Tuesday, November 8, 2016

State Farm Insurance-Case Against: State Farm and Sara Amanda Cole-Permanent Physical Injury-Attempt on My Life-No Full Recovery

September 20, 2013

State Farm Case: Claim: 59308B724

Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.  vs. State Farm Insurance/Ms. Sara Amanda Cole

Attempted Homicide:  June 19, 2013

Dear Ms. Linda Hanisak,

    I refused P.I.P., because I cannot cover the remainder of the medical bill cost, after the P.I.P. State Farm share, has been paid.  I never agreed to, or submitted a PIP claim, with State Farm Insurance.  In addition, Sara Amanda Cole, is at fault for the pain and suffering that she has caused me, and, for, my missing now, damaged and ruined belongings, that, Ms. Sara Amanda Cole, did run over, and pin under, her totaled car's front left wheel, after, she attempted to kill me, by, vehicular manslaughter, with her 2008 Mitsubishi. 

     I am unwilling to accept P.I.P. . I have already communicated this information to your State Farm Insurance Team 55, on a prior occasion.  State Farm Insurance is responsible for the pain and suffering that I have under gone, and for, my missing and damaged belongings that Sara Amanda Cole ruined, and for my medical bills, and, without any exceptions.

        Because State farm Insurance chose to insure Sara Amanda Cole, her actions, under State Farm’s protections as an Insurance company, make, Ms. Sara Amanda Cole, State Farms liability.  State Farm is responsible, and, in full, for Sara Amanda Coles: sociopathic, and homicidal, aggressive behavior towards me, in a vehicle, that State Farm insured.  I do believe, that Sara Amanda Cole, really may have a history, of dangerous and irresponsible behaviors and actions, that, would necessarily, be documented with law enforcement somewhere, however, that information, may not be of public record, at this time.

       I am afraid, that because State Farm Insurance, has offered me no actual assistance, or compensation, of any kind or sort, what-so-ever, as of yet, although, the attempted manslaughter against my life, did occur, on the 19th day of June, 2013, we will have to settle.  I plan to sue State Farm Insurance, for Sara Amanda Coles completely illegal, and irresponsible behaviors towards me, and, because of State Farms total and complete negligence, in regards to offering, of their own volition, a very generous compensation package, because of the extreme amount of pain, and suffering, and loss, that I have experience, and, that I continue to suffer from--due to State Farm Insurance’s liability: Ms. Sara Amanda Cole. 

        At present, I am seeking counsel, to represent me, in the case against: State Farm Insurance/Sara Amanda Cole. I may need to rely, however, on a representative Barrister, from overseas, instead of a USA J.D. with USA Bar Membership.  I am in the process of relocating.  I can be reached, by my gmail email address: belizabethcary@gmail.com . Thank you for your delayed communication. 


Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.

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