Tuesday, December 27, 2016

New Orleans, LA-US Police Out For My Blood-Yours Too? Danger. Warning. US State Department Color "Red!"


Dear Mr. Patel,

       It is very kind of you, to respond to my immigration inquiry. Last week I was shot, point blank range, direct to my heart, in front of US police. I then fled to the Louis Armstrong airport. US police New Orleans, tried to block the road to the airport-I was on a city bus, so my ride got through. After having arrived at the Louis Armstrong International airport, US police assaulted/attacked me again-only 2 days, I had been shot-in New Orleans. My adopted mom and I-neither one of us being wealthy, split a hotel cost, so I would have somewhere to rest, for 4 days, prior to returning to the Louis Armstrong airport. I have to fly back down South, to Gainesville, FL-to retrieve what post mail, might be waiting for me there. The Obama Administration, has stolen most of my post mail, for the past 8 years-communicating with me, by any means at all-is almost impossible. I am terribly ill, and in constant excruciating pain, from constant physical assaults-that I am sustaining, from US police, and other pro-Obama terrorists-who are refusing to leave the US.

        I am presently, an Intelligence Officer In Training, with the US Marines-as a civilian (my 2nd Master's Degree program), as well as an applicant to LLB studies, in: UK, Australia, and New Zealand. I am a competent student, and eager to exit from the US permanently. I am prepared to begin my legal studies in earnest and require a full scholarship, due to a lack of family, or friends, who help me in the US, or-who are concerned about me at all. Therefore, although my preference may be, to attend an LLB program, in New Zealand, I will attend, in any country, that will agree to host me, and to pay in full, for my studies. At the same time, I am only right now, applying for citizenship, in the country of New Zealand-I have never applied elsewhere.

          I took the time, to review information, pertaining to citizenship successful applications, to New Zealand. My Master's Degree, falls under the auspice, of a high needs degree-outside of the field of Engineering-however-it is the very same degree, as a Master's Degree, instead of a Bachelor's Degree. My 1st Master's Degree, falls under the definition: NZQF Level 7, Information Science BA. I studied for a Master's Degree, in Library and Information Science, with a specialization, in information science, and completed the program, in the allotted 2 years only, with a perfect CGPA: 4.0 and the completion of a voluntary thesis. Examples of my academic work, are posted online, as well as my legal arguments-some of them, intended for International court, and some of my independent research, interesting email communications, etc. . My active Google Blogger account: www.baielizacary.blogspot.com 

        Please take the time, to peruse what I have posted. In 2008, I was: "Blacklisted," by the US government. I have had no employment opportunities, no housing, and almost nothing else I need to survive, for almost the entire Obama Administration. My situation, has not improved in any way whatsoever-here in the US, since Mr. Donald Trump, has been voted in, as the next US President-in fact, my situation has deteriorated. My life in the US, is in eminent danger, and, the main culprit, are the US police. US FBI, and CIA, are doing nothing at all-that I ma aware of, to protect me, to keep me safe, or to offer me any opportunities, here, in the US. I am on my own. I am doing my best, to reach out, to other people, in other countries, and to: "open doors," myself. I pray that an LLB programme, abroad, will be available to me soon, as another step-up program, for me to assist myself-while, at the very same time, helping others.

        I have three children, who also need permission to immigrate to New Zealand. I have no other relatives by birth relation, in the US, and, I have never been married. I have sole-custody, of my three children, and two of them, are considered adults, by US standards. My eldest daughter: Hadiya Elizabeth, I almost done, with a high demand university degree-as well, she is earning a Bachelor's degree, in: computer science. My son: Omari Jonathan, is almost done, with two years, of a high demand university degree, through an engineering department: science technology engineering and math. While, my youngest child-she is earning almost all straight: "A's" now, like myself, and, she is completing high school, at the same, semi-private high school, at the University of Florida, where I, and my other two children graduated from. I have high hopes, that the country of New Zealand, will be able to assist us, in immigrating. We have no other family, anywhere else in the world, who are willing to claim and help us.

       I was told, through the initial communications, that I received from immigration services in New Zealand, to please email in, some additional documents, to support my claim, for additional immigration points. My initial online analysis, only added up to 110 points. The immigration application states, that I must qualify, for a minimum of 160 immigration point, before New Zealand immigration, will agree to consider me, and my 3 children, as permanent citizens, for New Zealand. I am, therefore, sending your offices, additional educational documentation, and information, in the hopes, that your offices will agree, that we qualify for enough immigration application points, to submit, a formal application. Thank you for your time, and consideration.

         I hope your holidays went well. I can sit up, and I can walk some today. I could not sit up, or walk well yesterday-after the attack that occurred at the airport-US police again. Tomorrow, I pray I will be able to walk a long distance, with all of my luggage, I will be returning to the airport, to wait for my December 31, 2016 American Airlines flight. Because I was shot in New Orleans, and in front of US police-who did nothing in my defense, it would not be safe at all, for me to return to New Orleans, to await my flight back to Florida. Thank you for your continued communications, and your concern. I feel exhausted, after 7 years of homelessness. I am lucky to be alive. My 3 children and I, need your assistance, to get out of the US, as soon as possible. My recovery, the next time I am attacked, or shot-might not be possible.
Thank you again.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cell: 1-352-872-4774 Text Message Voicemail doesn't work!

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