Friday, November 4, 2016

Captain Rachel Washburn: US Military Stationed: Libya-On Peace Keeping Mission: "World Peace Is Possible"


Dear Captain Washburn,

         I am in training, to become an Intelligence Officer. I never joined US military. I am short and heavy, and too fat, to be considered. I am now too old, to apply for any branch of the US military. At 40, I am homeless in the US. The Obama Administration, is a nightmare. I have no real idea, what is happening in the Middle East. I Tweet to Captain Prince Harry, and he has not told me anything yet. As a freelance reporter, and as an intelligence officer in training, as well as an applicant, for law school overseas-I travel, when my funds allow. I do my: background checks, my investigations, my evidence collections, etc.-all on my own, to ensure validity. I am also on a: "Peace Keeping/Establishing Mission."

      US military, has intelligence officers, all over the Middle East. I utilize, US CIA-as military intelligence-as well. I receive information all of the time, through my email accounts, on Twitter, and in person. My cell phones, are stolen soo often, because of what I do for a living, and for no money yet-that, if a person really wants to speak with me, that best situation, is face to face, however, I Skype too: Bayo Cary . I receive no post mail in the US. I was "Blacklisted" by the Obama Administration. I have no employment or housing, or anything else I need, and, US police are persecuting me, for the US government, and actively attacking me, and trying to kill me. I am an applicant for political asylum in Norway. Leaving the US, is too difficult for me-US police, arrive at the airports, and try to trespass me, and then, they block me from boarding International flights.

      I have no friends or family, who help me in the US. I am in soo much pain, from the continued assaults, and attacks that I suffer from, that this morning-for instance-I could barely walk to the grocery store, a few blocks away for food. I have no access to medicine in the US. I buy what I can-healthcare related, from a store called: Dollar Tree. I am always sick here, with a high fever, throwing-up, and diarrhea. The US stinks, now that Obama is president. Some people, are soo nasty and dirty, that when they get too close to me-even inside, I begin to puke.  I cannot handle the way, the Mr. Obama prostitutes smell, they must never bathe, and, they have anal sex with anyone who is interested-no matter how sick or filthy, the "John" is.  I hate America. I am tired, and applying to both: universities, and employment opportunities overseas, to get out of this country. I am not African. The Obama Administration is African, and has a strong prejudice against my race: Asian, and my religion-anything that is not Christian.

      Do you have a Twitter account? It is easier to reach me on Twitter. My email accounts, are hacked all of the time. I have no idea if they are reliable at all. Sometimes, I cannot send an email to a person from one email account, and then, I switch email providers, and, then I am told that the message got through-I have no idea I is true or not. I travel a great deal, because the US government spends too much time, trying to cut me off from other people: stealing my cell phones, kicking me off free public and private WiFi, stealing all of my post mail, taking down email accounts-so I can no longer reach friends who I have been emailing for years, limiting my money-so it is much more difficult to travel, illegally detaining me in US institutions for no reason-to steal my belongings from me-even my legal paperwork, etc.

     I can only imagine, that your situation, might be worse? I have no idea who you really are, or where you are really writing from. For my situation, I post my photo, and information about me online-all of the time; photos, videos, research papers, etc., so people will have a way to verify, that what I am talking about, is true, and, to show my followers online-that I am still living, and working hard, to escape from the US. Obama, and his government, has told many people-not me yet, that they are his slaves, and that, they  are not free: to do what they chose, or, to leave the US.

          I was not raised as a prostitute, and, no one has ever dictated my actions or my decisions to me. I wanted to impeach Obama-however, I am running out of time. I hate America, because of Obama. I am not pro-Obama, or pro-Obama Terrorism. I am not a Christian. I never voted for Obama. I refuse to stay in the US. I hate Africa now. I will never be a slave. Africans are completely unappealing to me. I have begun the process, to take Mr. Obama to: International Human Rights Court, for: War Crimes Against Humanity. Africans are declaring WWIII, and Mr. Obama, is refusing to make the official announcement, for the US, and International media.

Kind Regards,

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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On Friday, November 4, 2016 11:52 AM, Cpt Rachel Washburn <> wrote:

My Dear Friend,
Thank you so much for your reply and accepting my proposal,How is life over there, hope you and your family are fine, am fine over here in ( Libya ). Sorry for contacting you without your permission but I hope we can Establish a good relationship Since we are meeting for the first time.

I want to use this opportunity to tell you about myself, My name is Captain Rachel Washburn, a US Citizen and Army Military, from Buffalo New York in United States, But  i Graduated from Parkrose Senior High School, Portland Oregon, Presently i am in ( Libya ) at war zone for peace keeping mission due to the WAR crisis going on here in ( Libya ).

About me, I have a good heart, I am very sincere and down to earth. I have a loving heart and am very respectful and kind Woman, I have a lot of love to give, my own Religious is Catholic christian, I never judge others and am very compassionate, i love to appreciate the little things in life and am very respectful.

Dear, i have my reasons to contact you as i have something very important to share with you in my next mail. I wish to start a very strong relationship with you and my relationship with you will brings a lot of great changes in your life and my life also.  I want you to understand that a good relationship dose not count distance and age,  maybe we can start as friend or go into business partner with my funds which i need to invest with urgent assistance.

Dear, What do you do for a living to overcome economical expenses and to sustain your life and family?  i know we are just knowing each other but we can share ideas and discuss about important things and more issues as we talk about ourselves, I like to think positively and I care about other people's feelings.

I will be very happy to know more about you, like your hobbies, Interest, Life style, Religious believe, i will also love to see your pictures, like i always says i have very very important issue to share and discuss with you in my next mail so that you will give will me an advise and solution about it, Let me stop here for now,i expect an urgent respond from you soon.

Yours Faithfully
Capt Rachel Washburn

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