Friday, December 16, 2016

New Orleans-Self Sponsored Initial Investigative Report: "Post-Deluge New Orleans and the Mess US DOJ-HOlder, Left Behind." My personal impact: FBI and FEMA-Immediate Reponse.


Report By: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Intelligence Officer In Training-as Civilian-with: US Marines
Independent Research Voluntary Research
Enrolled: APUS Online US Military University
Second Master's Degree Program

To Whom It May Concern:

      I need to immigrate to New Zealand. Could you assist me, in figuring out, how to raise my qualifying immigration applicant score, from 110, to over 160. I am a student, and now studying in my second Master’s Degree program: Intelligence Officer In Training, with the US Marines-as a civilian. In between, my two Masters Degrees, I studied for a brief while, at the doctoral level. I am at the New Orleans airport, waiting to fly back to Florida, from Louisiana. I investigated New Orleans, for the past 3 weeks, and called in complaints, and submitted information online, in regards to the current state of affairs, based, on what I as a student in training, could easily perceive-with little interference.

       US police, are soo inappropriate towards me, that, I ended up, reporting the police in New Orleans, to US FBI-over, and over again, for a number of inappropriate, and non-professional acts, of reinforcing laws, that have no bearing or standing, in the US. Two days ago, here in New Orleans-while I am now safer at the airport-the FBI cracked down on New Orleans police, and Sheriff's department. US FBI, are now collecting evidence, of, acts against America: treason/terrorism, that have been carried out in New Orleans, by the US police here. I helped, by reporting, every incident-and all them serious, involving US police, harassing and threating me, and others in the community-after, I recorded and posted photos of the situations, online-to: US Police, International Criminal Court, Interpol, Europol, and others.

         Additionally, I reported New Orleans, and Louisiana, for requiring additional disaster relief, because of the continued heavy rains here, and the lack of clean-up, that has occurred-since: Hurricane Katrina, in every minority neighborhood, that I could access, in three weeks, and on foot.  The streets are flooding. Drainage has not been fixed. Some of the money, that was allocated to build new home structures, after Hurricane Katrina, were instead used, to build upon old, unsafe, and unqualified, flood damaged building foundations.Too many building are in disrepair, and in the process of collapsing-without being condemned or demolished. The side walks are torn-up, and broken up into small pieces, or removed entirely-all over town. There are little to no safe playground equipment-that is not rusted or falling apart, on school yard playgrounds.

         While the White neighborhoods, that I walked through, had very few structural issues, other than a few construction worksites, the minority neighborhoods, that I happened to visit, were completely falling apart, in every way-the exception being, most of the franchised businesses, like McDonalds, or Wendy's.  When New Orleans, was re-built some-it is apparent, that the disaster relief money, was not allocated, for the minority neighborhoods-as it correctly should have been, divided fairly, among those in need-it was not. I have some concerns, regarding the removal of old, and failing structures-which must happen, from the minority communities, which have to do primarily, with: gentrification, and insensitive rebuilding in general, to the: health, safety, needs, requirements, of the minority community-those who actually live, in the neighborhood.

      Too often, in the US, when money is infused, into a minority neighborhood, the homes, and living areas, are intentionally over-improved, and at such a high investment cost, that, the minority community, can no longer afford to live, in their own homes anymore-this is called: gentrification, and it is illegal in the US, however, it happens too often anyway. In the US, we have fair housing policies, whereby, Americans are supposed to be able, to own their own homes, and to live more comfortably, in single home dwellings. However, when "Big government" moves in, to re-vitalize a community, and buildings are replaced-and the neighborhood becomes fresh and clean, and new again-to make more money, and to maximize space-not only do re-builders, price minorities out of their own homes-high rise projects and duplexes are often built new-in place of healthier single home dwellings. 

           Empirical studies, based on sociology and psychology-through well-established universities in the US, clearly show, that, over-crowding housing, such as: high rise projects, duplexes, and so on-do necessarily lead to: social diseases, such as: crime, and illegal and illicit activities, as well as a number of psychological problems, which are frequently labeled by American psychiatrists, as mental disorders-related to: poverty, over-crowding, lack of privacy, stress from noise, disrupted family life, etc. My complaints, regarding the structural issues, still persistent, after the application, of the post-Katrina renovation funds, was helpful as well, my complaints to: FBI, and other authority figures, lead to US FEMA-granting the entire state of Louisiana, additional flood, and disaster relief-through: US relief agency, of: FEMA-again.

      I am becoming, a skilled investigator, and, my abilities are not limited to, investigations in person, such as the one, that I just conducted, and funded on my own-this past three weeks, in New Orleans. I am a competent online academic researcher, and information specialist-as well. I have engaged, in a number of extra-curricular academic activities, to improve, my researching skills online, and overall employability. I decided, while working towards my first Master’s Degree, to complete a voluntary thesis, and it, as well as other examples, of my academic, freelancing, volunteer, and independent research-as well as latest resume, my interest in law school, and a few interesting emails that I have received-are posted online, at my active Google Blogger account:

       I encourage your offices, to please visit my online Blogger, and to please Google my name, to see what other information, comes up about me. As an information scientist, I am constantly online, and posting information, to various social networking online accounts: Twitter, Facebook, Fling, Flickr, WordPress, Instagram, Tumblr, etc.  Too often, online companies, like Twitter, attempt to edit my commentary online, because, current US politics, object, to my whole-hearted support, of the US Constitution, and the attending Bill of Rights.  Many of the valid legal arguments, that I have posted online, at my Google Blogger, pertain solely, to the US government-under the Obama Administration, violating my: civil and human rights, and torturing me-for the entire Obama administration. Now, Mr. Obama thinks, that he will sneak out of the US Presidency, and the: “Crimes Against Humanity,” which he is culpable for, in supporting International Terrorism-will be permanently deleted-as he exits out the front door of the US White House-for the very last time, and I-strenuously object!  I have begun to process my legal complaints, through European Courts, of Human Rights-against the Obama Administration.  I am working up witness, in high-positions, who have been in the spotlight, during the Obama Administration-to testify, against Mr. Obama-in an International Court of Human Rights.

          I am an applicant, to law school abroad, because, the state of affairs in the US, is soo deteriorated, that I cannot even raise money for law school, with fundamental T-Shirt sales online, my need to defend civil and human rights, in an Obama America-is viewed as: offensive, and inappropriate-which is completely out of line, with the legal precedents in the US, historically supporting, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.  I have chosen, to attend law school myself, and to push the cases through the International Court System of Human Rights myself, because-apparently, no one else in the world cares enough, to offer to assist me.

        I pray, that the country of New Zealand, will have some sympathies, for my current situation in the US, due to political turbulence-created by the Mr. Obama Administration. I need somewhere safer to live, and every country, that I have spoken to-regardless of the amount of aggregated evidence-that I have personally gathered, in support of my case, for political asylum-are not willing, because this is America, to consider, my application, for: political asylum, and a refugee status over-seas. Thank you for your time, and your careful consideration, for permanent immigration status to New Zealand.

          I am employable. I am honest, and I work hard. Please contact me, by: email, or cell, at any given point in the future, for communications, and for your offices, to gather any additional information, that you may well require, to evaluate me, as an applicant for immigration, and permanent residency, to the country of New Zealand. Current contact information:

·         Email:   

·         Secondary Email: 

·         New Cell: 1-352-872-4774 

·         Old Cell: 1-352-219-1872

Thank you again. I look forward to hearing your prompt response, and your request, for any additional information, or necessary documents. Thanks.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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