Monday, December 19, 2016

American Airlines Promised Me An E-Ticket, And Then I Did Not Receive A Voucher, Within The 15 Minute Time Period, That I Was Expecting It


American Airlines Customer Relations:

RE: Cancelled Check and Check Refund Changed To E-Ticket By Email


Cell: 1-352-872-4774

To Whom It May Concern:

             I spoke at length, to a supervisor, at American Airlines this afternoon, in: customer relations, regarding, a ticket fund, that has been owed to me, for 7 months now.  The first time I called to enquire, about the missing refund, I was told, that the refund, had been sent by check, to a Gainesville, FL address, I had-on file. The next time I called, to enquire about the missing refund check, I was told, the check had been returned, to the travel agencies, that I booked a flight through.

          The third time, that I called AA, I was told that the missing refund check, had been sent to: San Diego. When I contacted individuals, at the two numbers-that I was aware of-associated with my cancelled plane ticket-I was told, that the check had never arrived by post mail, at either location. AA called around, and double-checked, and then discovered, that, they have no idea-when the refund check, was actually sent-and, that it had never been cashed.

          When I called today, I spoke at length, with a supervisor, in the Customer relations department-who, agreed to speak to someone in the: refunds department, about cancelling the issued check, and, issuing me, a refund, as an E-Ticket instead. I spoke to the customer relations supervisor, for an extended period-of-time, and then, after a satisfactory settlement had been reached-I hung up the phone, and went to check my email account, for the: E-Ticket. I expected the E-Ticket, in approximately 15 minutes-when I received nothing, in 45 minutes-I called AA booking representatives, back-again.

              The second time I called AA today, I spoke to a representative named: April. April was rude, she thought that I might not be telling the truth. April argued against me, and told me, that: AA does not issue E-tickets, to replace a missing refunds ticket, however-she would check my report, f the previous conversation-with a supervisor, with the refunds department-I was placed on hold. When April returned to the phone, she finally agreed, that I was telling the truth, and that a refund E-Ticket to fly AA-instead of a:  check in the mail.

             I then requested, that April, please transfer me to the customer relations, representative, to whom I spoke before, regarding the plane ticket refund, through the refunds department-now, as an E-Ticket. April refused to transfer me to the customer relations department-she said it was not possible, from the number I called. April refused, to send me a confirmation email, regarding the above mentioned conversation, that I had with her-regarding the mutual agreement, to change the compensation form, of the: 74.00 USD-which, has been owed to me, from AA, for 7 months now.

        I explained , when requesting the change in re-payment form, for the AA re-fund owed to me, that, it is too insensitive, to my personal situation-regarding the cancelled plane ticket to: Cozumel, Mexico-when I am homeless in the US, and I had paid and booked with confirmation-housing in Mexico.  I sit around, all day, and all night, in pure misery, in the US, if-I am even allowed inside, to any building in the US-anywhere.

       I receive, no access in the US; to: housing, employment, banking services, social services, or medical services. In many locations, I have no access to transportation, or to discounted transportation. I cannot access a single library-where I am located, in the US right now. I hate being stranded in airports, where I have to wait for days on end, for anything at all-especially a refund ticket, that should have been accessible to me, months ago.

        The Louis Armstrong Airport, is smoky, and crowded, and loud. The people who pass through here, tend to be terrorists, from: Israel, Africa, Canada-etc. Foreigners, and terrorists who fly to the US, come here to prostitute, to steal, to force other people into slavery, to sleep with Black people-to have a mulatto slave population-elsewhere in the world. The TSA, and police, are here at the airport, and they stand around-scaring people.

        People do almost anything they want at the airport, like the: TSA, and like police are not coming through the airport. A plane lands, and people de-boarding from the plane, walk around assaulting me, and spitting on me. In 5 days here, my back hurts more, than it did when I arrived. There is no one to complain to, about how inappropriate many of the visitors, from abroad to the US, are to: American citizens. Canadians yell: “In the BUTT at you,” with no embarrassment.

          Other crazy people, walk around making fun of people-who got ass raped, in town, or at the airport. Men who work for the airport, and who pass through, make fun of you-and to your face, for being hungry, because you have been waiting-longer than you expected to wait. I have gone almost 3 days, in this airport, with no access, to any food. Travelers walk through the airport, and pretend like you are not alive all day, and all night-most of the time. The travelers are usually prostitutes these days, because of the Obama Administration.

             There is supposed to be, a: “Travelers Aid Office,” at the airport-to assist stranded travelers. The travelers aid, is supposed to provide, a laundry list of services, including: food, and bus tokens-for the New Orleans, LA area. The: “Traveler’s Aid” office, is not located at the airport, like it is, in: Washington, DC. The: “Traveler’s Aid” Officer, is located instead, at the VA Administrative Hospital Offices, in downtown New Orleans. I stopped by the offices, prior to taking the express city bus, to the airport, about 50 miles, outside of New Orleans, LA, in Kenner, LA.

             The: “Traveler’s Aid” Office, had nothing to offer me. An entire list of available services, on the webpage, and, when I get to the VA Administrative offices, the only representative available, offered me: social working services, with a case worker-to remain in New Orleans, and absolutely refused, to help me return to the airport. I hate living in the US, and I have completed my initial investigation, of New Orleans, LA, I am ready to leave the airport. The Obama Administration, is that the travel experience, is intended for: prostitutes, and, then some other people, also travel. The Obama Administration-in this way, utilizing US airports, to transport slave-like prostitutes, from one International locale to another, is supporting too strongly: human trafficking, and International Terrorism-in general.

        Men pretend, like they cannot figure out, which bathroom to enter, to use the toilet. On several occasions, I have had to chase men, out of the woman’s toilet. I think, based on conversations, that I have had, with some men-from Africa, that Obama has communicated to new pro-Obama terrorists, and to other visitors, and immigrants, who are joining the US terror movement, that, rape, is no longer a crime. The US government-still, even while Obama is moving out of the Oval Office in Washington, DC-is too difficult, to deal with.  Civil and Human Rights violations, are constantly occurring the US, and not just at our airports, and, the US government-punishes, fines, retrains, restricts, punishes, abuses, and tortures-those who complain, and argue for: basic humanity.

       I am less uncomfortable, at this airport: Louis Armstrong, in New Orleans, than at any other airport, I have ever visited in the US-all the rest, that I have recently visited, are significantly worse. I am exhausted, and unable to walk, because New Orleans police, reinjured the left foot, that they assaulted with bike cops, in Denver, CO. Sleeping at the airport at night, while I wait for my E-Ticket, is not really possible. My left foot, is soo badly injured, that, I cannot return to New Orleans, by bus, because, I can barely walk still. I need for a copy, of the: E-ticket voucher refund, that is being sent to me, to be sent to an alternative Email address. Email: BaiEliza1Cary@

         When I requested again, to speak to AA Customer Service Department, in order to provide the alternative Email address, I was instructed, to please provide, by fax instead.  Therefore, at-this-point-in-time, I am sending you another fax, like the 4 faxes, that I sent to your offices, requesting the E-Ticket, last week. Thank you for continuing to receive, my communications regarding, the agreed upon, alternative compensation/payment, or the ticket refund, that, I have never received. I will look for your prompt, and helpful response, with my E-Ticket attached, to the alternative Email address.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS


Cell: 1-352-872-4774

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