Saturday, October 29, 2016

Repeated Denial-By US Government, To Access To Free WiFi, Both: Public and Private

Online Report To US FBI: Breach-Cyber Security-Africans Kicking Me Off Of Free WiFi Connect, Both: Public and Private

Top of Form

Victim Information:


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary

Business Name:

Emergency Intl Internet Relief


40 – 49



Address (continued):

West Palm Beach, FL Public Library

Suite/Apt./Mail Stop:


West Palm Beach




United States of America



Zip Code/Route:


Phone Number:


Email Address:

Business IT POC, if applicable:

Other Business POC, if applicable:

Financial Transaction(s)

Transaction Type:



If other, please specify:

None No Employment

Transaction Amount: $


Transaction Date:


Victim Bank Name:

Victim Bank Address:

Victim Bank Address (continued):

Victim Bank Suite/Mail Stop:

Victim Bank City:

Victim Bank Country:


Victim Bank State


Victim Bank Zip Code/Route:

Victim Name on Account:

Victim Account Number:

Recipient Bank Name:

Recipient Bank Address:

Recipient Bank Address (continued):

Recipient Bank Suite/Mail Stop:

Recipient Bank City:

Recipient Bank Country:


Recipient Bank State


Recipient Bank Zip Code/Route:

Recipient Name on Account:

Recipient Bank Routing Number:

Recipient Account Number:

Recipient Bank SWIFT Code:

Description of Incident

Provide a description of the incident and how you were victimized. Provide information not captured elsewhere in this complaint form.


To Whom It May Concern:

            Africans, working for the US government, are stalking me, threatening me, and blocking me from overseas travels, for Mr. Obama. I have been filing complaints, with US: FBI and CIA offices, since: 2007-with absolutely no response, to any of my valid, and logical complaints, about being: tortured and abused in the US-by, both: the US government, and my adopted family.  I am on the Internet quite a bit, to complete my schooling, and to attend online university.

                 I am still enrolled in a PhD program right now, and plan to begin my Intelligence Officer Training, with the US Marines-as a civilian, through an online training program-as well. Africans are stalking me, all over America: stealing from me, assaulting me, accusing me of having mental problems that I do not have, cutting up my clothing, threatening me, trying to rape me, blocking me from International flights after my plane ticket has already be paid for, having me false arrested, kicking me off of free public WiFi both: public/private, involving others in stalking after me-and harming my person, etc. .

            It is not fair to me, that I am being tortured and abused in the US-to the extent that my life, is in constant immediate danger, and then, the US government admits to me, through local police departments, that cannot really do anything at all in the US, to keep me safe enough, and then again, the FBI-although I have received at least two emails stating, that I am qualified for a position in their offices-are not offering me a job interview, and, they are not assisting me in escaping to a country with a smaller African population, that will be safer for my children and myself-either.

              I have a right to life. I have a right to live. I have a right to happiness-among other things. As an American citizen, I have a birth right, to a long enumerated list of rights, which are outlined, in the Bill of Rights, as part of the US Constitution. My: civil and human rights, are constantly being abused, and violated in the US, and, the US government, as well as local law enforcement, are leaving me soo exposed to imminent dangers-with no: employment or housing.  I am over qualified and overqualified for both: employment and housing-in the US.

             It is becoming increasing clear, that the US government, is colluding with other factions: religious, non-profit, private business, etc.-to ensure the fact, that I will not have an opportunity, to live, or to prosper-not in the US, or anywhere else in the world, and, this is: illegal, sociopathic, homicidal, and outrageous-that conservative Republican Americans, would love crazy African immigrants to such an extent, that they would rather see me dead-than to assist my children and myself, in escaping from this American madness, to help others, who are suffering here in the US-under much worse circumstances.

Which of the following were used in this incident? (Check all that apply.)

Spoofed Email Similar Domain Email Intrusion


Please specify:

*WiFi Repeatedly Disconnected

Law enforcement or regulatory agencies may desire copies of pertinent documents or other evidence regarding your complaint.

Originals should be retained for use by law enforcement agencies.

Other Information:

If an email was used in this incident, please provide a copy of the entire email including full email headers.

No email utilized, although, I have received bizarre emails, from African governments, such as Nigeria-addressing me as FBI-when I am not-as of yet, and, offering me, unheard of sums of money, for my immediate services, in the areas of: Information, Intelligence, and Legal.

Are there any other witnesses or victims to this incident?

I do believe, that I am not the only American, who is being constantly kicked off the Internet, by Africans-who want to silence, all means of communications, to others-in particular, to other, more helpful people overseas.

If you have reported this incident to other law enforcement or government agencies, please provide the name, phone number, email, date reported, report number, etc.

Local authorities do more harm than good, all the time.

Who Filed the Complaint Were you the victim in the incident described above?


Digital Signature

By digitally signing this document, I affirm that the information I provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false information could make me subject to fine, imprisonment, or both. (Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1001)

Digital Signature:

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary

Bottom of Form

Thank you for submitting your complaint to the IC3. Please save or print a copy for your records. This is the only time you will have to make a copy of your complaint.

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