Saturday, December 24, 2016

Traveler's Aid New Orleans, LA Location-No Services Provided


From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Current Location: New Orleans Louis Armstrong International Airport
Kenner, LA ~ 50 miles outside of New Orleans, LA
Cell: 1-352-872-4774
Current Occupation:
Freelance reporter:
Student 2nd Master's Degree: Intelligence Officer In Training-as Civilian, with US Marines
Applicant To Law School: LLB Abroad

RE: Traveler's Aid Legal Complaint New Orleans, LA-No Services Provided To Return To Airport,
or To Return Home:

        "I should be dead right now"-after Traveler's Aid refused to help me with free bus tokens.
                                                                       -Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

To Whom It May Concern:

        I required assistance, as offered, by your: Traveler's Aid Offices, while visiting New Orleans. I walked 3 days, to the downtown VA Office and Vet Administration Offices, across from the Loyola Medical School, and near by the Tulane Medical School. I met very briefly with a representative in the entry, to the VA hospital. The woman to whom I spoke, refused me all Traveler's Aid services-she said, that she had none-at-all, to offer me-instead, the representative offered me: a case worker, and a social worker, to make arrangements to stay in New Orleans.

       Four days ago, I was shot, at point blank range, in New Orleans, by a semi-automatic weapon, with a silencer. The bullet was directed at my heart, and even though, I was able to slow it down-with deflection-so, it did not penetrate, so it did not kill me-I was angry, about the lack of services, that: Traveler's Aid, provided for me. I needed bus tokens or vouchers, for the RTA City bus, to return to the Louis Armstrong airport, which is a much safer place, for me to wait for my SSI, direct deposit to post this month. Had your representative at Traveler’s Aid, offered me any of the services, listed-as available from your various states and locations-I might never have been shot.

          I have utilized the services of Traveler's Aid before-while traveling through Washington, DC. The Traveler's Aid, in Washington, DC-to whom I spoke, offered me a train pass, to ride back and forth, from downtown DC, to Reagan National, for a safer place to rest, and to use bathroom facilities, as there were none available to me, in downtown Washington, DC.  However, I was disgruntled, with the services, that your DC offices, provided to me-as well. Traveler's Aid lists, a long list, of helpful resources, which, are purportedly available, at your various locations in the US.

        In DC, the only service or good, available to me, was the small amount of credit, on a train card. In the US, it is illegal to mis-represent yourself, as a business. I, and other visitors, to major cities, all over the US-require your services, however, Traveler's Aids, provides-almost no, or no assistance at all-contrary, to the information, which is provided online. My life, was in danger, in New Orleans, LA-and I knew it.  I walked 3 days, to get to your downtown New Orleans office, because I desperately required, the services, that your business freely advertises to offer. Then, when the New Orleans, LA chapter, of: Traveler's Aid, completely refused to help me at all-I was shot, and straight to my heart. I should be dead right now.

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