Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Greendot Transaction Dispute Number Two Against Smartfares Travel of Mumbai, India-Persecution By US Police-Documented


GreenDot.com-refund request:
Dispute Tranaction#:
Vendor: Smartfares
Amount: 253.00
Date of Transaction: Oct.26/27
Complaint: Transaction Pending/Payment Not Authorized by Card Holder
Card Holder: Bayo Cary
Current Post Address: 1215 NW 4th Street, Gainesville, FL 32601
Previous Post Address: 404 SE 2nd Street, Gainesville, FL 32601
Old Cell: 352-219-1872
New Cell: 352-872-4774
Current Email: baeliza@yandex.com
DOB: 08-19-1976
Card: GreenDot Pre-paid Visa Debit Card
Last 4 of Card#:
Last 4 of SS#:

To Whom It May Concern:

      I desperately need Smartfares, to return, my: 251.25 to me, for the plane ticket, that I tried to cancel, from: Orlando International Airport, in Orlando, FL, to Mexico City, Mexico. I am being persecuted by US police. It is increasingly more difficult for me to function in the US, because police here, chase after me, for no legal reasons what-so-ever. The US police, chase after me, to assault me, and to the point-where I could die. I was beaten, almost to death by US police, in Seattle, WA, in 2013. I suffered internal bleeding, and could not access medical services, and, at the very same time, I needed a wheelchair and walker soo badly, that the Marshall, at the local court, provided one for me.

       In 2013, US police assaulted me in Denver, CO, by riding over my left foot, with a bicycle-when the were out, harassing homeless in a local park. I reported the incident at the time, to internal affairs in Colorado, and to several judges at the Federal courthouse, and received no response. Later, in Boulder, CO, a US police officer there, kicked my left foot. This past week, US police-12 of them, kicked me off of the Tulane University Campus, and trespassed me-without giving me a copy of paperwork-for utilizing the law library, as I had permission to do so, during the public access hours.  My left foot, is causing me a great deal of pain. Late yesterday evening, I could barely walk, because of the extreme pain, and, I once again, have no access to medical care for the injury.

     Additionally, when US police, ran me off of the Tulane Law Library campus, for applying to law schools overseas-this past week, I had to exit the premise, in such a rush, that my left pinky broke. My left pinky hurts soo much, that I cannot place my gloves on my hand, and yet, I once again, have no access, to medical care-not in New Orleans, or anywhere else in the US. I was crying, late last night, because I am suffering from soo much physical pain, which has been caused, by continued attacks, by US police. There is not a single medical facility, anywhere in the US, that is willing to listen to me talk, about how badly US police are injuring me, because, the injuries are in fact caused, by US police. At this point, I not only require political asylum in Europe, I aslo require medical care, from somewhere overseas, that is not sympathetic, to US police.

     After I purchased my ticket from Smartfares, to fly from Orlando, FL to Mexico City, Mexico, the US police, showed up at the airport, and they harassed me, and then they harassed AeroMexico. AeroMexico, was not allowed to let me board the flight to Mexico City-even though, I had housing arrangements in place. This is the second time this year, that US police, have illegally interfered, with my flight plans to Mexico. In July of the year-2016, I booked a flight on American Airlines to Cozumel, Mexico, and, I was not allowed to check-in to the flight. US police, and Africans, at the Miami International airport, illegally kicked me off of my flight to Cozumel, Mexico. While American Airlines, has taken credit for the mishap, they have made no effort, to get the refund money they owe me to me, and therefore, the situation, has become a litigious matter-I continue to argue, and then we will go to court.

      As soon as I found out, that US police, were harassing AeroMexico, and not just me, about the flight to Mexico City, I called Smartfares, to cancel my flight. I informed Smartfares, that I was not allowed to board the flight, because US police and the US government, would not allow my trip to Mexico.  My exact words: "I do not authorize this transaction, I am not allowed to board the flight." At that time, my transaction, with Smartfares, for the plane ticket, was still pending, there was no reason-what-so-ever, for Smartfares, to retain the payment, for that particular plane flight. The US government-for reasons unknown to me, is refusing to allow me to fly to Mexico-even when, I have pre-arranged housing in place, for my entire stay-the situation is illegal, and, there is nothing I can do about it yet.

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