studies program abroad, leading to a practicing law degree and bar membership, and the Intelligence Officer in Training program-through APUS.
            Thank you for continuing to receive my email communications. I will continue to work hard, to sort out my Federal application for student financial aid.  In the meantime-if you could please assist me, with completing, my official admission, to: APUS-I would greatly appreciate it.  I am excited about attending APUS, and, I am spending a great deal of time now, in communications, with my new mentor, stationed in Libya. I hope and pray, that I can be of some assistance, to her, in her: "Peace Keeping/Establishing US Military Mission," in Libya. Thank you again.
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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