Thursday, November 17, 2016

Complaint To Green Dot Credit Cards About Smartfares Travel Agency of Mumbai, India Transaction Not Authorized-Payment Still Pending-US Government-No Travel Allowed From This Airport Anymore


To Whom It May Concern:

         I have been purchasing plane tickets, from: Smartfares, of: Mumbai, India-for almost 6 years now, and I have never had any problems with the online company.  However, on the 27th of October, I purchased 1 ticket, to Mexico City, Mexico, through Smartfares. The agent, to whom I spoke, double charged me for the ticket. I had no money available to me, because my Visa card was then maxed, for up to: 7-10 days.

        I called the Smartfares representative back right away, when I realized, what the agent, had illegally done, to my Visa, regarding the purchase of the plane ticket. I have a limited budget, and no access to additional monies. The restriction of the funds, by the double purchase of the plane ticket, was more than inconvenient for me-it was financially devastating. After the restriction of the funds-I had absolutely no money, to care for myself, and for my needs.

           I called Smartfares, and I attempted to cancel both tickets, and, I was told by a representative, that although, both tickets were still pending final purchase processing, that Smartfares, was only willing to cancel one of the tickets.  I then called and tried to have both the purchases cancelled, through the credit card company. However, I was told by the credit card company, that I would have to wait for the 2 purchases to post, to file for a refund, for both purchases.  After the purchases posted, I did contact that time, Smartfares, had returned the cost of one ticket-to me.

            I requested a refund, for both plane tickets, from Smartfares, prior to the final post of the purchase, to my Visa. I very clearly communicated, to both: Smartfares, and to, that I was not willing to authorize the: 253.00 charge-not even once.  I am having a difficult time in the US. I am an applicant for political asylum.  The US government, in addition to not allowing me to work, and in addition, to not allowing me housing, is now blocking me from flying out of some International airports.

            I am not allowed to fly out of the following, US International airports: MIA, Miami International Airport, Orlando International Airport, and Reagan National International Airport out of Washington, DC.  When I attempted to cancel both of those plane tickets, through Smartfares, I had already been told-by US Police, and airport staff, and on behalf of the US government, that, the Orlando International Airport, is an airport, that I am no longer allowed to fly out of.  Smartfares is too dishonest, in pretending like I owe them any money at all, for a single plane ticket.

        I contacted Smartfares-in plenty of time, well before my purchase had posted. I told Smartfares: “I do not authorize the charge, and, the charge is still pending-no post as of yet.”  Additionally, I very clearly communicated to Smartfares: “I am having to many problems in the US, because of the Mr. Obama Administration, I am no longer allowed to take any flights, out of this US International Airport-and I was just informed.” Smartfares has no legal reason, to keep my payment. I refused to authorize payment, before the cost was posted, and, I could not out of Orlando, FL-regardless of where I had purchased the ticket from, or, how much I had paid.


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